Kissing the wrong girl

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When Nancy had woken up she was surprised to see that Robin was gone from where she had been previously sleeping. She got up to search for her, she wasn't too worried. Maybe robin just got up to go to the bathroom.

She realised that wasn't true when she got out of the tent and in the corner of the room there her girlfriend was, with Tammy Thompson. Were they about to kiss?

Before she realised what she was doing Nancy was walking over there as fast as her legs could take her, Tammy was taken off guard when Nancy grabbed her hair from behind and threw her to the hard wood ground.

"I don't care where the hell you came from but you need to go back into the hole you crawled out from, leave my girlfriend alone alright?" She could feel the anger filling her throat as she spat the words out.

She watched as Tammy tried to get back up but she wouldn't let her, Nancy let the heel of her shoe dig into tammys stomach. She didn't care how crazy she looked right now she was just furious, she didn't know wether to be mad at robin are sorry for her. Was she actually going to kiss Tammy back?
It had all happened so fast, Robin heard a voice calling her name so she left the tent to investigate, only to find Tammy outside waiting for her. Before she could tell her to fuck off for the hundredth time Tammy said she just wanted to talk so the two girls walked to the corner of the room to do so.

But there was no talking involved, Robin was waiting for her to say something but she leaned in for a kiss so fast that Robin had no time to react. That's when Nancy walked out and saw the entire thing, Robin didn't think she kissed Tammy back but she wasn't so sure now.

Robins brain didn't have any time to respond to the situation but of course she pulled away but now it looks like it was only because she got caught but that's definitely not what robins intentions were.

Her head was spinning and so was the room, next thing she knew Nancy had Tammy on the ground with her foot to her stomach. She knew this wasn't like Nancy so she must be really mad.

Well of course she's mad Robin what did you expect? Her thoughts started to get louder and louder until Robin just started crying "tam do you even care what I want? I-I have barely got a chance to speak! And it's not fair, none of this is!"

She ran out of the main hall they were in, the school doors were closed so she snuck away to her old English classroom. She smiled at the teachers name on the desk "mr hauser.." she reads it aloud, it came out a whisper as she moved her finger across the writing.

Mr hauser had helped her a lot in highschool, wether that was from letting her stay in his room at lunch or how he made her feel like being the weirdest girl in Hawkins wasn't such a bad thing.

"I can't believe he's still working here, I guess he didn't escape either" she whispered to herself as she sat down in her old seat, she didn't know why she did this, maybe for the nostalgia or maybe because that's the only place she knew where to sit.

She felt so stupid for storming out of that room, Nancy didn't deserve that, she was the one who found Robin kissing another girl. She didn't know if she kissed Tammy back because it all happened so quick and came up as a blur in her memory.

"God what the fuck is wrong with me" she mutters to herself looking at the carvings that past students wrote on the desk, mostly just initials or vulgar drawings. It just reminded her how gross this school actually is.

"Nothings wrong with you Robin" she heard a voice at the door so she looks up and it was Nancy, she couldn't help but smile. Even after everything she still came to find her.

"How did you find me?" Robin asks looking at her girlfriend who was standing by the door, she wasn't leaning on the doorframe like robin would, she was just standing there like she was afraid to come in.

Eventually Nancy walks in and sits in one of the uncomfortable chairs beside Robin "you couldn't get far so quick..and you're a terrible runner" she says with a little smile appearing.

"I didn't kiss her..well I don't think so and if I did I'm sorry, it happened quick and I didn't know how to react. I'm a terrible girlfriend aren't I?" She starts rambling, looking at the way her hands move to the words that are coming out of her mouth faster than she can think about them.

"I know Robin, it's tammys fault not yours and trust me..she won't be around hawkins to bother you for much longer" Nancy had scared Tammy into leaving Hawkins and go back to her hometown, she said if she didn't she was going to get everyone else she knew to beat Tammy up but in reality Nancy would never stoop that low but it was enough for Tammy to buy.

So with that, there was no problems in their life anymore. But how long would it last? How long could they be happy before there was another bump in the road? If Robin knew one thing it was that as long as she stayed in Hawkins she would never be happy, the town wouldn't let that happen.

(A/N okay please don't kill me! I'll put some happy stuff in the story next, stay safe my lovelies<3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now