1. A letter of fate

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In a world like this no one expected that there is a place that could be considered as clam and reserving. This place was a bookstore, at least it is for me. I been working there for a few years already and met all kind of people. Heroes, Villains you name it. You are probably surprised to hear that they all come here without causing a fight. That is because this bookstore is split into two parts where each even has his own little book café.

We receive a lot of cursed books, dangerous beastly animals of pages that crave for human blood and many more. Thankfully we got shelves with safety glass to keep them under control. It isn't unusual that both sides stay for a chat and gain more information to fight another. The most common customers are three that are here on a regular base.

A doctor with a paper bag on his head, a large blue teddy bear and a woman with long green hair.

The minute they walk through that door, I welcome them with open arms. The doc ordered another dozen books on science and technology of dark arts, the teddy bear went towards the little shelf of children's book and the woman got her own special book to take care of.

"Dem, we got another load outside, knock yourself out"

Yep, she destroys the ones in the backyard we don't need anymore. The doc known as Dr. Flug went over to the shelves with the latest books about planes, spending some time reading. Since I know many villains, I was aware who they work for. Thankfully I never had to meet him in person, neither did he ever visit this shop.

And I wished for it to never happen.

As well as a certain hero.

The famous Goldheart is also a well-known customer of ours. Unfortunately, of his famous reputation, his fans get on my nerves when he is around. With Flug there it gets even worse; it is hard to keep those two apart from each other. Thankfully my work colleague is also a villain and helps me with this issue. At least there weren't any fights that would destroy the shop.

But I didn't expect that one event would destroy my life once and for all, just because of that...man.

The job I got doesn't pay me enough for my own flat, but I love it too much to give it up. Because of this, I live with my friend and work colleague under one roof and their two children. These little rascals go to the academy of villains on hat island, so I don't see them very often. Their mother must take on another job to pay for it so mostly I am home alone.

Until she stormed in like a maniac and announces something big.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Her high pitch voice shattered my cup of coffee and destroyed the toaster. As for me, I jumped at the sound hitting my head on the cupboard, "What the hell Abby!!!!!"

"You never guess what I heard today?"

"Your kids graduated from the academy" I said bluntly, trying to find another cup.

"No, guess again"

"The world is coming to an end"


"Better than that? Okay what is it?"

"Black hat is looking for a wife"

I looked at her, raising a brow, "You sure the world isn't ending?" Finally, I found a cup.

"No, aren't you excited....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"


"For crying out loud I want my cup of coffee"

"But this is very important, think about it, the wife of the most famous villain of all times...a rich one too."

I sighted loud, "All I want is to get my coffee in the morning and early to my shift."

"As his wife you don't have to work anymore"

"Abby, I doubt he is looking for one out of love. Surely, he is after something else." Her smirk got the wrong picture, "No Abby not that"

"Then what else is there?"

My glance went over the latest newspaper, "My guess is the papers, apparently they mock him for being a single businessman."


"So, he wants one for his image."

"As a villain he could destroy all those journalists in a snap"

She did have a point, but then he won't have anyone that would present him in the media. Since he didn't kill him, it must be bothering him enough to go through with this. It gets worse as she showed me the letter, "Guess what came in the post today?"

"Not a love letter that it for sure"

"Cheeky, it is an invitation from Lord Black hat. All villain ladies are invited to come and present themselves as a suitable partner, wouldn't it be great if he chooses me?" As much as I like her to find the love of her life, I don't think black hat is the right choice for her. I bet her kids would be to scared to even call him dad at some point. I doubt they survive that long. But even if I tired to get that idea out of her head, she just does what she always does...once a mind is stuck in her head, she goes through with it, no matter the consequences. "Please be careful Abby, don't forget that you owe him a lot of money, just watch out."

"I will don't worry...you know me, I am a tough cookie."

"And easy to crumble"


"Nothing, I got to go. I will see you later."
"Y/N why don't you come with me?"

"Don't even think about it, I don't want to get involved in this."

"You are right, I mean you don't even have an invitation. You're not even a villain."

"Exactly, so see ya later."

Once the door closed, Abby went to her room and roamed through her large pile of papers.

"It must be here somewhere"

Minutes passed as she found what she was looking for, "Gotcha!"

With the business card in her head, she called the one arranging this special occasion. Not long and she got through, hearing a male voice, "Thank you for calling the Black hat, Organization, how can I help you?"

"Hi its Abby, I need a favor of you. I got this friend and..."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now