36. Free to go?!

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I stepped back while keeping my eyes on black hat. What is he up to? Is he serious that I would fall for such a trick?

But according to his actions minutes later, he wasn't kidding.

Along with a small suitcase I was send flying through the main gates an onto the street, face first. Flug's hat bots took care of this task. The doc stood beside me head minutes later, "Sorry Y/N, those are Lord black hats orders".

"Why is he doing this, what is his deal?"

Flug suspected something but didn't share it with me. Instead he held up an envelope, "Here, it's a small thing to start over. That's all I can do for you." Dusting myself off, I hugged him tight.

"Thank you Flug"

"I didn't do anything"

I smiled wide, "Without you I would have gone insane in this place." Giving him a kiss on his paper bag I grabbed my bag and left that evil island. Or shall I say....run?

Flug looked concerned as dogs chased me down the road. A couple of villains had a neighbourhood fight, with me walking between those two houses. Desert on the way, no money to get food or drinks and even the fair had to be paid. With that I left the island without the backpack. At least far away from the evil that held me in his grasp.

Black hat watched the scene from his office, laughing his head off. Flug entered soon after announcing that his job is done. His master chuckled looking at him with delight, "She won't get far."

And from what I witnessed he wasn't wrong with that.

Going through my old hometown, everyone closed their window in an instant. Event the shop where I used to be welcomed shut down. I walked over to he owner begging him what was happening in this town. He shook his head and only made the gesture to get lost.

The same happened to Abi's flat, as the new owners didn't wanted to be seen with me. It was clear that I was now the bad one in this town and no one want any contact with me. When you think villains would help me...not a chance. They even got violent if I only stepped towards them. No one dared to tell me why they behaved like that.

So there's only one place to get some answers.

The bookstore I used to work at. Of course I expected to be yelled at for not coming back for so long or at least tell them what happened. Abi didn't do it either, which didn't make it any easier.

Seeing them store books int he shelves, I waved my hand towards them, "Hey guys".

Ada and Nico looked at me but not in a good way. The atmosphere was cold, every customers left the shop in an instant. I stared at them confused, "What did I do?" Ada shrugged. My eyes went to Nico, "Please tell me."

Nico snorted, "How dare you come back"

Ada nodded, "Because of you we are living in danger"

"I can't follow you. So what happened while I was gone?"

Ada went passed me mentioning Abigail. Assuming that she did one of her lousy evil plans again I fears I get all the blame for it. But it seemed to be more complicated than I thought.

Nico kept her distance while glaring in my direction, "She had a deal with that evil monster from that island...all because of you."

"You have no idea. She tricked me too Nico."

Ada was close to hit me, "You are the problem Y/N! Just because you didn't sign his contract".

I gasped, "How did you know about this?"

"We, the entire town was part of that contract. But because you didn't sign it you sold us to that monster."

"No it was to sell my soul to him, not the other way around."

Ada now stood beside Nico, "Abigail saved us from your foolish act. She signed it and left us. She freed us from his grasp."

It has to be a nightmare, "Are you kidding me?! Abigail got us into this mess in the first place!"

"No Y/N, you did. No one wants you here. If anyone gets into contact with you we will be his target again."

"Is this part of the contract?"

Ada assured me that no one, not even if it was part of the contract, wants me in this town. Or even the other ones nearby. I was now a loner. She slammed the door shut, leaving me out in the cold. Black hat took everything from me, that was sure. No job, no cozy home, no perspective, no life...my new home was at the graveyard for the time being. Suddenly I heard a grumble. Great, now I am hungry. Can't it get any worse?

Flug watched the popcorn pop in the microwave while looking tired at his schedule. He is missing the nights he could spend with me, just forgetting the daily task one night was really refreshing for him. What his master said didn't let him go, knowing that was another moment to get worried. The more people suffer the better for black hats own amusement.

Abigail stood beside the doc looking annoyed, "The chores are done".

Flug sighted, "You're not even close from done"

"But the list is done"

"Check the other side"

Abi turned the paper and was clos to choke on the word, "I never fish that all till midnight".

The doc looked away bored, "Y/N had worse chores to deal with than you". He refers to me dressing the Lord but refused to tell her. Abigail didn't has to do those but got more cleaning chores. Flug can't stand this whole situation and fears that black hat got me in his grasp. There is no point to resist as this is the only way out for me.

His eyes went back to the popcorn, "Why do you have to be such a stubborn one Y/N?"

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now