Highschool rumours

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(Tw: slurs)
Robin grabbed whatever clothes were shoved at the back of her closet and met Nancy in her car. Nancys car was extremely tidy which was no surprise to Robin.

The two of them had no idea where they wanted to go, nancy just kept driving for a while and robin looked out the window at her town passing by.

She has hated hawkins since highschool, she remembers complaining to her english teacher about it. She said that the first chance she got she would leave this shitty little town behind her and all the shitty people along with it but she never really got to it.

Robin had planned on going to Europe for a summer, even her English teacher agreed to convince her parents as long as she was doing it safely because he knew what robin was like, she was persistent.

The agreement was if she could find at least one person to take to europe with her over the semester then he would help Robin convince her parents. She was planning on taking her friend Dash but it turned out he wasnt who he said he
was, he was actually a massive dick as Robin liked to put it.

There was only one more person she was considering taking, a girl in her history class who seemed to catch robins eye a lot.

She was in most of the school plays but she tried time and time again to make them into musicals. she was almost as persistent as robin was about leaving this shitty town.

Her name was tammy thompson, yes the same tammy thompson that robin and steve couldn't stop laughing at all those years later.

The girl robin was back in highschool would have never been friends with steve Harrington but the guy steve was in highschool was a complete asshole so thats understandable. If she never interviewed for her job at scoops ahoy they probably wouldn't be friends now.

One day she finally got up the courage to go and ask tammy to go to Europe with her. Robin knew they've never talked before but she did seem like one of the nicest people in that school, but her friends were not.

Robin walked into the class and sat behind tammy planning on getting the courage to ask her at some point during the class but just as she was about to lean over the table she heard Tammy's friend, Dina Allen whisper "you know
buckley behind you? People are saying she's a dyke, she even turned tommy down on the bus last week" she says side eyeing robin.

Robin felt her heart sink, she had never even thought of women in that way before and now she was being defined as that revolting word just because Tommy Harper was being a pig? Lesbian or not she was not going to be defined with a word like that.

Tammy stayed silent because she could feel robins eyes burning into the back of her head. "I don't care what you think I am dina but come on you're really gonna use that word? Its not my fault you spread rumours about every student
in this school because daddy doesn't give you enough attention"

Robin got detention that day, she could feel the words burning in her throat and her voice got louder and louder. Her voice was shaking but robin didn't care, it took everything in her not to punch that smug look off dinas face that day. All
she could think about was why Dina would define her with such a word.


"Robin? Are you alright?" Robin's eyes jolted away from the window to see Nancy who looked really concerned. Nancy was scared because it looked like robin was about to cry, nancy never knew robin as the type of person to cry but there's some memories from high school that should stay hidden at the back of
robins brain.

"Y-yeah I'm fine nancy" she chokes out as she wipes away the single tear that was filling her eye but she wouldn't let it fall. God it was so tiring being the strong one, it's tiring when robin has to pretend to be something she's not but she didn't feel like she had to pretend around nancy.

(A/N tw is at the top but I really hope you enjoyed this I feel like there's a lot from robins backstory that I should mention in this so there's gonna be ronance and their backstories, yeah some of the stuff about the trip to Europe and the English teacher is from the podcast rebel robin you should listen to it! Stay safe my lovelies!)

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