39. New approach

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What I didn't expect is to receive such a warm welcome at the manor.

Although I was dragged by my foot and my face and mouth full of sand, the one opening the door was none other than Black hat himself.

"Took you long enough" he said, having an amused tone to it. Which changed drastically as Demencia flew towards the man, "Anything for you my love~!"

He bends down holding his hat in position. His minion flew over him and crashed into the next wall. Expecting an 'ow' from her, she crawled up the wall giggling like a little school girl, "You're so mean my Lord~"


Hearing her name from her master made her spine tingle, "Yes darling?"

"You forgot...this" it was a new look of disgust on his face that was hard to describe. But it was funny enough for me to suppress a giggle...a massive giggle.
Black hat held up the dirty huggy pillow with him on. On our way it was ripped open and all the stuffing was gone, leaving only the covers between his two fingertips.

"I thought being adored and worshipped is your thing?"

His face turned toe in an instant, smiling slightly, "Well, well, the good girl seem to be doing just fine."

"I had a lot of time for myself, thinking things through"

He got really close till his chest was against mine. Maybe I didn't think that much before returning. Black hats hat lightly touched my forehead, "Welcome Back. I hope your stay will be permanently". Offering his hand for me to take it, I obeyed. Together we walked passed Demencia through the corridor. From the corner of my eye I spotted Abigail in her maid outfit, she looks terrible like a ghost...torn and frightened.
Perhaps she had to help him dress as well...maybe seen a little to much?
That thought made me giggle.

"Something funny?"

I looked at him dumbstruck, "Yeah, you."


Nodding my smile was addressed to him, "You seem to be so...desperate." the last part took a few seconds before it passed my lips. The entire hall went silent, deadly silent.

His expression was not easy to explain. Was he shocked? Irritated? Even angry? It a mixture of them all combined.

"Why you..."


Nearby stood Flug holding a tray, as the items on it fell to the floor. His look of pure horror. I pointed at him while looking towards black hat, "What is up with him?"

"He is fine..." Said black hat collection himself, "...the same mediocre of a doctor"

"Geez, you had so much time to fix this. Been busy terrorising villages and towns?"

His eyes watched me carefully, "I see where you got your pretend confidence from"

"Not from you that's for sure. You fake yours constantly to act all like a big and mighty bad butt."

Expecting him to loose it, he just grabbed my shoulder lightly while smiling, "I will see you in my office...in five minutes." And with that he left.

"Do you have a death wish?!!!!" yelled Flug hysterical. I told him that I got my confidence back to face black hat face to face. The doc was ripping his paperbag off...only to have another one underneath, "I think you have lost your mind on your way here. If he keeps you alive now you will suffer worse than ever before."

"Sounds like the good old days...ah nostalgia."

"Have you lost your brain too????" Flug couldn't get around the fact that I wanted to make a deal with the Lord. He always gets what he wants and that was pretty clear. I shrugged, "Nah, not this time."

"It was nice knowing you"

I looked at him all innocent before leaning forward giving him a short kiss where his lips should be at.

Out of nowhere we heard a loud roar, "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!?"

"That's my call, wish me luck Fluggy."

He sighted before responding loud, "I wish you some sense and hopefully a few braincells that survive!" Abigail heard our conversation and swallowed hard, "Not good."

"You think?" He snapped at her, "She does it just for you"

"No...this is for herself."

"How can you be so sure?"

Abi leaned against the wall and looked up to the ceiling, "I know her, when she gets into a difficult situation her first approach is to get some distance. Then she thinks it through, the chances the risks... everything. When she has all the answers ready, her confidence gets a boost and she is off to go. She used to deal with difficult customers that way."

Flug finds this not very convincing, giving her a side look, "And you think Lord Black hat is that kind of 'difficult customer'?

Abigail needed a minute before sighting, "She will die."

Not hearing them talking my feet stopped at the massive doors.
Breathing deeply, I opened and watched how the owner of the manor held his hands out, "What took you?"

"Apparently my empty head"

Not sure of what I reffered to he sat down, "Didn't slow you down before. Sit."

Did he just call me stupid?! Clenching my fist I obeyed once more. A competition of staring without blinking has begun. Minutes passed...eyes are getting dry. To ease the tension I closed one eye first and then the next, "Wink wink".

His brow twitched, "So you think you're funny?"

"Much better than this dull atmosphere."
Thankfully I sat down, so he couldn't witness my legs are shaking. My confidence is slowly losing its purpose.

He however leaned back and scanned my behaviour from the head to the torso. Giving all I got not to show any sign of fear, his arms rested firmly on his desk, "I believe you wanted to make a deal with me?"

Nodding quick, the side of his lip curled up lightly, "What is the offer..."

Now it was a full on smile, showing his razor sharp teeth, "...and what will I receive in return?"

...a nuts...I am done for...

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now