Phone interruptions

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Robin was sitting in Nancys bedroom, she felt a lot better after Nancy reassured her that night at the bleachers. She didn't know why Tammy tried to get in her head in the first place or why Tammy would drive out of town to chaperone a high school dance.

But all she cared about now was that she knew what Nancy and her had was real. That night at the bleachers she could tell Nancy was being sincere with every word she said, she really did love being around her girlfriend.

She was playing with Nancys hair as she rambled on about a new book series she was reading, Robin loved to read horror and crime books, the books with the most shocking plot twists that you couldn't stop reading. So today she couldn't stop telling Nancy about the most recent one she had read.

"And you know nance you're probably the only person who will listen to me the whole time I'm talking about this, I mean of course I have Steve but you really listen so that's why I love you-" Robin didn't notice what she had said so she continued talking about the book.

Nancy didn't want to interrupt her, so she sat there silently freaking out. She didn't know if she heard her correctly, maybe Robin had just been talking really fast. Nancy finally realised that is what she said and Robin still hadn't realised.

She finally stopped talking and looked at Nancy who had a huge smile on her face "what are you smiling at wheeler?" She couldn't help but smile back.

"Robin you said you loved me" she watched as robins face completely dropped, She tried to remember everything she had said then realised Nancy was right, that is what she said.

"Oh shit I did, is that okay?" She asks looking at Nancy for reassurance. She never knew when was socially acceptable for these sort of things, she knew society had a bunch of unspoken rules, what you can and can't do but it all seemed so confusing to Robin which was what caused her to sound rude sometimes without meaning to.

Nancy quickly nods and couldn't stop her face from smiling "of course it's okay, you're so cute you know" Robin tried to argue with Nancys comment but she cupped her cheeks and pulled robin in kissing her. She loved the feeling of robins lips against hers, it just felt right. Like everything else in the world stopped, like it didn't matter anymore.

She pulls away just enough that their lips weren't touching and she whispers in robins ear "I love you too"

Robin could feel her face start to heat up and she tried her best to hide it but didn't do a good job at it. She knew Nancy noticed from the way she started laughing "shut up" she grabs Nancy pulling her down along with her as they fell back on the bed.

Mike swung open the door "hey Nancy have you seen my- oh robin, what are you two doing?" He raises an eyebrow suspiciously, looking at the two girls who quickly sat up.

"Uh studying!" Robin said quickly as she fixed her hair. She knew she was being obvious, she was never a good liar.

"Robin you work at a home video store what do you have to study about?" Mike asks making a face at her.

"How to teach annoying teenagers how to knock before they come in!" She says grabbing a teddy bear off Nancys bed and throwing it at him.

He got the hint and eventually left causing the girls to fall back on the bed and continue laughing.

The girls talked a little more before they got interrupted by Nancys telephone ringing, it was robins mom. Robin talked with her on the phone for a minute before she sighed and slammed the phone down.

"She wants me home, she apparently doesn't like my attitude" Robin said making a face "I don't know why because I'm so delightful to be around" she said sarcastically

Nancy didn't bother to hide the disappointment on her face "okay but I'll miss you" she pulls robin closer one last time to kiss her. That kiss turned into making out that started to get heated, Robin finally pulled away "I'd love to but I really gotta go before my mother loses her shit" she laughs putting on her shoes and rushes out the door.

Nancy watched her leave and really wished robins mom had never called, she couldn't help but think of what they would be doing if Robin hadn't left her room. She really did love robin, she wasn't like anyone she's ever met, she loved everything she done.

When Nancy would write in her notebook, Robin would doodle hearts in the corner of her pages so when she opened it up every page reminded her of Robin and her stupid little hearts and that one drawing she drew of the two girls kissing. One thing was for sure, she wasn't a very good artist but Nancy appreciated it either way.

(A/N this is my apology for the conflict but trust me there's gonna be a lot more conflict and fights it's life baby, I was also very tired so the writing probably sucks. stay safe my lovelies <3)

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