60. Vaccation for two

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"Why of all places does it have to be the woods?"

Carrying a backpack, I watched my husband giving a speech to his minions. Flug told me the last time he left for a trip his mansion was destroyed by Demencia. No surprise that his last words are threats. I tapped my foot getting impatient from standing around, "Any time now?"

"Patience" growled Black hat as he turned on his heel.

The blue teddy bear drove us today, greeting me with a warm hug. The minute he gestured his wide arms to his master black hat hissed, "No". Flug had to stay with Demencia just to be sure the mansion stands this time. And without the bear hopefully it minimizes the chances of getting a stupid idea. 505 is quite the creative type but with Demencia it is not a good thing or turning on cheerful music in the car. Black hat raised his hand and made a fist. In an instant, the radio was crushed.

"No music dear?" I asked amused while he was frowning.

My grin widened, "We could sing something?"

"You are aware that we are going to the woods my love...people do get lost occasionally."

I shrugged, "If we both get out of the woods again it must mean you truly care."

"Where did you hear such nonsense?" he said annoyed.


Black hat wasn't impressed, instead he sighted frustrated, "You should stop using this technology garbage".

"Just because you can't use it?" I said gesturing to my smartphone I held in front of him. The next it was flying out the window. My mouth was wide open as Black hat closed the window slowly.

"You owe me a new one."

He rolled his eye, "I rather give you a book".

"Ah, so you can spoil the fun again?" I spat, not forgetting the night after, "And the other has multiplied and probably is eating up my private room to the very last page."

"I thought this was supposed to be a 'kind gesture'" another eye roll before looking out the window. I wanted to say something...but...he was right. This book sure was one hell of a nuisance but it was there when I felt alone. And now there are so many of them that loneliness will be the least of my problems. The rest of the ride we stayed silent.

On the other hand, Flug and Demencia were yelling at each other.

The job they received by Black hat had to be fulfilled in two days. And it was not one or two tasks but over a hundred. And so little time for everything. The doc looked over the map of hat island and looks concerned, "Two days. And he will be there." He clenched his fist remembering Goldie. Determined to make his master proud, Flug dragged Demencia along to get started. For this first job he needed her strength. The second was to take phone calls which are more appropriate for Flug. Demencia doesn't know how to have business conversations with other villains. The doc sighted before sitting at the desk, cracking his fingers, "Well let's get started."

Our new start into the mini vacation wasn't what I expected.

A small cottage in between the woods and the swamp. I looked at him as I had dreamed this whole trip. Black hat looked at me with a blank face, "Something the matter dear?"

I didn't want to say that I expected another mansion or something similar but a simple little cottage. Inside was plain and simple, no luxurious furniture or décor like in the mansion. I got tense as my husband pushed me inside lightly, "I thought you might like the simplicity of our marriage."

"You lost me" not getting what he is saying.

"We won't be in here for too long..." he pulled out a leaflet from his coat and read it out loud, "...as we take a ride through the swamp, meet someone for business and a night walk through the woods. If it wasn't for Black hat, I might find it romantic. Although I wasn't surprised that business was involved as it always has been business with this guy. Like he could read my thoughts he added, "The business will be held short. We don't want to ruin our little vacation now, are we?"

I didn't answer.

"The boat is ready, shall we?" he held out his arm in my direction. I took it and we left for the swamp. 505 waved at us before driving back to the mansion. On the boat it was like a scene from the phantom of the opera only without the music. Crickets filled the air with their own sweet symphony. Crocodiles followed us too. Black hat was guiding us to our destination while looking at me occasionally.

"Enjoying yourself dear?"

"No" I said, but with a smile on my face it didn't sound convincing. The swamp was really beautiful.

"Are you sure?" he asked with a hint of amusement.


"Really?" the next second the boat started to rock sideways. Losing my balance, I fell into the water while the crocodiles swam towards me. In panic I screamed for Black hat for help, but he just stood on the boat still smiling, "I asked if you are enjoying yourself my love."

Scared to die I screamed, "I love it okay! Get me back on the boat!!!!"

Grabbing my arm, he pulled me with ease against his chest. Drenched from the water I hugged him tight. Shaking in fear and cold I was in search for warmth. Right now, he was the only thing I could hold on to. Black hat wrapped his arm around my waist while his eyes looked over my shoulder to the crocodiles. The escaped from the red eyes returning the beautiful scenery and the sound of the crickets.

Black hat was nowhere near warm, but I was desperate to stop my shivering. Despite him being a jerk, I saw no other option. Raising my head, I kissed him, hoping it would be warm and comforting. Apart from his body...they were warm...very warm...

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now