The outsiders

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The next morning Nancy woke up earlier than robin and found Robins arms wrapped around her as she slept.

She didn't want to wake her up so she lay there trying not to make a sound but eventually Robin turned around with her face inches away from Nancys and found her arms wrapped around her.

Nancy just gave her and awkward smile and sat up when Robin tried to move away nearly falling off the bed "I- um I didn't mean to..well obviously I wouldn't do it on purpose" she awkwardly laughs fixing her hair.

They sat there like that for a while with awkward tension surrounding the air around them.
Neither of them knew what to say, they barely knew eachother, which is why robin was so
surprised that she was the one nancy went to straight after her breakup. Nancy said she had nowhere else to go but that can't be true, can it? It's Nancy Wheeler we are talking about.

What was bothering Robin was she couldn't figure out why Nancy was acting so different.
Before this nancy wouldn't even look in robins direction but now she's showing up at her
house in the middle of the night, but what was worse was that robin didn't mind. She
actually liked nancys company even though it made robin act painfully awkward everytime
nancy was near.

What would Steve think about all this? Should robin tell her best friend that his ex girlfriend
showed up to her house in the middle of the night with tears streaming down her face.

Last night it was like nancy couldn't stop crying but robin noticed she was trying to subtly cover
her face but there was nothing subtle about it. It was almost like she didnt want robin to see
her crying, did nancy think robin was an absolute bitch who would take enjoyment out of

Most of the time robin just assumed people hate her because shes been told on several
occasions that the way she says things make her sound like a total bitch but she never
intended it to. It was mostly the tone of her voice but she never noticed, she couldn't even
detect a tone in other peoples voices. This is where the sarcasm problem ties into this, if
robin cant detect a tone in someones voice if they're happy, sad or angry then this makes
detecting when someone being sarcastic extremely difficult.

This wasn't just a small insecurity she had, this made her feel like there was something
wrong with her. she's felt like this her whole life and has mentioned it to her mother on several occasions but of course every time she has said it, her mom will just look up at her
and reply with 'you aren't broken, you're just ignorant darling that can be fixed once you
settle down with a nice boy hm?"

Her mother would usually say this with a small smile on her face as if what she was saying
was that easy, some people don't have the luxury to be happy with a boy. There's this bubble people in Hawkins describe as the norm and robin doesnt fit in that bubble.

She's like an outsider that's been shunned from society but she's sure that there were more people like her but they were just scared to get shunned too. It's awfully lonely being an outsider
watching people living their lives from a window.

In reality nancy didn't think robin was a bitch, not at all. She just didn't want robin to see her
crying the night before because recently robin has made her feel vulnerable, she hasn't felt
like that in a long time but she couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was how oddly comforting
Robin actually was, even if her awkwardness was painful to watch at times.

If Nancy was being completely honest with herself she wanted to make excuses to hang out
with robin or even to see her. That day at the basketball game kept playing through her head,
she wasn't focused on Jason or the game or even Steve, She was focused on robin.

Robin was looking up at steve and the both of them were laughing so much that their lungs
started to hurt, nancy assumed it was because of the former hawkins high student they brought from out of town to sing before the game.

Everyone was hopeful, she looked like a
good singer, that is before she opened her mouth. Nancy didn't know anyone was capable of
sounding that bad. She didn't sound like a singer at all she almost sounded like, before she
could finish that thought, her eyes met robins lips and saw her mouth 'a muppet' exactly.


The sound of nancys voice made robin snap out of whatever Nancy- related thoughts she
was having. She was now back in her bedroom beside Nancy wheeler.

"Listen, I should probably go but thanks for being there for me last night and letting me stay,
I know dealing with emotions isn't really your thing" she says softly as she looks around the
room for her shoes that she had neatly left in the corner. Of course she did, classic Nancy.

Robin caught herself smiling but tried to stop herself before nancy turned around and caught
her too, she actually had something good going for her so she didn't want to mess it up
because nancy might think robin has a crush on her. Just because Robin found Nancy
pretty definitely did not mean she had a crush, she could appreciate a pretty woman. They
were basically friends now so it was in a friendly way.

"Nance I know if you go home you're gonna sit at home by yourself and think about the breakup so what about I get dressed and we go for a ride? You brought your car right?" Nancy couldn't help but nod because she saw this gleam of hope in robins eyes, this wasn't out of pity. Robin genuinely wanted to hang out with nancy.

(A/N I finally updated this I hope you enjoy it! I've not been updating so much because I've been really sick with covid but I'm going to try and update more, Stay safe my lovelies)

No luck// RONANCE Where stories live. Discover now