Nancys parents

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Robin couldn't focus clearly on her shift that day because of what happened that morning. Nancy wheeler asked her for dinner with her family, but that didn't mean anything... did it?

She definitely wasn't the type of girl anyone brought home for dinner with their family, mostly because she talked a lot. This made robin freak out even more, what if she said something wrong? What if she couldn't stop talking as per usual. She was screwed.

She sat behind the counter staring at the clock above the entrance door. Five minutes left. Five minutes until she makes a fool of herself in front of Nancys entire family, they must have such high expectations and the last thing robin wants is to mess things up for Nancy.

It wasn't as bad with mike there atleast she knew mike, well sort of. She assumed he liked her but now she wasn't that sure. She tapped her finger impatiently on the edge of the counter. "Robin I can tidy up just go" Steve says, he was leaning against the wall watching her the entire time.

She thought she was being subtle but it was a very obvious silent panic that anybody could see from a mile away. "I can't because Nancy is supposed to-" the door bell chimed as it opened. There she was, the night was only starting.
The three of them made that awkward small talk which robin couldn't stand for longer than she had to. Small talk on top of the nerves that Robin could feel building up in her chest wasn't a good thing so she grabbed Nancys hand basically dragging her out of the store.

"Sorry I just-" before she could finish her sentence Nancy finished it for her "don't like small talk?" Robin just nods in response and gets in the car. "Yeah I could tell" Nancy says with a half smile as she starts up her car.

"So there's really nothing to be worried about just try and be.." the was a long pause when she was trying to figure out the right words to say. "Try to be not robin?" Robin said in response before forcing out a laugh but they both knew it wasn't funny.

Nancy slowly shakes her head "no that's definitely not what I meant, I want them to get to know what you're like I mean you're amazing-"
She could feel robins eyes burning into the side of her head when she said that, she could see the huge smirk she had from the corner of her eye. Oh here we go, look what you said now Nancy.

"You think I'm amazing?" She couldn't help but start to laugh, Nancy wheeler thought she was amazing? It had to be some sort of joke. There's no way she genuinely meant that.

Nancy could feel her face start to heat up "I mean uh..yeah? Is that so bad?" She started to smile too, at this point she was just embarrassing herself. That had to be the stupidest thing she's ever heard come out of her mouth.
After a while of driving and talking about everything and nothing here they were, at Nancys front door. Robin took in a deep breath realising it was too late to turn and run now. She imagined herself running as far away from this suburban little barbie house as she could. She liked Nancy but this was her worst nightmare.

Before she knew it they were inside and Robin kept touching her hair as they walked, she didn't know why but she was so nervous she had to be doing something. She had to desperately try and stop herself from talking, she knew if she opened her mouth she'd mess everything up. What was wrong with her? It's just a stupid dinner.

Nancy led her to the kitchen where her parents were, her mom making food and her dad leaning against a wall talking to her. They looked so...normal? But there was something not quite right, something off.

Even at a time like this robin couldn't switch her brain off. Before she could let the thoughts roam around in her head any longer Karen was walking up to her. "Oh hi you must be robin?" Before robin could answer she felt the woman's arms wrap around her, she was hugging her.

Robin couldn't help but feel like this was weird, or was this a normal thing for mothers to do? "Uh yeah I'm robin" was all she could spit out, she could feel her face heating up but forced that feeling back down, now was not the time to make a fool of herself.

She glanced over at Nancy for some indication that she hasn't completely messed up the night yet. Nancy just smiled at her, Robin didn't know why it felt so comforting. It was only a smile but it made Robin relax, she felt relieved.

That is, before Mike walked in. She didn't know why but she tensed up again, maybe it was the weird lie she told before or the fact she actually knew Mike. There was no trying to act like she was some sophisticated girl from Hawkins now, Mike knew what she was like so he would be the first to call out her bullshit.

"Hey robin? Mom said one of Nancys friends were coming 'round for dinner but I didn't expect it to be you." She didn't know wether to take mikes comment positively or negatively but by Nancys look she was already about to strangle him from across the room.

"Dinner won't be much longer, you kids can go sit in the living room" Karen suggested with a smile as she set the table.

They all done what she said and rushed into the living room. Robin rushed to sit beside Nancy, she needed some sort of comfort right now and weirdly enough Nancy was comforting.

(A/N I'll be updating more! I'm only back from holiday and didn't even get a chance to update anything but I also have good news, I'll be starting a new steddie fic since you all really enjoyed the last one and I absolutely loved writing it! Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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