46. Last day of...

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I haven't seen so many villains in this mansion before. Everyone was ordered by Black hat to make me look my best. The dress and every accessories were picked out with care. I had no say in any of this just simply the 'sit there and look pretty'option. My hair and skin got ripped from one side to the other till it looked like something. The pain was unbearable but I had to sit it through. To think about it that this procedure will be prepeated tomorrow the feeling of happiness faded with it. Marrying a monster is one thing but the part to look like a bride was one thing that I held on as a happy moment.

From the side I noticed another piece of clothing.

"What is this for?"

The villain holding it said with a smile, "Your wedding gown...for the evenings intimacy."

There...all happiness is gone...

...including my appetite.

At least this day has a good side to it. It was the only one where I wasn't allowed to be near Black hat. The contract was on hold for that night. For this my sleep residence will me my own private room where he is not allowed to walk in.

In the main hall the arrangements for the food, décor and visitors were ongoing while my husband is keeping a close eye on everything. The tension in this hall kept everyone on their toes. No one dares to make a single mistake in front of that man. Flug and 505 helped while Demencia got on black hat's nerves. She really wants to be the bridesmaid. The fact that Flug is the best man doesn't bother her the slightest.

None then less I was forced to attend my daily duties at Black hats office. Looking through the contracts it felt different every time. The more I do this the less I feel guilty.

Am I a bad person?

My hands glide other the papers,

Or do I become one?

Signing must be done. The way my signature flew over the pages the less it becomes difficult. My mind doesn't even bother to think about these people that I hold power over life and death. The room was dead silent, as time was slowing down.

The only thing that took it away was a quick open and closing for the door. I looked up. There was no one around. Back to the paper I heard something hiss. Standing up my eyes looked over the desk.


Demencia jumped up making me fall back into the chair.

"Please can I be your bridesmaid?!"

I needed a minute to collect myself "Wha...eh...why?"

"My Lord said to ask you. So pleaaaaasssssseeeeeeee!"

That is a mystery. First, she didn't want me near her beloved lord nor she wants to be my bridesmaid "If it makes you happy...sure?"

Her scream was extreme. No fangirl has a high pitch voice like that. She was hold her arms out to hug me as I held my own arm in her direction, "No hugs...ever."

"Can I come with you later on too?"

"Eh? Later on...where"

Her grin was disturbing as she sang, "The honeymoon~"

"There won't be one. Not while I see to it. "

"But I have to learn" she pouted looking like a little kid. My eye twitched on that, remembering the video.

"There won't be a moment for you to learn anything Dem. So please get out. I got work to do."

Demencia refused until I gave her the green lights for the honeymoon come along. Black hat entered the room and held his hands under her chin. Dem melted under the touch.

"Would you be so.... well like always and leave at once?"

"Yes, my love!" she whispered, walking out like she was drunk of love.

I clapped my hands together impressed, "Wonderful can you do that more often?" His eyes showed sign of disgust at what he just done. I loved every moment of it, as I have time for my work....

"We need to talk."

...or not.

I grow suspicious at this. He never asked me to discuss anything with him, "Go on."

He leaned against the desk and held the pen in his hand, "Where would you like to go on our...honeymoon..." the last part almost was choked out of his mouth. I nodded in agreement, "I hear you. How about we just...skip it?"


The pen he held had hit the desk making a crack into the wood. His eyes darkened, "Where?"

"I am not interested okay! You don't want it; I don't want it. So just call it off!"

"You have a choice dear. Either we have our...evening...or our guests will be seeing some action from your side."

"What are you on about?"

My blood runs cold as he gestured at his tablet. How could I forget that?

"You wouldn't dare! "

He got closer, deadly close to my face, "You want me to humiliate you again?"

I glared back, "Honeymoon on this island. Somewhere alone. Under the condition that all videos get destroyed."

"As you wish."

"If you cross me...dearest...this video will be my ticket to our divorce."

Preparing for him to get all ugly with me, he kissed my hand, "Don't back down now. So how is the work getting along?"

The sudden change in topic caught me off guard. Suddenly he was all businessmen. He waited patiently to answer him, as I held out the signed contracts and the explanation of those I spared. His grin widened as the sight, "Good development. Keep up the work." And with that he left me. Before his hands closed the door he smiled at me evil, "And a good night my dear. You are going to need it."

That night I dressed up in my PJ in my private room.

But the expectation of silence and a good night sleep turned to a horror scenario. That monster book was there munching on my books. Like a puppy that tried to escape the room for weeks, everything was destroyed. In rage I was clinching my fist, ready to tell black hat about this. But then...I stopped.

This book was here all alone for a long time. I gave it a try and sat on my bed. Patting the space beside me it hoped onto the mattress. Making myself comfortable with the little space of furniture left the book cuddled against me. Since I haven't used this room often the temperature has dropped. The book felt it and made a little growl. I patted it to calm down, "There there. Everything is alright."

Until I felt something covering my back. I watched in horror as several smaller versions of that book appeared can cuddled against me.

"You multiplied! How?"

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now