63. Good or evil?

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Black hat walks off like he didn't have a care in the world. Casually walking into the woods. Meanwhile I stood there before the hero and thought to myself, how on earth can I get out of this? A minute ago, I felt confident to beat the goodness out of him and now cowardly stepping back.


Because he pulled out an electric horsewhip. The loud snap it made hitting the ground made me jump. I rather not feel that on my skin. All I had for protection was the broken chains and dry branches everywhere. My first try was to throw the branches at him, only to hear the loud bang whenever it tears the branches into several pieces. The chains were too heavy to throw. My eyes widened as the hero has disappeared suddenly. A sudden blur and he was close to hit me with the whip. No second to escape I closed my eyes.

"Who is evil now?"

Opening one eye the hero didn't even pay attention to me. He looked towards the woods where black hat is standing. His arms crossed over his chest and his cane casually handing from his arm. My focus went to the whip that was stuck to the ground by a hook. The hero was furious snapping at my husband, "How dare you ruin my fun!"

"Fun?" black hat snorted, "This is pathetic. Attacking a defenseless and weak-willed opponent." Excuse me you left me here all alone, I thought giving him an evil look.

The hero yelled once more, "Where is my partner?!"

Black hat looked to the woods and back, "Oh, that one is taken care off." We could hear the screams from the woods making me and the hero get tense from the sound. Instead of helping me out, black hat remined at the tree and told the hero to continue. He however tried to get his whip back as my husband added, "No weapons".

Despite of his slender and weak look, he sure knew how to box. His blows where powerful that my lip started to bleed. Black hat stood there amused and didn't even flinch whenever I received another hit. Now on the ground my chances of winning were impossible. My hands pulled on the grass cursing under my breath about this whole situation. Not only did I underestimated that hero, but I also even thought that there was something good in my husband...


While my eyes could only see the ground, I felt something hit my back, like a knife cutting through my skin. From the side of my eyes, I could see black hat looking bored now but not a single move to help me out. I don't want to die like this, I thought.

With all the fear and anger raising up, I runed my head around and held out my arm to grab the whip. It wraps around my wrist causing it to bleed badly. The hero seems to be stunned by that move as the whip was now in my possession.

But this was the least of his worries.

My mind was clouded, my sight blank. I felt that I moved my arm, but my conscience couldn't tell what I was doing. My heartbeat increased as adrenaline rushed through my body. It came to an end as another handheld my wrist in midair.

Now I could see the brutal scene before me.

Black hat held me from behind while his arm stopped my hand that held the whip, completely covered in blood. That hero lied on the ground, not a single breath left him. Did I kill him, I thought over and over trembling under black hats touch.

"Congratulations. You won my dear" he whispered into my ear, sounding impressed.

"Why...why..." I said not sure what I was aiming for. Why did I do that? Why did this happen?

"Why didn't you stop me?" guessed Black hat.

He was right there when it happened. I clenched my teeth, "Why didn't you help me?"

Black hat sighted, "We been together for quite some time. You know that I have no sympathy for pathetic good-natured actions. What is there to help with?"

I asked why he stopped me not and not before I hit the hero back. His answer was clear, "Proof."

"For what?!"

"Your good nature will crumble the moment you feel it is no more useful. Once you fear for your life, your morals while disappear and leave nothing but destruction and chaos...." His arms held me closer while he whispered, "...the side I was craving to see."

I wanted to say something, but he beats me to it, "But whenever that happens, you go back to your good sided pathetic ways, pretending to be pure and innocent..."

"...there is no such thing as good or evil" He slightly moved my head towards him kissing me passionately. Not able to think straight on what he said I tried to change the subject, "What did you do to that other hero?"

Black hat chuckled, "I gave her the right punishment she deserves."

"Death?" I spat.

"Worse..." he grinned, "...a whole lot worse."

Apparently, he didn't even lay a single finger on that hero. Black hat chased her through the wood as a giant monster. He was leading the hero towards the swamp and into the arms of that tall man we have met.

"Is that enough for the ritual?" asked black hat while the man gave him a thumbs up.

"How did you manage to get a hero that quickly into the swamps?" he asked curiously since this island is not a safe place for one. Black hat held a finger to his lips and grinned, "I have my ways...make sure the system is running soon."

Back at the cottage I had to lie on the bed.

Black hat carried me all the way back there and placed my on my stomach down. Embarrassed he pulled my shirt up and added some cream to my cuts. He didn't tell me what kind of cream he uses or where he got it from, but it helped with the pain. Once he finished the shirt was pulled down and he stroked my hair tenderly, "Good night, dear."


He looked back surprised.

"Where are you going?"

His grin widened, "I sleep outside as promised."

The door closed. For the rest of the night, I was wide awake. While my wounds felt numb my thought were racing once the fog cleared in my head. Black hats words kept repeating itself as I thought what he meant by that. If he was right about that...then...who is the real hero and who is the real villain?

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now