37. Please help...anyone!

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If I dont die from hunger, I will from the cold.

Neither heroes or villains dared to help me out. For the first time, they actually work together on something: making my life hell. And I thought living at that monsters mansion was bad. Maybe I should go back an sign it.

In an instant, I slapped myself.

"How could you!" I screamed. This is his plan all along. He wants me to be at rock bottom only to be there when I am at my worst. And from the looks of it, I wasnt far of with that assumption. Only a few feet away stood a horse. It was in flames. Annoyed I watched how the rider got off and walked towards me. His chuckle was way too familiar for my taste.

"Lonely dearest"

"No, I got my...friends..." patting the grave beside me.

"Pride wont get your far"

I looked away, "I am not coming back to you"

"Who said i want you back?"

I gestured at him, "Youre here, get the picture?"

Now leaning against the only tree at the center of the graveyard, he smirked, "No enlighten me".

"I rather put you off"

"Dare and die..." he growled, remembering our first encounter with him as Charro Negro. from a deep growl his voice lifted to a mocking tone, "...darling."

"Cant you torture some other woman out there. You got plenty that hate you already so take your pick."

My annoyance seem to be his entertainment, as he chuckled at my glare, "Being desperate really gets the best out of you." Walking towards his horse, he looked over his shoulder, "I love to see more." With that he left me all alone in the dark.

I really need food!

I hate to admit it, but he was right at one thing. I was desperate. My mind tells me to stop, but my hands thought otherwise while holding a massive stone. In a few minutes my misery was over, standing in the middle of a store. Despite the old man not lettign me in I felt terrible to act this way. Grabbing only a few packs of food and five bottles of water I left the store quickly. Unaware that the owner saw me the whole time. He even had a riffle ready to shoot the intruder.

But why didnt he?

His wife was furious at his behaviour. The old man stared at the store, "She only took the cheapest stuff in the store, all becasue she was hungry." He sounded proud by this, making his wife even more angry. But the man assured her that hunger is the least of my worries, looking back to the time he talked to me about legends, "She is in the grasp of El charro negro. Her fate is sealed." Expecting a massive argument of his ridiculous beliefs, she went all silent. Her eyes filled with tears, "Not again."

Meanwhile i finished the first pack of crisps.

It felt good to ease my stomach from the cramps. Without pain it was easier to think...and to supress unsure thoughts. If no one is going to help me, I will help myself. At the bookstore my supplies of food was hidden inside a trashcan. No one at the backyard would take it away, in the meantime I had the chance to break into the store. With a coffeemachine, lights, warmth and books, all my problems have dissapeared. At least for a while. 

During my stay I noticed the different genre in the shelves. Magic books of the occult and such are no longer available. Romance, thrillers and more common ones filled the gap. It was a normal bookstore now. The cafe was no longer serving villains or even addressing them as guests. The signs everywhere made it clear that villains are no longer allowed to enter that store.

"What happened while I am gone?" I thought out loud.

The answers were right in front of me, or shall I say at the wall beside me? It was covered with newspapers. Articles about villains causing trouble in this town, damaged stores and even hurt innocent people. On a few I recognized a few villains that happened to be loyal customers at the bookstore. I swallowed hard at another one, where I can see Flug and Demenca fight against sunblast. Taking a step back, the articles on heroes vs villains have increased. While I left a massive war broke out against the forces. One piece of paper was close to make me throw up at the titel: Villain Abigail saved the town.

"You are all blind!" I shouted.

This was Black hats plan. He didnt do this to get me, I am only a piece in his plan that he can use whenever he needs someone to blame for everything.  He is after something bigger and I want to know what it is.


"Who is there?!"

No one replied. Armed with a large book I inspected the corridors, "I am warning you, I got an atlas!"

"Marvelous, show me where we go on holiday"

"Geez!" he came out of the blue, smirking at my shocked face. Gold heart got closer holding my shoulder lightly, "Are you okay?"

"I am when my heart stops racing. What the hell Goldy! What are you doing here?"

"I was going to say the same thing" his amused tone was annoying. He knew what was going on and still had the audacity to mock me, "Why didnt you save the town?"

He looked confused, but I didnt buy that, "Dont give me that look. You fought another while I was ensalved. You had the power to save this town from all villains, why didnt you help the citizens? Why?!" 

Gold heart stepped back, while his eyes went over to the articles, "You kept the balance at the time."


"You held this town under control without knowing. Think about it, you had a town that was abel to live with heroes and villains togehter. The minute you left it all came crushing down."

"That doesnt answer my question."

Goldheart shock his head, "It does answer it. Black hat took away that one thing from this place only to destroy it in the end."

"You speak in riddles Goldy"

His tone suddenly changed to sadness, "He cant stand a good heart, rotten them to the very core is his desire. But it is not to late. Y/N, theres one way to end this."

He held his hand out to me, "Become a hero...become mine..."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now