The wheelers

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(Tw: slurs)
Robin couldn't explain how she felt around Nancy. She felt safe around her. she couldn't tell if this was one of Nancys elaborate plans to out robin as the town dyke or something.

But for now she felt safe in Nancys presence, even if she stumbled on her words most of the time and couldn't physically make eyecontact with the girl sat beside her.

They talked under that tree for what felt like hours which involved robin switching positions every few minutes. Nancy noticed that robin moves a lot but she didn't seem to mind. She couldn't figure out if robin was nervous or she just acted like that.

The longer they spent around eachother the more they noticed. Everytime robin got nervous she would bite her nails, Nancy didn't find this extremely annoying she just kept worrying that robin would hurt herself.
"It's so warm out here!" Robin complained with her head beside Nancys legs, sprawled across the grass. She liked that nobody else was in the field, she didn't feel like she was being watched constantly. Like one wrong move and bam you're the town dyke.

Robin always felt like people were waiting for her to mess up, she was sure if she done one wrong thing then everyone would know about it or interpret it the wrong way. That's what she was terrified of.

"Robin if you're tired we can go back to yours, I know you don't like the heat" Nancy hadn't even noticed she was running her fingers through Robins hair, it was just so soft.

Nancy tried to push those feelings to the back of her mind. She must just be really stressed, there's no possible way she could have feelings for another woman especially not Robin buckley.

Yeah Robin was nice and pretty but she was also really sarcastic and mean and would just say what was on her mind which isn't always a good thing as Nancy found out the hard way.

She was just freaking out over the breakup thats all. She would never like a woman, not that she thought there was anything wrong with that. Everyone looks at girls and can admit they're pretty, right?

After a few more minutes of talking they get in Nancys car and decide to go back to Nancys house. On the ride there she had warned Robin about Mike as if Robin was a child being told to be on her best behaviour.

Nancy was worried Robin would say the wrong thing to Mike and he would tease her for god knows how long, she knew what Mike was like. But she also knew what Robin was like and that was unpromising.

It was almost like she was worried on what Robin would think about her family which was the last thing Nancy had to worry about. Robins track record with keeping her thoughts to herself weren't the best so Nancy had reason to worry.

"So you have to be nice alright? I know it sounds weird but my parents are..judgy" Nancy said keeping her eyes on the steering wheel as she parked into the driveway.

Robin does a little salute gesture and nods "yes ma'am" she winks and gets out of the car. Robin waits for Nancy by the front door and walks in after her.

She really was trying to make a good impression for Nancys family. It seemed important to her and nobody had ever cared that much so it seemed like a big deal to Robin.
Nancy tried to drag Robin up the stairs towards her bedroom as fast as she could before Mike stopped her.

"Robin? No way are you hanging around with my sister of all people" Mike scoffed as if to say he didn't believe it for a second.

"Yep well..homework?" Robin made it sound like more of a question than a statement, she was never a good liar that was clear.

Mike raises an eyebrow giving her a confused look "it's the summer though?" He suspected there was more than the girls were telling him, maybe they didn't even know what was going on themselves by their look the girls exchanged with eachother.

"Yeah well..what a better time to catch up right?" Robin awkwardly laughed and grabbed Nancys arm "well nice talking to you wheeler!" She shouts before dragging Nancy into her room.

Robin didn't know why she was so worried, she wasn't exactly lying to Mike she just didn't know why she was hanging out with Nancy herself so how was she supposed to answer that? That girl had some sort of hold over Robin and she didn't like that.

(A/N this chapter is sort of shit but here you go! I hope you enjoy it anyway, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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