The dinner

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Robin brought her knees up to her chest as she looked across the room at Mike. She couldn't help but feel like he was interrogating her with his eyes.

"Robin, Why are you hanging out with Nancy so much? You've never been able to stand her now you're together all the time?" Mike raised an eyebrow, he was clearly about to accuse robin of something and she didn't like it, not one bit.

She just shrugged unable to answer his questions. Mostly because she didn't even know why she was with Nancy so often, she's clearly not doing it for Steve's sake anymore so she had no excuse. "I uh-" she put her hands under her legs to stop them from shaking. God why was she like this?

Nancy glared at Mike "can you give her a break? She didn't come here to get interrogated by you." She spat out coldly. Nancy obviously didn't like what Mike was insinuating, Robin wasn't a bad person. That was obvious.

"Well then why did she come here?" Mike asks.
Robin didn't like the thought of people talking on her behalf but she just didn't know what to say. She understood that Mike wanted to protect his sister but this whole situation was making her really anxious. She could feel her hands under her legs, she was too afraid to move them away incase they were still shaking. Maybe she was just broken.

"I'm here because I'm Nancys friend, is that alright with you wheeler?" Robin says sarcastically and raises an eyebrow. She was proud that she managed to say something, it was starting to feel like the three of them were just going to sit there in silence.

Mike raised his hands up in surrender "I'm only kidding alright? I mean it would be different if you were a guy because-" Nancy raised an eyebrow "why would it be different Mike?" Both girls could tell Mike dug himself in a hole so he just stayed quiet.

Moments like this made robin really glad she was only out to Steve, well Nancy too. She would've never came out to her if she was sober that's for sure. Atleast she wasn't being treated differently, that was her worst nightmare.
It didn't take long for Karen to call them into the kitchen for their dinner. Robin sat down beside Nancy, she was so nervous she desperately wanted to grab Nancys hand or something. She never even ate dinner with her own mother so she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

She's always thought that society had unspoken rules that everyone was supposed to follow to seem somewhat normal but how was she supposed to follow these rules if she didn't know them?

Robin spun some spaghetti around on her fork before taking a mouthful. "So how did you and Nancy become friends?" She heard Karen ask. She looked back up from her plate and found Karen looking at her, waiting for her to answer.

"Uh well you know Steve right? Of course you know Steve" she muttered starting to laugh awkwardly "well I met Nancy through Steve because they know" she looked down starting to shake her head. She was already making a fool of herself and she's only sat down.

She heard ted join in, Nancys father. "Yeah Steve, he was..something wasn't he?" That's when Robin realised they only knew freshman year Steve, asshole Steve. Now she's just associated herself with asshole Steve in the first five minutes of a conversation, just great.

"Oh well, he's not what he used to be like. When Nancy and him..dated" she spat that word out, it felt bitter on her tongue. She couldn't figure out why she had such a hard time saying that Nancy and Steve had dated, everyone knew that.

She looked over at hollie messing with spaghetti on her plate. Oh how she envied that little girl, at least she wasn't expected for much yet. Hollie looked up at her and smiled, Robin couldn't help but smile back. It was weird to her because she didn't normally like kids.

"And you know Mike?" The sound of Karens voice snapped robin back into the present, into the wheelers kitchen.

"Oh yeah, I know him and his friends" she trails off not knowing how to explain how she does without saying that Steve basically hangs out with kids. "I used to work at scoops ahoy before it..well burnt down in the mall fire" great Robin you've already associated yourself with asshole Steve and talked about the Hawkins mall fire.

Mike just nods because he knew if he didn't Nancy would strangle him in his sleep. He could tell that Nancy really cared how he treated Robin, he couldn't figure out why but he was going to make it his business to.

Robin ate some more spaghetti off her plate, she didn't want it to seem like she didn't want to eat their food but she didn't want to eat too much incase they thought she was greedy.

It was so exhausting trying to do and say everything perfect at this dinner. She would have never done this for anyone else except Nancy. She was lucky she's cute. Robin meant that in a platonic way.. right?

(A/N I'm glad I have time to write more chapters now, I really enjoy writing these. I'll start the steddie fic soon, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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