21. Debts to pay

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Who knew this boy's bag can turn blue.

Almost done squeezing the last bit of air out of his system, Abigail stopped me. In rage I could hold myself back. Giving my hand a right swing and aiming for her face. The impact was louder than a glass shattering. Marked by my hand and a pair of red waterfalls under her nose, I screamed at her, "HOW DARE YOU!"

If I could blow up like black hat, believe me I would destroy more than Pompeii.

Abi didn't defend herself, still holding her cheek. One apology and I would go for murder. She remained silent. Abigail had never feared me, but at this point her body went backwards. Lucky for her she didn't have to, as the host appeared behind her, "Problems ladies?"

Abigail shook her head while I pointed at him, "YOU"

"Me?" he said rather amused.

"You ARE the problem."

His grin widened, pushing Abi aside, "Explain dearest"

Blowing out some air, my finger went over to Abi, "She signed something you made, and it is to give all her debt over to me..."

He nodded.

"I never agreed to this!"

"Your blood did"

"It was stolen from me, that doesn't count!"

He laughed out loud, holding his chest, "Since when is it evil to play by the rules?"

"Then why aren't you faking my signature?"

His smile faded, "That won't work...policies forbid it."

"And with blood it doesn't?"

"This contract can only be taken back by signing another one for it. If someone transfers their debt to someone it only needs something off them to approve this...aka blood."

"I don't want to take it on!"

"You have no choice...unless..."

I held my hand before him, "...I sign nothing:"

"Then you are bound to pay it off.

Furious I I remembered something important, "And how genius? You just made me quit my job...again...without my permission!" Black hat shrugged turning on his heel, "How you pay is not my business. In the meantime, you can consider yourself as my property. Flug!"

"Yes Sir!" screamed Flug, still sounding a bit rough, gasping for air.

"See that Miss Y/N is arriving on time tomorrow." He saluted as black hat turned to Abi, "And you..."

I didn't see his face, but it must have changed, Abi was trembling under him, "...get out of my sight."

She bowed at him before leaving. One last look in my direction, tears falling from her face as she turned the next corner. She was gone...for good. Now I was unsure on how to feel. I am supposed ot be furious with her, but at the same time feel sad. Flug explained it to me later that night, that she did this all just to save her and her children from his boss. His only demand was for me to take it all to pay. I asked if Black hat had a motive for this, but he shook his head. Flug doesn't know the motive from his boss and neither did I. With the doctor at my side, we talked outside the party. With him I had permission to leave. At the room, Abigail's stuff is already gone. All the way to it, we talked about what was happening, but now we were supposed to part ways. Before he could turn around, I grabbed his arm, "Please stay Flug."

"So, you can finish me off for good?" referring to me by rage earlier.

"I promise I won't. I just can't be alone tonight."

"Well, you don't have to" he said releasing his arm from my grasp, "As we will be living together from now on." The doc informed me about the new life I have with him and his henchmen. He never told me about his job until now. I assumed I could just go back to my previous life, as Flug stopped me in the middle of that thought, "Your life is now under the control of Lord Black hat. He will tell you what do to, what task you take on and..." he paused, "...who you are allowed to talk to. "

"He sounds like a father that tried to control his daughter's life."

Flug nodded, "Only with the fact that he can make his daughter disappear if she doesn't obey. Remember the contract"

"How can I forget?" At least we will be able to see each other and maybe work together. Time will tell. For the rest of the night, we stayed in my room and talked. It was awkward, I feared my life will turn out the worst and yet, I felt happy that Flug and I seem to get along well...just like we used to. He looked at his watch from time to time, that made me a little anxious," Why are you checking the time?"

"Oh sorry, I just have to be at my boss office at ten sharp."

"Any reason?"

He nodded, "He announces his bride in the morning"

"Oh..." I forgot about this occasion, feeling even more anxious now, "...great." Out of curiosity I asked him if he might suspect someone to be the rightful candidate for his boss. Indeed, he had a few, counting them off his fingers. That I wasn't one of them was giving me some hope. Flug patted my head, almost as eh could read my mind, "Tonight we might see, as there will be less ladies to choose from at midnight."

"Why, what happens?"

He swallowed hard, "Ehm remember the top hats?" I nodded, remembering how he pulled it off my hands. His hands trembled suddenly, "...well they sort out the candidates not worthy of Lord Black hat."

"Ah so everyone who as one has to leave the island?"

"Leave is correct, but the island...will be tricky."

"Why? What is so bad about top hats?"

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now