Art table

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The group had decided to ignore the fact that Tammy Thompson was up to something because if they spent the entire night speculating, it was going to get them nowhere and Dustin was very persistent on the fact he wanted to win.

Steve had tried to help but Eddie eventually took him away from the project because he was doing more bad than good, Eddie knew if he didn't pull Steve away Dustin would've lunged for him at any second.

For some reason he really wanted to win this, maybe it was some stupid dare with one of his friends or maybe he was just really competitive, who knows?

They all sat in a circle around this table the project was sat on, it was a long table that looked like it had been stretched out so the group circle was more like lopsided at this point. "I can't believe we are stuck here until 10am!" Robin groaned leaning her head on Nancys shoulder.

Nancy just laughed brushing robins hair out of her face, she tried not to make it obvious to the rest of the group how much she just wanted to sit there and admire her girlfriend.

Later that night when the group started separating Nancy had went to the bathroom and Steve made robin go to the art table in the corner of the room to make a poster for dustins project.

She very much wanted to protest but was just too tired, if she done it now then she wouldn't have to help with anything else. So she made her way over to the art table and sat down on the small uncomfortable highschool chair. She definitely did not miss this.

She dumped the box of art supplies the school had gave them onto the table as she inspected them, yeah the cheap shit what a surprise.

While she was sketching out the letters in horrible writing she heard someone sit down next to her, she didn't want to look up in fear that she would actually have to make small talk so she just kept her head down.

"Remember in highschool? When I got a role in the play and you still came to see me? I don't know if you came because you wanted to or because I invited you but-" Robin knew she recognised that voice, it was Tammy Thompson again.

She knew exactly what Tammy was talking about but that was a long time ago, she didn't even know she was attracted to girls then. It was a confusing time for her all together so why is Tammy bringing this up now, why cling to the past?

"Tam..listen can you just please-" she felt tammy grab her hand before she could finish her sentence. As much as Robin longed for this feeling in highschool, she now just wanted tammy to leave her alone.

Before either of them could say or do anything else Eddie slammed his hands on the table dramatically "great artwork guys! Wait aren't you the girl who sung at the game? Oh yeah the nerves must have got to you, maybe you'll get the right tones if you ever get to sing again..doubt it though"

Robin couldn't help but smile, Eddie knew what he was doing and she absolutely loved it. Eddie had seen Tammy walk over to Robin and even though he had never met her before he knew she was trying to mess with Robin.

As much as he hated to admit it, he was friends with robin. He didn't know if the feeling was mutual but friends or not he wasn't going to let some bitch make her uncomfortable, robin and him hadn't spent much time together but he knew she didn't deserve that.

He watched as tammys whole face flared up into a deep red colour as she started to stumble on her words "well- I was nervous and-" Eddie was starting to get to her.

"Ohh don't even worry about it, what was your name again? Taylor? Well anyway you have enough to worry about with your hair and everything, forgot a hairbrush did you? Probably rushing to get here. Well I don't know why because I haven't seen you talk to anyone, are you friends with anyone here?"

Eddie just kept talking and Tammy had started to feel more embarrassed, she could barely get a word in "my name isn't-" she tried to talk but got cut off once again "alright nice seeing you Taylor!" Eddie shouts grabbing robins arm and pulling her away from the table.

Both of them couldn't help but smile as they walked away, Eddie was grinning to himself. Even he was proud of that stunt he just pulled off, he gave Robin a little high five and looked at her "I honestly don't know how you liked that in highschool" he said with a scoff.

Robin just let out a breath of relief, she doesn't know what she would've done if Eddie hadn't of shown up. That's when Nancy walked back and Robin smiled watching her walk over, she was so glad to see her she didn't care if anyone was watching and she wrapped her into a hug not letting go of her.

"Robin are you alright?" Nancy asked softly as she held onto robins arms that were wrapped around her.

She felt like crying and just held her girlfriend close "I love you nance, I really fucking love you" she whispers so quiet only Nancy could hear what she was saying.

Not long after that robin fell asleep in a pop up tent Dustin had brought for 'protection' but in reality he was just scared people would draw on his face, it was a really big tent so Nancy and robin slept in one side so they would be left unbothered.

Robin kept her girlfriend close for the whole night, she was terrified if she let go, Nancy would drift away. She was just so glad to have her, she couldn't ask for it any other way.

(A/N I feel like I hyped it up too much and I need to add more fights idk, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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