Guest room

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Nancy made robin sit still as she cleaned her wounds no matter how much robin complained about it. She felt uncomfortable sitting in one position for too long but she knew she had to so she let out a long sigh and repeatedly tapped her foot.

Nancy noticed how difficult it was for robin, she didn't ask about it or call her weird she just grabbed her hand and held it there. "It'll be over in a minute alright?" She said softly and rubbed her thumb over robins hand.

Robin couldn't help but smile and feel her face heat up "nance about last Friday-" robin tried to explain but Nancy shook her head.

"We'll talk about that later okay? Not right now" she smiled and leaned closer to Robin wiping the blood off her lip. They both got a weird feeling in their stomach when they were so close to eachother.

Robin just wanted to kiss her again and again and never stop. Nancy moved the wipe away and both girls just sat there, staring into eachothers eyes before realising Steve was still there so they looked away.

Steve started laughing which caused robin to shove him "don't you dare say anything" she mouthed to him before her face went completely red.

None of the girls moved their hand away, even after Robin had been cleaned up. It felt comforting to be that close to eachother, Nancys hand felt soft and robin couldn't help but smile every time Nancy rubbed her thumb over her hand.

"If you wanna stay here there's a guest bedroom and you two probably don't mind sharing a bed" Steve winks and gets up, he glanced over at robin and mouthed "you're in love" before he walked to his own bedroom to go to sleep.
After a lot of Nancy insisting she didn't want robin to feel uncomfortable so she would sleep on the couch, Robin eventually just pulled Nancy onto the bed and covered her with the blanket.

Once she had lay down herself, she was facing Nancy and started to smile. "You didn't scare me, I was just scared to lose you Nance.." Robin whispered before starting to smile.

Nancy just looked back at her and smiled too "you could never lose me, I promise" she kissed robin on the forehead and moved closer to her before she fell asleep.

Robin put her arm around Nancy and feel asleep shortly afterwards. That night all robins dreams consisted of Nancy wheeler. She couldn't seem to get her out of her mind, now she wasn't so sure that was a bad thing though.
The next morning Steve and Nancy were the only people awake, everybody who knew Robin knew that she wasn't going to wake up early, especially on a Saturday morning.

Nancy had to slowly move out of robins grasp which was difficult, she was afraid she'd wake robin but robin was a heavy sleeper.

She kissed her forehead then quietly left the guest bedroom to find Steve already in the living room watching tv "oh Steve-"

"It's okay I'm just watching the breakfast club, don't tell Robin she'll bully me" he whispers and gestures for her to sit down. " and Robin?" Steve couldn't help but start to grin. How ironic was this? He was talking to his ex about her love life with his best friend.

"I don't really know what we are.." Nancy whispers as if robin was going to hear her from the other room. She fixes her hair and sighs "you're her best friend right? Does she like me?" Nancy felt like a stupid teenage girl asking that so she started to laugh at herself "sorry that sounds dumb doesn't it?"

Steve starts to laugh along with her "she does like you Nancy..anyone with eyes could see that" he says not looking away from the tv screen. "Do her?" There was a long pause while the two looked at eachother.

After a while Nancy nods "yeah, I didn't think I would but I do, maybe too much sometimes" she shrugs and looks towards the guest bedroom but the door doesn't open. Robin is still sleeping.

"Sometimes I feel like I just want her there beside me..even if we don't talk I just want her there." Nancy sighs while staring at the door as if it will make robin wake up and walk out.

After Steve and Nancy talked for a while longer they heard the door open, robin must have forgot Nancy was there because she walked into the hall with her hair messy and she yawned before noticing Nancy "oh shit."

Nancy gave her a little wave "you alright?" She watched as robin frantically tried to fix her hair in the hallway and she started to laugh and got up to walk towards her "you look great..perfect" she whispered and kissed robins cheek before bringing her into the living room.

(A/N I love ronance so much! I love writing it! Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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