Steves house

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The four of them left before the basketball game ended for robins sake, so the parking lot wasn't crowded by loud obnoxious kids.

Robin got in the backseat beside Nancy and held her hand, her fingers intertwined in Nancys. She was far too excited about the sleepover and it showed. Her eyes were wide and her hands were slightly shaking "this is going to be really fun you know?" She said looking at Nancy trying to convince her.

Nancy just smiled at how happy robin was, she could stare at her for the rest of time and not get bored. Robin was definitely the most interesting person she's ever met, she's so full of life and just amazing altogether.

She must of been staring too long because Robin started to laugh "you alright?" She asks with a huge smile on her face.

Nancy just slowly nodded without saying anything, she couldn't take her eyes off robin. She knew then that she was completely in love with her, everything about her.
Steve pulled into the driveway and the four of them made their way into Steve's house. "Look what I rented!" Eddie shouted as soon as they walked into the living room, waving a tape in the air that read nightmare on elm street.

"A horror movie? I'm not sure eddie-" Steve got cut off by robin jumping in the middle of them and grabbing the tape "nightmare on elm street? I love this movie!" Steve and Nancy just exchanged a look knowing they would have to sit through a horror movie for their partners enjoyment.

Steve grabbed Eddie pulling him closer "you are very lucky I love you-" he froze up on the spot when he realised what he had said. he couldn't take it back now, not that he wanted to.

Eddie just looked shocked for a moment. Did Steve harrington really just say that? A huge grin spread across his face and he pulled Steve closer starting to kiss him "I love you too sweetheart" he says smirking.

"And that's my que to go make popcorn" robin says grabbing Nancy to drag her into the kitchen with her.

She threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and leaned against the counter pulling Nancy closer by her waist "thanks for coming Nance, I know you didn't want to"

Nancys face started to heat up, there was no space between the two girls. Robin had pulled them completely together but nancy didn't mind.

She tried to think about anything other than how close robins body was to hers. "Y-yeah, Steve and Eddie are in the next room" she said more of a reminder to robin than a statement.

Robin starts to laugh "yeah yeah I know, I'll behave myself" she whispers putting her hand on Nancys cheek starting to kiss her.

The girls were leaning against the counter now while they started to make out, they knew they had to stop, the microwave was about to go off any second now.

Robin chose to ignore the fact Steve and Eddie were in the next room or that the microwave was about to go off. Things started to get more heated until BEEP. That fucking microwave.

Robin rolled her eyes and took the popcorn out pouring it into bowls, she looked back at Nancy to see her face red and flushed. She was trying to act like she was doing something but Robin could see how flustered she was.

"Better get back in" robin says kissing Nancys cheek and walks back into the living room smirking.

Nancy fixes her shirt and takes a deep breath. Robin was such a tease. She followed her into the living room and sat down beside her on the couch.

Eddie had already started to play the movie "why does Nancy look so out of breath?" Steve asked completely cluelessly, as robin has said before Steve was the most oblivious person she knew.

Eddie smirked grabbing a handful of popcorn "I think I could guess" he says laughing before looking back at the tv screen.

Nancy chose to ignore their conversation while focusing on the movie, she soon realised that was a mistake. It was a lot scarier than she had imagined so robin puts her arm over her shoulder holding her close.

When a jumpscare came on the screen Steve ended up throwing the popcorn across the room and screamed so loudly the neighbours probably heard him. "Come on man! My popcorn" Robin complained looking at him.

Eddie just started laughing and put his arm around Steve "want me to turn it off? We can put on a kids movie more suitable for you" he says sarcastically and kisses his cheek.

But they did end up turning the movie off because Steve and Nancy couldn't handle the jump scares and all the popcorn had been thrown on the floor. The night was going a lot better than they had expected.

(A/N I can't tell you how much I love writing ronance, I hope you do too. The writing wasn't as good in this chapter since I wrote it when I was really tired, Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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