The breakup

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Nancy had no idea why robin was the person she went to after the breakup with Johnathan the week prior.

She always knew how to manage her feelings and keep her life in the right path but now she wasn't so sure. Things had been different since she started hanging out with Robin, she was unsure if that was a good or bad thing.

Robin was definitely an interesting person in Nancys eyes. She wasn't exactly weird but there was something about the way she acted that Nancy admired. She acted like she didn't give a shit, Nancy could never do that.

The night of the breakup Nancy had been contemplating what she should do about her relationship with Johnathan. They had gotten really distant since he moved to California.

After a while he stopped calling as much and she never saw him unless he came to Hawkins for the holidays, then he started missing holidays, then he stopped calling.

Nancy thought about it constantly, she wasn't mad at him she just didn't know what to think about the whole situation. They used to do everything together now poof he's gone.

So that night she sat in bed staring at her ceiling, her mind felt like it was going in circles. It was a loop that would never end unless she done something about it, so she finally did.

She was restless and couldn't sleep so she picked up the pastel pink telephone tucked into the corner of her room. Typical Nancy as robin would say, and dialled Johnathans number, it was sunk into her memory from how many times she's spun those numbers on the dial since he moved away.

It rung three times and just when Nancy was about to hang up she heard someone pick up the phone but it didn't sound like Johnathan. "Heyyy man there's some chick on the line for you!"

It was hard to tell but the guy on the other end of the phone almost sounded stoned but nancy thought she was just tired. After a few minutes she heard a voice she recognised.

Johnathan Byers. Nancy grips the telephone tightly, she inhaled sharply and continued the conversation with him.

She knew she had to do this but it wasn't easy. "Johnathan..I think we should break up" she said quickly and squeezed her eyes shut as if that would take her away from this situation but it didn't.

He didn't seem to take it too bad but she could hear him laughing and whispering "wait who did you say was on the phone?" To the guy that had answered the phone previously.

Nancy sighed. She didn't know if he was making fun of her or if he was drunk. he sounded really out of it but Nancy couldn't deal with that right now so just like that, she hung up.

That's when everything got too much and she knew she couldn't just sit here in her room. She had to talk to someone but that wasn't easy when the only person she's talked to in the past week was her ex boyfriend Steve Harrington.

He wasn't even an option, she couldn't go to him, not now. The only other person she could think of was robin Buckley, Steve's sarcastic and slightly mean best friend. Nancy wasn't even sure if Robin liked her but before she could give it a second thought she had her shoes on and walked to robins house in the middle of the night.
She sat outside robins house for five minutes just staring at her front door. What if robin was asleep? What if her parents were home? What if-
She took a deep breath and swung the front door open, who leaves their door open in a sketchy area like this at one in the morning?

Nancy had no energy to worry about how careless robin was with her own safety. She held her breath as if it would stop the emotions spilling out.

She tried to say something, just to call out robins name to see if she was home but her lips wouldn't budge. As much as she tried she couldn't get a single word out. Then she realised, she was crying and she couldn't stop.

She didn't even want to imagine how pathetic she looked in robins hallway crying silently, this is definitely something robin would make fun of Nancy for, although she made fun of Nancy for everything it was like she had a grudge against her for no apparent reason.

Nancy was staring at her feet trying to get the tears to stop spilling out but then she heard a loud crash from the stairs. When she looked up from her feet she saw robin swearing to herself at the bottom of the stairs, it was dark but she could still see her figure leaning against the stairs. How did robin look so good at one in the morning? And why was she awake?

She stood there unable to speak, only looking at Robin swearing as if the stairs caused her to fall down them but that's when Robin noticed her. "Nance?.."

(A/N I've finally updated it! Sorry it's took so long but I'm gonna try and update more now, I hope you like it and stay safe my lovelies <3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now