18. His demand

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The last thing I didn't expect is for Flug to stay at my side afterwards.

He sat beside me in bed, watching with me some show he loves so much. Still a little dizzy I cuddled into his side. Flug was startled at the contact but didn't move away, "Don't get too comfy, once Abigail is back, I am gone."

"I am sorry Flug"

He sighted, "Don't bother"

Annoy my tone didn't lose strength, "I said I am sorry"

"Doesn't matter"

Moving my hand I tapped onto his smartphone, "Take it or I will tell you how it continues in the next episode"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Would I?"

Flug moved aside, "Why are you doing this? Minutes alone and you demand to be forgiven."

"I know I made a mistake"

"To big for my taste"

I sighted, "Ok a massive one. Can't we just start over?"

"We can't" he looks away.

"Because you don't want to or not bothered to?"

He shook his head, "Because it's too late". Now that I wanted to understand. Pushing him to speak up, he remained silent, moving further away. That was my call to hunt down the answer.

At Black hats office the atmosphere wasn't any more cheerful than ours.

Abigail didn't even have to knock, as the doors opened on their own. Black hat was already waiting, gesturing her to sit. Obeying his order, he folded his hands together and leaned back, "And?" Abi shook her head, feeling scared to upset him, "I doubt that she will, Sir."

He raised a brow, "How so?"

"I know Y/N for a long time, she doesn't like to obey anyone. Especially when she gets forced to do so."

"I am not forcing her; she has a choice"

She moved on her chair, like wanting to leave as quick as possible, "Then what can I do for you?"

Instantly, a large scroll appeared before her. She was about to protest that I wont sign anything, as he told her to shut her lips, "She doesn't sign anything...you will." Abigail is already a member of the organization, so why signing it twice? Her eyes went over the contract, while Black hat stayed quiet. Patiently his eyes followed her face, turning from a concerned to a worried look that made him feel exciting.

"Sir..." She began, "...I can't do this...not to Y/N."

"You seem to forget your own situation"

Abigail is fully aware of that, but what is she willing to pay for it? The contract changed slightly, revealing more paragraphs that would be more beneficial to her. Abi was close to tears, "Please Sir, I can't do this to her".

Unaware that he left his seat in the meantime, he appeared behind her, grabbing her shoulders, "Its simple, either you and your children or her. Your choice" She is not allowed to think this through, he demands an answer right now. Before that she not allowed to leave the office. Nothing she says could get her out of this situation...Black hat has her trapped.

Meanwhile my little hunt turned to a game of 'catching-the-doctor'. Although it was a small bedroom, he was quick on getting out of my grasp. When he tried to get tot the door, I pulled him back in his lab coat. "Tell me why its too late!"

"I can't. You wouldn't understand"

"Try me" his coat got pulled out of my hands he jumped on the bed.

"Just wait till the party is over, okay?"

Curious I asked him why that is. His paper bag started to sweat, "Flug, this better has nothing to do with that boss of yours." The bag is now fully drenched, "Flug!"

"He will explain it all"

"No, you tell me...now!" finally I got his leg.

"I said I can't. Let go" trying to get me off he lost his balance.

With a loud slam, the fell of the bed. With his back first and me on top.

Just then, Abigail entered the room. Her expression was hard to describe, either was she crying about something, or she finds this situation hilarious. Then, she held her mouth closed to purposes a laughter, "Should I come back later?"

Embarrassed Flug and I said together "It is not what it looks like!"

"Sure. Aren't you two too old to play doctors and nurses?" Who knew that this could get Flug's paperback dry in an instant, anymore comments like this and he is on fire. I couldn't help but blush myself, getting off, "Ha ha funny. I only tried to get the truth out of him".

"What truth?" Somehow this seems to cause some disturbance to Abigail, looking at the doctor with worry. He however, just shrugged it off, "I told you Y/N, you find out soon enough. Good evening". Passing Abigail, she ran after him.

"What was that all about?"

Grabbing his arm, she was close to panic. Flug shook his head, "It will be all revealed by the end of the party. Make sure that she is there."

"But what about her injury?"

"It is not that bad, give her some rest and tonight she can dance the night away."

She slowly released his arm.

He could tell what is on her mind, knowing where she just been, "I will take it from here. You have nothing to do anymore. We discuss your case later".

"Thank you doctor"

Back in our room, she sees how I make myself comfy again, "Hey Abs, what was that all about?"

She waved her hand off, "No big deal, just something about the party tonight. It is a blast so we should go."

"A blast means HE is there."

She nodded, "I guess, but we can enjoy yourself without him ruin it for us."

Somehow this sounded weird, "Since when do you don't care for that man?"

Abi jumped on the bed playfully, getting a cushion to hit me with it, "Because this is our time to have fun as friends."

"Remember we aren't friends"

"At least for now we are" she corrected. For a slight moment I say that Abigail that I missed years ago, before becoming a member of that man's organization and a villain. When did it all go wrong?

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now