The fight

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Robin wasn't exactly a fighter, she just got herself in trouble for running her mouth again. "Jason I didn't mean-" before she could finish her sentence she felt a sharp pain spread across her face.

Jason kept punching her "what happened to not hitting ladies? Oh but you are a woman beater right?" Robin starts to laugh. Why couldn't she just shut up and get as far away from Jason carver as she could.

He wipes the blood off his fist and looks robin in her eyes "you, robin buckley are no lady" robin was looking around for something to hit him with but there was nothing to reach onto.

She balls up her fist and swings as hard as she could but it was too late, Jason grabbed her and shoved her onto the wet, muddy ground and started to step on her neck.

She hadn't even realised it started to rain but Jason wasn't stopping. She knew he wouldn't stop until she was dead, she started to lose all hope of trying to fight back when a car pulled into the driveway, she knew she recognised that car. It was Nancy.

"I know you aren't stupid enough to try and beat up robin, carver!" She heard Nancy shout as she got out of the car.

Jason just started to laugh because after all what could Nancy wheeler do? "Nancy the slut wheeler! Long time no see!" A smirk spread across his face.

It looked like Nancy was getting back in the car so robin looked at her confused. She grabbed something out of her car, that's when Jason realised how screwed he really is.

Nancy points a gun at him "I said back away from robin Jason" she was deadly serious, she wasn't joking about.

Robin was smiling, almost proud of Nancy. She really had Nancy wheeler protecting her from Jason with a gun, it didn't feel real.

He stood there at shock looking at Nancy then at the gun "come on princess you know you aren't going to shoot me, woman shouldn't have guns."

Nancy fired a warning shot over Jason's shoulder "don't call me princess, the next bullet won't miss" she said walking closer to Jason with no hesitation.

Robin still was lying on the grass staring at Nancy in utter amazement as she moved closer to Jason.

"You know buckley is a queer right? Maybe she likes you, she really is trying to confuse all the girls in Hawkins" Jason spat out bitterly, he was hiding the fact he was scared of the gun. What would people say if they found out Jason got scared of Nancy wheeler?

"If she does that's up to her to decide not some white guy who is putting himself in situations that really don't revolve around him, got it carver?" she shot another bullet this time closer to his head.

He realised Nancy wasn't joking, the next shot would be in his skull so he got in his car and drove away from Steve's house as fast as he could. He couldn't believe it, Nancy wheeler nearly shot him. He didn't even know Nancy and Robin knew eachother.

She grabbed robins arm and helped her up "you alright? Oh god rob your eye.." she mutters rubbing robins cheek motioning to robins eye that started to swell up and her busted lip.

"So I don't look pretty anymore?" She asks teasingly and looked into Nancys eyes. Robin had been beat up before but never that bad, she doesn't know what would've happened if Nancy didn't show up.

"Of course you do robin.." Nancy could feel her cheeks start to heat up "but we should get you cleaned up, we need to do it quick before it gets infected let's go to Steve's" Nancy didn't let Robin respond before grabbing her arm and taking her into Steve's house.

He was on the couch the breakfast club thinking nobody would catch him until he saw robin. Her clothes were covered in dirt and her own blood, her wrist bruised, her eye swollen and her lip was busted. "Holy shit what happened to you? I left you alone for ten minutes!" He said jumping off the couch.

"I'm in too much pain to even question what the hell you were watching" Robin said with a half smile spreading across her face.

"You got disinfectant wipes steve?" Nancy asked, she said it so quick it started to sound like one word. She was obviously really worried about Robin.

Steve nods and points to the kitchen, in response Nancy rushed into the other room to grab disinfect wipes. She emptied every cupboard in the kitchen until she found them. She took a deep breath in, her breathing was shaky but she tried to remain calm for Robin.

When she walked back in Robin had changed into pyjamas that she had kept at Steve's house in the past week "I can't believe the Nancy wheeler had to see me like this" Robin says dramatically and puts a hand on her head "I think I'm going to pass out"

Nancy rolls her eyes moving robins hand away as she sits down "not funny Robin" she was deadly serious but there was a hint of a smile wanting to show on Nancys face. Even after everything that had just happened Robin was still joking and smiling. That girl really did amaze her.

(A/N I hope you enjoyed this! I know some of you were excited to see what would happen, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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