12. Messed up past

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Abigail did not speak to me through the whole trip. But that was fine by me, I had my own problems now...and one was in my palm. His damn pocket watch.

Back home the silence remained unbroken. Not even a single word of a good night was heard from any of us. Just two clicks of locked doors and I was all alone. It was hard to believe that the time on that island was strange, the time we spend there did not feel that long. Once we left the fog covering the whole island, it was already nighttime. His pocket watch had stopped as we left. But that did not matter anymore. All that I was capable of at this point was to curl up in a ball and cry till the sun rises.

Once 6 am was shown on my alarm clock, I uncurled from my misery with red eyes from all the tears.

It did not matter as I left my room, scaring Abigail out of her wits. She wanted to ask me what's wrong, but she knew the answer already. The newspaper from hat ville did not make it any better, seeing the latest article about Black hats part on his own little island. Normally I expected Abi to jump and scream like a mad fangirl...but nothing.

"Coffee or tea?" was her only response by now.

"Coffee" I mumbled, loud enough for her to understand. The silence was dreadful, even as she poured the boiling water into the two mugs wasn't enough.

"Aren't you excited?" I asked, seeing her twitch for a second.

"Why should I?"

Hearing me tap onto the newspaper made it clear, she didn't have to lock over her shoulder, "No".

"I guess it didn't go well?"

One spoon fell gently into the one mug, while the other fell like a loud bang..making me flinch at the sound.

"Not as I planned" she whispered.

"What do y..."


That got us off our seats. Whoever it was he was not aware that we hate visitors in the morning, geez. Even the postman knows that.

"Abi, what did y..."




Annoyed I held my hand up to her, "hold that thought". Stomping towards the door, I was greeted with a really bright light. For someone with dry eyes it is agony to even look at the light, shutting them in pain.

"You Ok Y/N?"

"I will when you turn off your shiny butt!"

Gold heart knew how to make a show, but does it have to be this early in the morning? Besides that, point, why is he here of all days?

"Sorry, can we speak..." his gaze went towards Abi "...in private?"

I held up my hand showing him two fingers, "two minutes, no more."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"No...I hate cold coffee. What do you want?"

Thankfully, he realized my foul mood, getting straight ot the point, "I seen you go to that Island yesterday..."


"What was your business with...him."

"Shiny, it is too early for this, can't we talk about this later?" Not waiting any more time, I closed the door.

"No, it has to be now!" he snapped, stopping the door with his foot, "It is important that we talk about it. You might be in great danger."

"I know, I am, and I don't care. Is that all?"

"Y/N, I am here for you. I know that you got invited to the party"

I shrugged, "So?"

"So, we might have a chance to get more information about Black hat."

Oh no, I know where this is going, "No way! I am no spy for anyone."

"What about last time?"

I didn't want to remember, "That was different"

"Spying on Flug was different?"

Ok guys, cards on the table. I had a little...thing...with the doc, but that was purely business!

"I was young, I needed the money"

"Y/N, that was last year"

"Was it? He seems to have taken it well." The hero raised his brow in suspicion.

"I didn't mean that. He just never mentions it."

I helped him gain information about Flug's newest inventions, one was ordered by a villain named penumbra. Because of me that hero Sunblast was able to destroy the device with ease. Flug found out about this and hasn't spoken to me ever since. But because of my job in the bookstore, he just acts nice towards me, just to get his order. I am surprised though; he never took revenge on me or told his boss about it.

Suddenly...I turned pale. Maybe he found out what I done. It that is the case then his threat would make more sense.

But there was no wait of this, "Listen, I am not interested anymore. The last time I failed and got away alive, next time I might not be lucky. Wait a minute...how do you know about the invitation?"

My letter was in my room, so how...

"The fridge"


"Your invitation is on the fridge. I could see it from the window"

"Ah that is Abigail's letter"

"But it has your name on it"

I didn't want to believe this peeking into the kitchen. As it was just straight ahead, I could see the fridge with ease, if it wasn't for Abi to rip off the letter. That was highly suspicious, "Ok shiny, you got go"

"And my offer?"

"Rejected!" with that I slammed the door shut, ignoring his foot.

Not wanting for Abi to get away, I growled at her, "Abs...the letter" Gesturing her to give it to me, she hesitated.

"I can explain" But this wasn't helpful at all. It all comes to the same thing, "Are you telling me, after all I done for you and get a death threatening invitation from black hat in person as a result, I had one already?!"

"It is not a deadly invitation" she tried to joke, laughing uncomfortable.

I was nowhere near to joke around, "How about we turn it into your funeral invitation?" 

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now