Nancys room

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Robin closed the door and looked at Nancy with an apologetic look. "Are you serious? Homework?" Nancy repeated the statement back to Robin to prove how ridiculous it sounded.

She sighs sitting down on the edge of Nancys bed "you never told me what to say and I- I don't know I panicked!" Robin exclaims throwing her arms in the air.

Nancy couldn't hold a straight face and sits down beside Robin before bursting into a fit of laughter "I guess it was kinda my fault" she says half smiling.

Nancy turns to look at robin but she was doing the same thing, they sat there in silence staring at eachother before robin jolted her head in the opposite direction as if she was desperate to break the eye contact.

Robin sprawls out on the bed, It looked so neatly made that she almost felt bad but what mattered more was how exhausted she felt. She turns her head to see Nancy laying down beside her, after all it is her bed.

She didn't mind Nancy laying beside her it was just how close they were. Robin could feel her stomach flip as she avoided Nancys eyes. Why couldn't she just act normal for once.

She tried to think of anything but Nancy in that moment. She tried to clear her thoughts but they kept flowing in like a waterfall. How close Nancys face was, she was scared to turn in her direction in fear that they might- no of course that wouldn't happen.

God why was robin thinking like this? It was Steve's ex girlfriend and Robin was supposed to hate her, she has her whole life so why is it a problem now?

A lot of things in robins life didn't make sense but this was definitely at the top of the list. Could Nancy tell that she was silently freaking out? What was there to freak out over? It was just Nancy wheeler.

"You okay Robin?" Nancy asks, her voice just loud enough to hear, it almost sounded like a whisper. All Robin could think about was how soft her voice was, I bet her hands were just as soft. Of course someone like Nancy wheeler would have soft hands..soft lips- NO GOD, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BUCKLEY?

Maybe Robins mother was right, there was something wrong with her. Now she couldn't even control her own thoughts. She just wished it would all stop, go silent.

She slowly looked back at Nancy and nods "yeah just.. a lot on my mind, you know?" She tried to make it sound as believable as she could, she wasn't completely lying, it was just most of those thoughts were about Nancy.

Nancy nods half smiling, she moves her hand to robins face moving a strand of hair away from her eyes, her hand slightly brushed against robins face. Only for a second but robin felt it.

This made her entire face heat up and she didn't know what to do, Nancy would definitely think she was weird now. "It's uh- it's hot in here don't you think?" She spits out an excuse and averts her eyes away from Nancys gaze.

Nancy suddenly looks concerned and jumps up. There's no way she believed that lie, did she? "I'll open the window, are you getting sick? You look really pale" she says quickly as she walks over to the window at the side of her bed and opens it wide.

She genuinely seemed to care about Robin, even if it was about her being sick. Nancy sat on the edge of the bed slightly touching robins arm "do you need anything? Seriously if you're getting sick I can help"

Robin couldn't help but laugh and shake her head "god Nancy, you are so paranoid!" She kept laughing but this time looking into Nancys eyes. "I'm alright really, I was just warm" Robin says convincingly and pulls Nancys arm causing her to fall back on the bed "just lay down and don't be an idiot" robins voice now sounded soft aswell.

Nancys hand was now in hers but none of them decided to move. They just lay there, faces almost touching and sat in a comfortable silence. "Nancy?.." Robin whispers turning her head to look at the girl whose face had started heating up aswell.

Nancy could feel her face burning as the blush spread across her cheeks but she played it off as if it was never there to begin with "yeah Robin?" She half smiles looking at robins eyes that were now gleaming, did she actually look..hopeful? Happy? It was hard to tell.

"You aren't the worst person to hang out with" she whispered and the girls sat there in silence. in Nancy wheelers room just enjoying eachothers company, safe to say that's the nicest robin has ever been to another person but she could not figure out why.

(A/N I really love writing these I hope you like it too, are you guys excited for volume 2 tomorrow? Don't worry I won't have any spoilers as my fanfics won't be going off whatever happens in volume 2 everyone is cannonly alive in my fanfics, stay safe my lovelies <3

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