8. Get her in here!

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Abigail was staring in awe as she went inside the mansion.

Flug went past her as she inspected the things on the walls and items lying around. He wanted to make sure that his boss isn't furious with him. Knocking lightly, he heard his deep sinister voice, "Yes doctor?"

"Sorry to interrupt Sir, the guests have arrived"

"I see" he said, turning towards the doc, "And the one out there?"

"Ah yes well, she is...well...a little nervous."

"Get her inside"

Shuddering he nodded "Yes Sir...and the other one?"

"Send her in"

Flug hurried outside to inform Abi before running to his lab. There he has Demencia locked up in a cage and the large blue teddy bear making cut outs, "505 I need your help" The bear looked up smiling sweet while nodding quick.

"There's this woman outside, you must show her that coming into the mansion isn't so bad. Use your charm to get her in." And the bear knew exactly how to do that. With two colouring books and a few crayons, he left the lab. Flug sighted deeply, hoping of the best. As for the female of the team, she had to be caged up for a while. Since her love for her boss is endless, her desire to kill other obstacles in form of females would be to much of a risk to let loose. The hatbots had the order to make sure that everything will go well today.

Meanwhile, I remained on the ground crying.

Until a massive blue blob touched my face. Looking up I didn't expect to see a large, cute bear in this place. At first eh wanted to pull me inside, btu I refused. He tried to say something but all I heard was gibberish. Backing off it sat down before me, throwing one book on my lap. Followed by holding a crayon towards me.

Upstairs in Black hats office, Abigail bowed deeply before the man, "Lord Black Hat, is it an honour to see you in person." He nodded slightly but showed no other sign of interest. Turning around, he went to his desk, getting a file out of his draw, "Abigail van Howler. Member of the Black hat Organisation two years ago. Debts in millions plus the fees for the academy...the final warning...is next week." With that said, he threw the file towards her on the table, folding his hands together, "What do you want?"

"I..." for a minute she was all optimistic about this. The way he read it out was cold and distant, basically he couldn't care less. She didn't know what to say.

Flug entered the room to stand next to the desk. Black hat looked towards him, "Where is she?"

"She will be here right away Lord...oh..."

The "oh" didn't mean well. While his boss was frowning big time, Flug had looked out the window. He saw me and 505 colouring the books...outside the fence. Afraid he excuses himself quickly, rushing out. His boss was far from impressed, clenching his hand into fists. Abigail shivered, not feeling well how this situation turned out.

As I had a wonderful time. The fear wasn't entirely gone, but to colour in the pages with the bear was fun. He wants scary or horrible. He was a sweet little teddy bear...he even let me cuddle him. Flug was close to get a heart attack, "505 you're supposed to lead her in!"

He made gestures only for the doc to translate, "Then do it by force! Our boss is mad! "
The bear was panicking, hiding behind me. Despite his size I wasn't the best thing to hide behind.

"Miss Y/N, it is for your own good to step in on your own before our boss does it."

"He wouldn't force a lady, isn't he supposed to be a gentleman?"

"Please don't argue, just come in...please"

Looking back to the mansion the anxiety kicked in, "...not on your life..."

"It won't be just my life at stake!"

I stayed stubborn, fiddling with my watch. 505 noticed something pointing towards it. That's when I realized it stopped. The batteries can't be empty, they are brand new. Taking it off and placing it into my pocket, the bear snatched it off me and headed toward the mansion.


It spoke some gibberish as Flug just stood there, not moving a muscle.

"Translate please"

"He wants to fix your watch"

"Ok fine by me"

His eyes got soft, too calm for my taste, "Although time doesn't work here like outside the island. And he isn't good with delicate things like a watch..."

"What are you getting at?"

"...how much do you care about that watch?"

"It was a present from my family, the only thing I got from them. Why?"

He crossed his arms together, "Then I guess it is time to say goodbye to it. Especially when he tries to wash it"

"Wash it?!" The last time Abi done that, I had to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get it fixed. Instead of helping, he gestured for me to come in and stop the bear myself. Furious I hit his shoulder, "You really are a piece of work!"

"I am a villain, Miss. This is my job."

Afraid of my precious watch, I had no choice but to rush inside. The minute I was in, the doors shut and locked themselves. I was trapped.

"Blue bear? Where are you?"

Not a single sound was heard.

"Give me back my watch!"

Walking through the corridor I felt a shiver down my spine, seeing portraits of Black Hat on every wall. I must be paranoid; they seem to be moving. Following my every step.

505 placed my watch on the kitchen table starring at it with interest. Next, he went through the draws and threw all sorts of stuff out of them. At least my watch was safe...for the moment.

Unlike for Dr.Flug. He stood before closed doors.
The situation got worse as the burglar alarm system was activated.

The remote to turn it off was beside my watch.

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now