Feeling fuzzy

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The basketball game was about to start and robin was standing beside Vicky. Only this time it felt different, Robin normally felt nervous around her but she didn't anymore, she couldn't figure out why. Why was she nervous last week but now she doesn't feel anything towards Vicky?

Robin tried to shut her brain up, the basketball game was starting but she couldn't hear what Jason was saying over the screaming of the thoughts inside her head. God it is exhausting to be like Robin sometimes.

She was different to everyone else, Robin knew that but she couldn't figure out why. Why she reacted to situations differently to everyone around her or why she struggled to put her thoughts into words. They were right there in her head so why couldn't she just say them?

This really frustrated her and her parents but the one person that never got annoyed at her was Steve. That's why they were best friends, he never even brought it up.

She managed to pull herself out of the hole she dug herself into with all her thoughts racing around in her head and looked up. She started to think she was imagining things because there's no possible way that it was her was it? Tammy Thompson, robins crush in high school.

She started to feel her face heat up, but not because she could possibly still have feelings for her but because Steve knew about the crush and if she turned around to look at him she knew for a fact he'd be laughing just about now.

Robin fights the urge to curl up into a ball and cringe, she eventually turns around to look at Steve and as she guessed he was laughing his ass off. He's not even hiding it either and she just sees him mouth muppet.

That's when she lost it and starts laughing as well. Steve Harrington is such a dork but he makes her feel better. After she had stopped laughing she turns around to see what Nancy was doing but she caught Nancy looking her way too.

Had Nancy been staring at her? Maybe she was just thinking too much into it. Robin shrugs it off and awkwardly smiles at her before looking straight ahead again. Why did she have to be so awkward around Nancy? She never acted like this when she hated her, it just made no sense to Robin.
After the game the three of them went back to Steve's car because they had nothing better to do, they sure as hell weren't staying around to hear Jason's victory speech. He was so full of himself.

The whole time Steve was driving back to robins place he teased her for having a crush on Tammy Thompson in the first place. "Can you believe that Nancy? Robin used to have a crush on that muppet!"

Robin covers her face with her hands and hits Steve on the arm "it was a long time ago alright? Nancy started laughing aswell.

"Robin have you ever um..dated a girl?" Nancy choked on her words and it came out quieter than intended.

The two of them look in the back seat at Nancy as she asked that question out of nowhere. She looked embarrassed afterwards so Robin took pity on her and answered "no I haven't, not a lot of lesbians in Hawkins to choose from ya know?" She laughs and half smiles at Nancy.

Steve looks ahead at the road as he continues talking "so how's things going with Johnathan in California?" He asks before pulling into robins driveway.

"Oh um..good?" She sounded unsure of herself because if she was being completely honest it wasn't going good, she hadn't received a call from Johnathan in weeks and he said it would all work out in the end but right now Nancy didn't have a lot of hope in the relationship working out.

They all get out of Steve's car and walk into robins house, she takes them all upstairs and tells them not to move anything. She felt like if anything was even slightly out of place the world felt tilted, like something was wrong.

After they talked for a while Nancy got up and pointed to one of robins cassette tapes "can I put this on? I don't wanna mess up your room" she says half smiling.

Nancy actually asked her if she could. Nobody has asked before and robin can't help but smile, maybe Nancy wasn't so bad after all. "Uh yeah sure" she shrugs and can feel her face heating up for some reason so she turns the opposite direction away from Nancy so she couldn't see her face that was turning a bright shade of red.

Robin never really knew what was going on inside her head, neither did anyone else but now it was different. The more time she spends with Nancy the more her brain feels like it's scrambled in a million pieces, she didn't know how she felt about her anymore.

(A/N so excited ahhh, I really love how people actually like my writing, even if nobody reads this I'll write it either way because I absolutely love writing, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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