Early visitor

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Nancy got up early and decided to walk to robins house. Since robin had to leave so early she had missed her, even if she wouldn't tell her that. After everything that had happened recently she was just glad she still had robin.

She walked over to her house, which she started realising was a bad idea from how far away it was. Nancy was starting to wish she took her car instead, but she didn't want to wake up her parents from the loud engine. Her dad asked a lot of questions and she really wasn't in the mood for it or mikes suspicions.

He's been really suspicious of robin recently, maybe he knows something or he's trying to be the protective brother and so clearly failing.

She had reached the front door and started to doubt herself for coming here. Was it really a good idea to come here so early? What if nobody was even awake? She shook her head as if to try and shake those thoughts away and finally knocked on the door.

After a few seconds robins mother opened the door, surprised to see someone awake so early. "Hi I'm Nancy, robins...friend" she said through gritted teeth, she hated introducing herself that way.

"Oh yes, I remember!" Amber lies, she had never even seen Nancy before. Mostly because she was never home or didn't care enough to pay attention to her daughters social life.

"Can I see robin?" Nancy asks standing awkwardly by the door, robins mom was trying to act friendly but Nancy could see past it.

She let Nancy in and told her robin probably wouldn't be awake but Nancy had suspected that anyway, Robin never woke up early, everyone knew that.

Nancy made her way up the stairs she had watched robin fall down that one night, the night she came to her crying at 1am. That night felt like it was a lifetime ago, she never would've thought that night would lead to dating robin buckley.

She quietly opened robins door and as she suspected, she was still sleeping. Her hair was tangled in a knot and her head was resting on her arm. Nancy ignored the fact robin was drooling in her sleep because she knew if robin found out Nancy had seen that she would've died from embarrassment.

She closed the door as quietly as she could and sat on the floor of her room looking at the tiny objects she had scattered around her room. Cassette tapes, rocks, notebooks and rings. Nancy couldn't figure out why she had rocks around her room but she decided to shrug it off and look through the cassette tapes.

She saw robin jolt herself awake and sit up "nance? What are you doing here? It's..6:30 in the morning!" Robin shouts in disbelief, she never understood why her girlfriend woke up so early.

"You can go back to sleep I wanted to be here when you woke up" Nancy said softly, her voice so calm and soothing because Robin had just woke up and she knew Robin didn't like overly happy people in the morning.

"Well don't sit on my floor, come over here" Robin said putting out her arms as if she was a baby wanting to be lifted. She watched as Nancy made her way to the bed then she put her arms around her, throwing the blanket around Nancy as she held her close.

She was too tired to ask for an explanation she just fell back asleep with her girlfriend in her arms. Later that morning she woke up at a reasonable time 10am, Nancy had even got a little sleep in.

They sat up and leaned against the wall "so why did you get here so early?" Robin asked looking over at Nancy as she fixed her hair. She realised how messed up it really was, she didn't even wanna think about what she looked like when Nancy first walked in.

Nancy shrugs and let a smile spread across her face "I just..I don't know, I wanted to be with you" she whispered flattening robins hair with her hand. "Do you remember in high school..when you had a perm? That was the funniest thing ever!"

Robin covered her face with her hands and groans "don't even remind me about that, my friend convinced me into it" she says starting to laugh.

She uncovers her face and looks into Nancys eyes, Nancy was just so beautiful. "I missed you too" Robin whispered before she leaned in starting to kiss her girlfriend.

She could stay like this forever, in a bedroom with Nancy. Far away from other people, other distractions, other opinions. The only thing that mattered was Nancy and her sitting on her bed with their lips pressing together.

This moment just felt so perfect and she didn't want it to end, little did the girls know things were about to get a lot more complicated.

(A/N take this as an apology for what's going to happen next, I apologise in advance. Also it's canon robin had a perm I just thought that was funny, it's in the book rebel robin. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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