32. Claim the evidence

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For a tired doctor like Flug, he sure was quick on his feet. The video was a mile off to get into my possession. I needed another way to claim it somehow.

"Flug has one copy and that crazy green haired woman. Who else has it?"

In my maid outfit, I stood beside the large teddy bear narrowing my eyes. Does he have a copy? He has a wide smile on his face. That is highly suspicious.

"What do you want?"

He grinned wider, grabbing something from his apron. A little drawing he made, showing him, Dem and Flug standing on the left. On the right stood two people. It was no mystery who they are, looking at their outfits.

"And you are showing me this...why?"

He pointed at the bride. Then to me.

Confused, I turned around....only to be held by my neck. It seems that rumors have spread fast, seeing Black hats future wife behind me. She heard about my little night with her husband, looking very furious.

"I don't know why he did this, but you will take a new position in this house that will requires to stay away from my Lord."

Were can I sign, was my first thought. But I doubt she would believe me. Nodding in response her grip tightened, "I will see to it. The doc will give you a new plan of chores to deal with." Leaving me on the ground, she disappeared in Black hats office. Breathing out loud, thanking myself to survive this mad woman, another one sounded rather disappointed.

"Aww, that was lame!" Demencia was on the ceiling, holding her smartphone.

"Don't you have any work to do?"

She smiled wicked, "Sure, studying the video I got"

"Speaking of that, why don't I get a copy?"

She excused it off that I am not interested in Black hat, so there is no point in needing it. Flug agreed on this, walking passed me, "Just give it a rest Y/N, I deleted mine."

"But she hasn't!"

Flug eyed Demencia annoyed, "This will never happen"

So it was up to me to get this phone off her, "Flug can I ask you a question?" The doc breathed sharp, "What?"

"I was wondering, is black hat the only thing she adores?"

"Obsession is more the word but yeah, her teeny tiny mind is only focused on the Lord himself."

He raised a brow, "Forget it Y/N, flirting with him wont help you..." he pointed at the crazy girl holding pen and paper, "...she will take notes on that." I stuck my tongue out, "As if! There is no way I am getting near this guy on my own free will."


"You stay out of this!"

Flug stared at us batting on which tongue is longer, as he mumbles to himself, "Why doesn't this work for me?"

"Something wrong Flug?"

He didn't expect me to hear him, panicking, "No, no, no, it's nothing...no biggie."

Just like Lady Tornado, he was gone behind the Lord of evils office. That gave me an idea. She wants black hat; she will get him. For this, I asked the blue bear for help and skipping a few chores in the process. That way, I managed to finish my new creation...a black hat pillow in life size, perfect to snuggle with. I will burn it if anyone gets me one of those. For Demencia it was like a dream come true, throwing away her glove puppet. She was all over that thing like an animal, "Seriously, this is for me?!" Her laughter was scary, yet it was clear to hear she was happy. Like a child on Christmas.

To her disappointment, I grabbed it off her hands, "only if I get the video, you can have this...this...thing here."

Pouting, she looked at her phone then back to me.


"Yay, thank you Dem..."



She smiled wide, holding the pillow, "You're welcome"

"Why did you smash the phone?!"

"Isn't that the way to delete it?"

"NO! I wanted to see what was recorded" I wanted to be sure that nothing else had happened last night. Being close to cry out, I heard the master scream my name.

"Oh great...cant this get any worse?"

"OHHHH my Lord, of course we shall rule the word together"

"Ew" seeing her kissing the pillow was disgusting. Hopefully that image won't be in my head when I stand before that man.

Inside the office sat Lady Tornado and Flug before the master of the manor. He gestured me to stand beside him. As ordered, I did so, asking him what he wants. He leaned back in his chair, giving me a side look, "Drinks." Flug mentioned before I left that he prepared refreshments in the kitchen. All I had to do was to get them. Passing the psycho woman drowning the pillow in her saliva I grabbed the tray. Preventing my stomach from turning at the sight was difficult.

"Of course, I want your babies my Lord!"

"...keep it down Y/N...keep it down"

Back in the office, I served them all in silence, while Black hat announced his next plans for tonight. He is going out with his future wife, while Flug had to attend to the customers demands. Apparently the orders seem to have double ever since he was getting married. His plan to expand his business as a married man seems to be working. Lady Tornado had also managed to claim more money and properties than ever before. It was now official.

Although it was clear that he marries her, he wanted to make a proposal anyway. As a gentleman he should as, he said. Lady Tornado was close to melt under his smooth voice, while my stomach tightened.

"Excuse me Sir" I couldn't hold it down.

His wife left the office as well, happily singing a tune.

Flug waited for his master to excuse him, but he had one more order for him, "Make sure the maid doesn't leave the mansion."

"Sir, may I ask you something?"

Expecting a harsh 'no', he nodded in response. The doc wanted to watch a series tonight and would like to invite me to join him. A daring move to ask.

"Sure...why not."

Flug shuddered under the carefree tone. This is not good...this is very, very bad.

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now