64. Top hat

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Despite the pain yesterday, I felt nothing this morning. Touching my back I could feel any cuts. My shirt was drenched in blood, but the wounds disappeared. Pleased by that I leaned back in bed, until my hand touched something slimy.

From outside black hat grinned wide as I screamed my lungs out.

The cottage was filled with toads. I should have known, as the doors and windows weren't keeping anything out of the place. My husband entered the room and bowed at me as a greeting, "Lovely sound you make in the morning, my dear."

"You better not be responsible of this!" I said referring to the toads.

His smile didn't give away any hints or his cheeky, "...maybe..." that escaped his lips. On my toes I left the cottage. But I didn't want to spend my day in a drenched in blood clothes or anywhere near that swamp.

"Would you like something to eat darling?"

My stomach answered loud, making me blush in embarrassment.

"Splendid, shall we?" He held out his arm to take it. Just like yesterday, we walked through the woods. But this time I checked my surroundings for threats. Black hat was amused by this, playing with my fear. It took me a while to realize that he used stones to make noses by throwing them into the bushes. Not only that, mosquitoes followed me all the way through the woods, drawn by the smell of blood. In my opinion it was smelly, and I was begging for a shower.


The easiest option was the lake nearby. Without any thought I jumped right in and felt a little cleaner. Black hat stood at the end of the lake and watched me take a bath with my clothes on. I remained cautious of my husband and anything that might attack us. To my surprise we didn't stay in the woods all to long. The last trees cleared, and we stood in front of a massive building. Next to that monstrosity were carparks and villains with shopping carts. I raised a brow at this, "There is a supermarket...right next to the woods?"



He pointed at the woods again, but I find that stupid as a reason. Black hat told me to wait as he pulled me along and inside the building. Now drenched in blood and wet to the bone, I received awkward stares of the villains. Black hat still smiled, even till we reached the top of the building. On our way there I watched the stores. A normal supermarket with the usual stuff anyone might need. What I wasn't aware of was the other side of this place. Once the elevator closed with me and Black hat inside, the shops turned to stores od weapons, explosives and more. Immediately the villains bought everything they can get their hands on, even play dirty at the cashier.

We didn't hear that chaotic shopping downstairs.

At the top we were greeted by a bartender and a panorama bar. You could look in every direction, beyond the woods and even the mansion was in sight. Black hat nodded at the bartender before joining me at the window, "Still not convinced?"

"Fine...it is nice here."

I don't like to agree with him, but the scenery was breathtaking. Completely drawn to the sight, I didn't see the staff behind me. They arranged a dress and hygiene supplies for a shower. Black hat left a note that he expects me to be in the lounge in one hour. The destination was right next to me, but the shower was across the room. The bartenders served black hat a drink while I could relax. Having some time alone. Filling the bathtub with hot water I got in and closed my eyes. The feeling of warmth soothed my body.

Outside black hat was disturbed by some villains that followed him upstairs.

"Is it true?!"

Black hat didn't flinch, just leaned back on the couch while his wineglass casual lied in his hand, "What is?"

"The invasion...heroes want to destroy this island and everything that lives here?"


"And you let that happen?!"

Black hat grinned evil, showing off his teeth, "Why not? Sounds like fun."

"They going to kill us all!"

"That is correct. Isn't that exciting?"

The villains looked at black hat like he was insane. But this was the least he got out of him, while the bartender came forward to fill the wineglass once more.

"Sir, the statues are fully functioning. There waiting for your orders." Black hats grin got more vicious as his eyes wandered over the scenery, "Excellent. We shall have the greatest fun of them all...tomorrow."

Back in a dress I went to the lounge to meet my husband. Beside that dress I had no shoes or any jewelry. But black hat didn't seem to matter, as we both sat beside each other on the couch, as our food and drinks were served. My mind was confused by this whole situation. He enjoys playing around so much I can't tell if this is actually genuine or another prank of his to be a bad girl again.

This lasted till the sun sets.

All we did today was eat, talk and be comfortable with each other. Not what I expected after what happened yesterday in the woods. The sun was almost gone, black hat got closer, "Would you like me to...get more comfortable with you?" He leaned over while I backed off, "I don't think we aren't the same page here. I am not in the mood."

"This might be your last chance."

"Thank goodness I knew there was an end to my suffering."

This time he didn't commented my sarcastic remark, instead he pulled on my legs back to him. I lied on the couch, while he crawled over me, "This is no game this time." He was dead serious. The bartenders already left, and no one was there to help me. His hand stroked my hair tenderly, "I wont force you. It is your choice." We stayed like that for a while, our eyes locked together. My mind was reaching with questions, wishes...desires. I asked him weakly why he is doing this, but his answer didn't make any sense to me.

"You will face the reality tomorrow. When the time comes...I won't be there to stop you..."

Suddenly the dress was a little loose, worried I looked up at black hat. His voice hinted that he was still serious, "...will you stop me?"

In an instant we kissed passionately. The dress revealed my shoulders as I took off his coat. The kiss was never broken...not once. The lights of the lounge turned off, giving me no sight of black hat. But from what I could touch that night...his top hat was no longer on his head...but on mine.

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now