The sleepover

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It was another insufferable day at work only this time what made it worse was that Nancy wheeler was desperately trying to make conversation with Robin, she must be insanely bored to resort to this.

"So have you known Steve for long?" Nancy asks watching robin stack the tapes. Steve was out, he explained to Robin why he was going out earlier but she wasn't listening so now she was stuck with the one person she despises.

"I guess" Robin said bluntly, if she was completely honest she didn't know the full truth to why Nancy pissed her off so much, she just did.

Nancy raises her eyebrow "what's your problem? I've been trying to make conversation for like thirty minutes now and it's pointless, if you're scared I'm gonna take Steve it's not like that" Nancy sighs looking at Robin who just looked uninterested with the whole situation.

"Firstly me and Steve aren't like that it's platonic with a capital p and secondly I just don't like you okay?" Robin rolls her eyes not looking up from the rows of stacked tapes.

Nancy wasn't buying it for a second, Robin had to of had a reason why she didn't like Nancy and she was going to find out what it is, she is a journalist after all. "Well if it's not about Steve then why don't you like me? What have I done to you"

Robin finally looks up from the tapes and at Nancy "you wanna know? Do you really?" This is one of these times where robin would start talking and not be able to stop. "Because you're stuck up, you get everything you want in life and expect everyone to like you but if you think for one second I'm going to hand you everything you want, you have another thing coming wheeler."

They sit there in silence then Nancy goes to open her mouth but the store door swings open and Steve comes in with bags filled with random things like snacks, drinks, some off brand truth or dare board game. It looked like he was planning a thirteen year old girls birthday party but that was the kind of person Steve was, nobody really knew what he was thinking.

Before any of the girls could even ask Steve is answering their question "so I know you two don't really know eachother so I thought we could stay at mine since I know robins parents are out of town and Nancy you were saying you're free this week?"

Fucking great. Steve looked so happy with hope in his eyes so none of the girls could tell him about the visible tension between them, they were just going to have to suck it up for one night.
Later that night robin done everything in her power to avoid Nancy at all costs, that worked fine until Steve brought out the off brand truth or dare game that looked like it was made for a thirteen year olds birthday party.

She decided it would be easier if she didn't argue, which she found herself doing frequently but she thought if she could just get through this night it would make Steve happy.

They go through the typical teenager questions but then Nancy decides to lie about the questions on the cards, this might be her only chance to find out what Robin is really like without her making some snarky comment. "Robin uh..what's your biggest secret?"

Everyone went silent and Steve and Robin just looked at eachother but of course during this whole game robin had been drinking so without missing a beat she says "I don't like men so yeah Nancy I'm not little miss perfect like you"

Steve looks at them both confused "am I missing something here? Do you..hate eachother?" He asks, clearly not being filled in on the tension between the two girls.

"Well apparently robin does, maybe she just hates people that comes from stable families" Nancy mumbles taking a sip of her drink.

"No you know what I hate? Little posh bitches like you who get everything they want, I have to work eighty hours a week just to pay my fucking bills!" Robin storms out of the room.

Steve just sat there in shock then walks out into the kitchen to talk to Robin "maybe you've had a little too much to drink? Did Nancy do something?" He asks looking at her

Robin sighs and sits on the kitchen floor with her knees to her chest "I don't know Steve, it's just something about her..maybe I've just drunk too much" she whispers not realising the tears streaming down her face.

What Robin didn't know was that her opinion of Nancy wheeler was going to change very soon.

(A/N I'm going to really enjoy this story I already know it! I hope you guys do too, stay safe my lovelies <3)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now