What to believe?

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Robin stared blankly at Nancy as she walked towards her. Nancy had a huge smile spread across her face "Dustin told me you were chaperoning here so I got off work to see you!"

Robin just stared at her for a minute, was she faking her feelings or not? If she was then she was a pretty damn good liar. "Nance?"

"Yeah?" Nancy answered with a gleam of happiness in her eyes, it wasn't like Nancy to skip work for anything. She did look truly happy to be there, that is until she heard what robin said next.

"Do you miss Johnathan?" There was no hint of emotion in her voice, Robin wasn't good with emotions anyway but she knew one thing. What Tammy told her made her feel hurt.

Nancy just stood there stunned in silence, she looked shocked robin even asked that. It was so out of nowhere she didn't know how to react. "No, I mean yeah but he's my ex. Why are you asking?"

Robin bit her bottom lip, normally she did this when she was excited but this was out of pure anger. She slowly shook her head and looked away from Nancy "I fucking knew it."

She moves closer to her still not understanding what robin was talking about. "Did something happen?" Nancy sounded genuinely concerned and she reaches out to touch robins arm.

"No don't touch me! I just can't believe that I would believe your bullshit for a second!" Robins hand was shaking but she didn't try and hide it behind her back this time. She looked away from Nancy and told herself that she wasn't going to let herself cry.

"Robin..you're making a scene, please not here. We can go somewhere to talk about this" it felt like Robin was making a big deal out of nothing because Nancy didn't know the whole story, she didn't know about Tammy trying to get in her head.

"Nancy I just-" robin tried to hold in her emotions, she didn't want to make a scene. This didn't even sound like her, she was letting her anger get the best of her. She felt the exact same way as she did in high school, completely unloved. She realised that's the way it's always going to be.

"I really liked you Nance.." she managed to say just above a whisper. Her voice felt tiny and weak and the room felt like it was spinning and it would never stop. Why do you do this to yourself Robin?

Before Nancy could say another word robin walked out of the room, she walked as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself. There she was sitting on the bleachers crying, maybe some things never change.

She just felt so stupid, she was letting tammys words get to her. In reality, none of it was true and Robin wasn't a rebound for Nancy, she was the farthest thing from it. Nancy had been contemplating if she should tell Robin she loves her yet.

Robin felt her chest tightening, she felt like she couldn't breathe and the world was closing in on her. She just wanted everything to stop spinning for a second so she could think. She had to think clearly about what was really happening.

She had her hands covering her face so she didn't even notice nancy come out and sit beside her "I thought you'd be here" the voice startled her and her head jolted up as she wiped her eyes, her face was puffy and her hands were still shaking.

"What do you want?" Robin asked trying to hide the hurt in her voice. She was trying to steady her breathing but she wasn't doing a very good job at it and nancy could tell.

Nancy grabbed her hand and held it in hers trying to stop robin from shaking, she objected and tried to move away but Nancy just looked at her "hear me out before you start thinking too much into this okay?"

Robin sighs and decides to hear her out, she had nothing better to do and she wanted to know what bullshit nancy would make up now. She was like a mouse in a trap, squirming and doing anything to find a way out.

"I did like Johnathan but I don't anymore, I haven't for a very long time. We faded apart but I don't think that would happen between us because.." she trailed off considering wether or not she was going to sound cheesy "I really like you Robin, not like I liked Johnathan, I've never felt the way I do when I'm with you"

It all sounded so sincere and Robin didn't know what to say, was she just being stupid? Did she really just listen to Tammy Thompson over her girlfriend? "I'm sorry it's just Tammy said some stuff and-"

"Come on why would you listen to her? You really are an idiot you know?" Both of them were smiling now, how could robin ever doubt what they had for a second. She really did love Nancy wheeler.

(A/N you guys were ready to sue after last chapter, please forgive me and stay safe my lovelies <3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now