22. The last event

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Not being aware that the party had a little aftertaste afterwards was not part of the events.

It was never mentioned, neither did I realize that only those that had the top hats were present. While Flug and I left another handful of ladies left as well. They were told by 505 to go back to their rooms. No Idea how he could tell them that but that was beside the issue. They can consider themselves lucky. As Black hat informed all to wear their gifts on their head, shouting and screaming could be heard throughout the island. Flug convinced me that he planned to watch a horror movie and it was a very gruesome one. Knowing his boss that would be his style.

"Hey where are you going?!"

"I told you, I got to be at the office at ten. I will be back."

Afraid I cuddled the pillow, "Promise?"

"I promise", with a bow he left me alone. The room was getting awfully quiet.

As well as the dancefloor.

Flug went passed the place, seeing black puddles everywhere. Like someone was playing with slime and left it after it caused a mess. Anyone else would be terrified by this moving stuff, but not Flug. The doctor knew exactly what this is, and his boss is responsible for it.

None then less, he entered the office with a feeling of fright and concerns. His Boss was already behind his desk and has his hands folded together. A position the doc sees all too often, "Good evening My lord". Flug shrieked as his legs gave up and his arm moved forward, getting him to bow on the ground.

"Again, mediocre as always"

Afraid he shivered, staying in his position, "Thank you my Lord."

"Everything according to plan?"

Nodding quick, he slowly gets up, "Yes Sir, mission erase has been completed successfully. All members that are passed their due to pay off their debts have been removed from the organization. Same goes for the gent's party yesterday." Black hat nodded in approval, "And that girl?"

"In her room, no escape, no resistance."

"Good because if she doesn't doctor..." his hand reached out to him, before Flug knew he had him at his neck, "...you will take her punishments. Understood?" Flug squeaked as his neck got tighter. That was his only way to say yes, before getting released. Crawling away, his boss leaned back in his chair, "Make sure she behaves doctor." As for the wife issue, his smile turned to a frown, "Assemble all women tomorrow morning for the announcement. Make sure she is there."

Nodding rapidly, he crawled out of the office.

Flug felt relieved once he was back in my room. Already asleep, he climbed into bed and cuddled up to me. This night we both did not want to be alone. Although Flug knew what was going on but feeling my hands holding his arm made him feel secure. For once, his dreams aren't the usual nightmares he had, they were pleasant ones.

Almost too good, as we both almost missed the meeting this morning.

Flug panicked as he checked his watch. He moved so rapidly, that I didn't had time to release his arm and wake up, ending with me falling off the bed and crawled up to his arm.

"Wake up, we are late!"

"You could have done this the gentle way. Why late, that's the problem?"

"My boss expects me to be there on time, and you as well."

Oh boy, I am hoping this event will end soon. According to the brochure it only lasts till afternoon, and we all get off the island. Our excitement for the this was not a happy one. The expression on my face was far from it. I was irritated. It was no rocket science to realize that only a few women have arrived and there won't be more to come. As black hat appeared, it didn't change. Nudging Flug's side I whispered at him, "Hey doc, where are the other women?"

"They left, as I told you yesterday"

I raised a brow, but when he tapped onto his paper bag I asked him, "The top hats?"


At this point the crowd turned quiet. Black hat raised his hands up with a big smile on his face, "welcome ladies to the end of the weekend, I hope yu enjoyed your stay. The last thing you all came for will be revealed in a few minutes." For those who cannot see enough of him, can watch his face on a big screen.

I moaned quietly, "Just hurry up already."

Flug told me to shush it, fearing that his boss might hear me.

But this was so boring "He is making this unbearable. Why can't he just say it and we can go"

The doc shrugged, "That is his style to cause tension. Speaking of style, did you pack your bags already?"

"I don't."

"Then you should start this later on"

"Don't bother, an octopus ate it"

Flug gave me a skeptical look, "This is not funny"

"Who said it was, ask your big boss"

"SHHH, okay I believe you. Just get anything you belong together. We leave sooner than anyone else."

"Ah I see" I said rather relieved, "It is finally out"

"I don't understand"

I gave him a gentle hit against the arm, "Oh you. It was obvious. The signs were all there the whole time."

Flug looks confused, "I don't know what you are on about."

"Geez, I am the one Flug. I am supposed to be the new Miss Black hat"

His look was unreadable, while I waited for him to approve this. Unaware that black hat was standing behind me. He heard it all. Turning around, I shuddered under his stare. He didn't say anything, neither did he make a single move, just standing there.

The silence was terrible, so I wanted to break it but...

...he beats me to it...laughing out loud like a psychopath...followed by Flug laughing hysterically. Not too long the rest of the women joined them.

Was there something on my face? Or is it something I say?

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now