Feeling better

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Robin stood outside Nancys door trying to catch her breath, she had ran across town without stopping. She skipped every gym lesson in high school yet she managed to run across town so it felt like her lungs were collapsing. "God I hate running" she mutters as she looks up to see the door open now.

She saw Nancy leaning against the doorway trying not to laugh at robins state. "Did you run over here or something? You know you can call?" She said teasingly as she walked closer to robin.

"Nance..I don't know what to do" robins voice was shaky and on edge, that's when Nancy knew she was serious. Her girlfriend was never serious but when she looked in her eyes she could see the fear, there was something wrong.

"Come on in" Nancy said with her voice barely a whisper, she gestured to her bedroom and the girls walked up there. Once Nancy had closed her door she watched as robin sat down, she could tell when robin was trying to stay calm but she was never very good at that.

Nancy sat beside her and grabbed her hand holding it in her own, she done this when robin was scared or nervous it always took off a bit of the edge and robin appreciated it. "Did something happen?" Nancy said softly.

"It was tammy" for some reason robin felt guilty, as if she had somehow betrayed Nancy. She should've told her about the phone call and maybe this wouldn't of happened, but what could Nancy do?

Nancy put her arm around robin pulling her close to her "was she saying something?" Tammy had started to get on her nerves, she could already tell she was trying to cause tension between the two of them and Nancy didn't like it.

"I just don't know why she won't leave me alone! I really like you nance and I want to be with you not Tammy but she kept moving her hand up my thigh and-" robin started rambling when she got nervous. She just started to get frustrated more than upset, she knew that Tammy Thompson wasn't going to give up.

"She did what?" Nancy could feel her voice growing louder and she tried to steady it before Mike overheard. "She better hope I don't see her anytime soon" Nancy muttered to herself as she ran her fingers through Robins hair.

She just looked up at Nancy while she wrapped her arms around her laying on her chest, Robin was just so exhausted after everything that's happened this week.

She felt nancy quickly jolt up which startled robin. "Hey can I do your makeup? Please it'll be so fun!" Nancy said hearing robin groan in response.

"Absolutely no way! You'll make me look really weird and prissy" she protested shaking her head. After seeing Nancys choice in clothes she definitely didn't want her to do her makeup.

Nancy wrapped her arms around robin kissing her cheek "please robin? Come on pleaseee?" She said with a smile spreading across her face.

Robin eventually gave in with a groan "fineee! But you better not tell anyone." She mumbled pulling Nancy closer by her waist and kisses her "I can't say no to you, you're too cute" robin watches as Nancys face turns bright red.

"I-I'm gonna get the makeup." Nancy whispers biting her lip as she jumps off the bed and rummages through her bedside table for her makeup "here! Found it" she says with a smile spreading across her face.

Nancy jumps back on the bed sitting beside Robin, dumping the makeup from her arms onto the bed. "Now you have to sit still okay?"

Robin groans complaining the whole time "you're  going to poke my eye out with that thing!" Nancy ends up having to sit on top of her just to stop her from moving.

"You aren't making this easy for me are you?" Nancy says giggling as she applies eyeshadow to robins eyelids. She leaned closer to see if she was doing it right and Robin jumped up kissing her. "Robinnn I'm going to mess up!"

"But nance! I'm dying of boredom" Robin says in response looking up at Nancy with a smirk on her face.

"R-robin just shut up.." She whispers feeling her face start to heat up, robin just loved teasing her for no apparent reason at all. She watched as robin put her hands on Nancys waist.

"Just don't want you to fall" robin says with a smirk. Both of them could tell Robin was feeling a lot better now, Tammy could never have what Nancy and Robin have. The girls knew no matter what Tammy done robin wouldn't feel the same way. 

I think everyone knows what happened later that night, let's just say the walls are very thin so Mike's suspicions only grew bigger about the two girls. He didn't have a problem with it but Nancy knew if he found out she wouldn't hear the end of it, they loved to annoy eachother like all siblings do.

The wheelers were out of town for a week, they gave Nancy some reason but she couldn't really remember, neither could Mike mostly because they weren't listening. Unfortunately Mike was still at the house and heard some things he wished he didn't.

(A/N I hate the writing in this I don't know if I want to rewrite it or not, it just looks really bad like I didn't try, I'd really love your input. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now