I heard it all

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Mike had been acting weird around Nancy recently and it never even popped into her mind that it could be from that one night last week. She didn't think for a second he could've heard that, but then again she wasn't thinking about much except robin.

She walked downstairs and grabbed a box of cereal pouring it into a bowl, her parents had told them they would be away for an extra week and sent them some more money not that they needed it. Mike spent it all on comics anyway, he was such a dork.

Nancy turned to Mike who looked like he was trying his best not to make eyecontact with her "what is up with you Mike? You've been avoiding me all week" she asks sitting down across from him at the table.

"I'm not avoiding you- well why does it matter just go hang out with Robin some more" Mike mumbled before taking a sip from his coke can.

So this was what it was about, he must be mad Nancy was spending so much time with Robin. "So this is because I'm hanging out with Robin? Seriously she's got good intentions mike"

He almost spat out his coke as he started to laugh in response "I heard plenty of what her intentions were" he looked up at his sister and watched her face turn bright red once she realised what he had heard.

She tried to say something but what could she say? There was no making excuses now, mike had heard. "Well uh..mike let me explain-" Nancy spat out not knowing what to say

He just shrugged and got up putting his empty coke can in the trash "it's fine Nancy I'll make sure to keep my Walkman in my room for next time, that was hell" mike said laughing and left the room.
Later that day Nancy was in robins bedroom explaining the whole situation to her, she watched as robin just continued to laugh like it was nothing. She laughed so hard her lungs started to hurt and she had to take a breath.

"This isn't funny! It was so embarrassing robin!" Nancy mumbled crossing her arms and looking at her girlfriend who was still laughing at the other end of the bed.

"Nance it's fine, I don't think he cares too much" Robin smiles and moves over to nancy pulling her closer by the waist "I love you.." she whispered and started to kiss her girlfriend.

Nancy couldn't help but smile and started to kiss robin back, after a while she pulled away "I love you too" she smiles messing up robins hair "that's for laughing at me you dork"
When Robin had to go to work Nancy went with her just so she could talk to her a little longer, she helped her 'put the tapes away' which basically meant they went behind the horror movie section to make out.

They would hear Steve every few minutes shout "get a room you two!" They would ignore him or Robin would shout something back.

They started to become the kind of hopelessly in love couple that robin and Steve used to point at and make fun of.

Robin wasn't thinking about anything that was going wrong in her life anymore, she wasn't thinking about Tammy, or her mom or even getting caught in the horror movie section of a family video store.

About ten minutes later when the girls had finally pulled away from eachother they walked over to talk to Steve. He was staking the same tapes at the counter, he done this every day and Robin never really saw a point in doing so. He wasn't told to do it but when you work in a family video store on a Tuesday it can get incredibly boring.

He looked up from the tapes and started grinning at the two girls "you had fun back there?" He asks gesturing to Nancys neck.

When Robin turned her head to see what he was talking about she realised that her girlfriend was left with the most noticeable hickey she's ever seen. "Oh shit! Didn't think it was that easy for it to..show up" she said awkwardly and flashed a little apologetic smile at her girlfriend.

Nancy looked in a small pocket mirror she had with her and her eyes started to widen "oh no no no, you're so lucky my parents are away for another week" she says biting her lip anxiously.

Robin couldn't help but laugh which earned her a small nudge from Nancy to cut it out but she couldn't help it. "Hey I'm sorry okay?" She leans in and kisses Nancys cheek since there was nobody around, that's when she heard the door bell ring. It was Dustin again. Why every god damn time?

(A/N I just thought you guys needed a little fluff before I absolutely destroy you with angst. Stay safe my lovelies <3)

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