Please be alive

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Weeks had past since the overnight and everything was going alright, well as alright as it can be when you're someone like robin buckey in Hawkins.

Robin was sitting in her room when she got this weird feeling, it felt like a strong urge that washed over her brain. She had to go to Nancys house. There was something wrong, she could feel it.

Without giving it a second thought she slipped her shoes on, forgetting to tie the laces and focused on not falling down these stairs, again.

When she had got to Nancys house after running atleast a mile, she was clearly out of breath but she had no time to stop and breathe. Was robin just overthinking things, she felt like that wasn't the case. She had such a strong feeling that she needed to be with Nancy, this isn't what it felt like to overthink.

It was late so everyone was sleeping, Robin tried the door. Locked, damn it. She didn't run across town still in her pyjamas to just give up now. Robin started to look around for some way inside, yes she was going to break into the wheelers house in the middle of the night.

This wasn't her finest moment but she knew something wasn't right. The world had tilted and she had to set it back in place by climbing through the kitchen window.

Once she hoisted herself up through the window, robin somersaulted to the floor and hit her head on the kitchen tiles. "Real nice buckley" she muttered to herself as she rubbed her head.

She wasted no time to check if she could possibly have a concussion, she had to get to Nancys room. Robin knew if Mrs wheeler caught her sneaking in it wouldn't be a great way to get her to like robin.

So she tried her best to discreetly walk up the stairs, unfortunately robin didn't have that kind of luck. She was nearly on the second floor when CREEK. The last step made a sound and she heard a bedroom door open.

She squeezed her eyes shut hoping it wasn't Nancys parents "robin?" She knew that voice so she opened her eyes to see Mike wheeler at the top of the stairs, he looked slightly amused at how panicked she looked thinking she got caught.

Robin rolled her eyes and walked past him "you never saw me alright" before she could make it to Nancys room he blocked her way, he never was an easy kid.

"Well why are you here? You know my parents are home right?" Mike asked accusingly, it was very obvious what he thought robin was here for.

Robin put her hands up in defence as her face twisted into a disgusted expression "ugh no! Well not that I find that gross, it's not gross your sister is— wow..well I should just shut up shouldn't I? Okay well you won't need your Walkman tonight wheeler, promise" she said making a salute gesture with her fingers and makes her way towards Nancys room before he could stop her again.

She swung the door open suddenly out of breath again, she leaned her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath when she saw Nancy sitting on her bed crying. "Oh you're- you're crying?" Robin asks, she knew something was wrong but she didn't think Nancy would be upset.

Nancy put her hands over her face, she didn't want robin to see her puffy eyes and pink cheeks. "Robin? What are you doing here?"

"I must have superpowers because I could sense that there was something wrong" she said cracking a weak smile. Robin didn't really know what to do so she sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arm around her crying girlfriend and pulled her close to her chest.

Nancy tried to laugh or do anything but she was too exhausted, she was upset and tired but robin was here. "I don't know whats wrong, I keep having this dream..well more of a nightmare that we are in the car and it's icy" she trails off not sure if she can continue her story.

Robin runs her hand through Nancys hair, she thought if it helped robin calm down it could help Nancy too, she never was good in these situations when people have..emotions. She was pretty sure that Nancy was upset so that was a good sign that atleast she knew what Nancy was feeling.

Nancy started to continue what she was saying "you were driving and it was so icy, then you swerved so fast we drove off the road and crashed into a tree, I was fine but you..your face robin" she shook her head trying to get the image out.

In Nancys dream when she had regained consciousness she went to check if Robin was alright. That's when she saw it, during the crash robin must have hit her head on the steering wheel so hard that her skull caved in. She couldn't bear to look at her girlfriend like that, with the steering wheel sunk into the middle of her head.

Robin held her girlfriend close for the rest of the night and reminded her it wasn't real. she was completely fine, both of them were. They eventually fell asleep in eachothers arms, all the crying tired Nancy out but she was terrified to fall back asleep incase she saw it again.

(A/N I've been reading a lot of horror books so I'm sorry if it's very vivid but ah well nightmares happen, sorry I know you guys have been asking if I have an uploading schedule and I really should make one. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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