What are we?

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Nancy and Robin had been spending every second they could together which was mostly robin showing up at Nancys house uninvited but Nancy didn't really seem to mind.

That's where they were right now, Robin lying across Nancys bed looking up at her. She was rambling about something as per usual, every once in a while she would stop and ask if she was talking too much but Nancy would reassure her that she wanted her to go on. Not only did she not mind Robins rambling, she loved it and thought it was cute.

Robin kept moving from lying down to sitting up, she just kept moving around Nancys room. It was obvious how much she struggled to sit in one place for more than a few minutes.

Nancy eventually pulled robin down beside her and robin lay her head on Nancys lap and continued to talk about her big obsession she had this week, it was mostly about conspiracy theories she would think about when she went with Nancy to get information for the newspaper.

In reality, Robin loved that Nancy was a journalist so she could go with her to find the answers. She would help Nancy the best she could, even if that meant getting distracted on UFO spottings from time to time.

Nancy just looked down at robin and smiled "you're such a dork" she giggles and kisses robin quickly before looking back at her.

Robins whole face started to heat up and she shook her head "I am not!" They both sat there laughing before robin reached up cupping Nancys cheeks and pulled her down to kiss her.

That kissing quickly turned into making out, they sat there making out for a while before the door swung open and Dustin stood there in the door way. He didn't know what to say so he stood there in a stunned silence until the girls noticed and jumped away from eachother.

"What are you just standing there for?" Nancy asks accusingly as she raised an eyebrow. Both the girls faces were a bright shade of red by this point.

"I was looking for Mike I thought maybe he was talking to you but.." he wouldn't look Nancy in the eye, scared to look at her incase she tried to strangle him or something.

"Well he's not and you better not tell anyone, you got it dipshit?" Robin started to fix her hair. God has nobody heard of knocking?

Mike appeared behind Dustin and asked him what was wrong but Dustin just shook his head and walked away "gotta get home..mom needs orange juice"

He raised an eyebrow and turns around to the girls assuming they somehow scared him. "What have you done to Dustin?" Nancy just grabbed robin by the arm and shoved past Mike "nothing, we're going out"

He shrugs and shouted down the stairs after Nancy "okay wear a condom robin" she just flipped him off in reply and slammed the door after her.
Finally they were alone, in the car where nobody could bother them. Robin turns her head to look at Nancy, she hesitated asking it for a second but then she took a deep breath in and before she could stop herself the words were spilling out "nance, what are we? I mean what am I to you?"

Nancy was driving through Hawkins not knowing exactly where to drive to so she kept her eyes on the road "uh well.." she paused thinking about the question, it was a big question, it determined what the relationship was and wether Nancy was ready or not to be out, like really out there.

After a while she finally said something "robin? Do you want to be my girlfriend?" She asked softly, the pause between the question and robin's reply felt like an eternity.

She nodded quickly and smiled "yeah definitely! I'd love to nance" it was settled, they were girlfriends. Officially.
After they had driven for about an hour robin had the great idea to go to Steve's house uninvited, they were best friends after all he wouldn't mind.

So they drove over to his house, Nancy pulled in his driveway and the lights were on indicating that he was home so the girls walked into his house but couldn't find him anywhere. "He's probably watching tv in his room or something" robin shrugged and opened up the door to his bedroom.

She ended up seeing something she really didn't want to see, she found Steve but she had also found Eddie Munson "OH GOD-" she quickly slammed the door as quickly as she had opened it.

Nancy looked at her confused not knowing what she had seen "well did you find Steve?" She asks shrugging.

Robin had gone completely pale and quickly nodded "unfortunately." Before she could explain Steve and Eddie walked out, just barely dressed.

"Robin I didn't expect anyone over, you didn't call-" Steve's face started burning up but Eddie didn't look one bit embarrassed, more proud.

"I was just going to say Nancy is my girlfriend but it is very clear what you two are" she said side eyeing Eddie as she scrunched up her nose.

That was a very eventful day to say the least and safe to say Robin never mentioned it again, if she could erase memories from her brain she would.

(A/N if there's anything I can do to perfect my writing please let me know, I don't know if somethings off or not. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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