43. Safety system

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Those contracts are really inhuman.

No one in their right mind would sign this on their free will. Turning the chair toward the window I sighted. This cannot be right. Fresh air might do the trick, clearing my head from this nightmare. Without a second thought I pulled the cutrains aside...

"Good morning my lo...oh its you..."

...only to close it again.

Seriously that girl will kill me for sure. From outside I can hear her loud voice squeaking for the Lord of the manor. Why cant she do this job instead? Frustrated I sat back down, knowing she would destroy innocent lives for fun especially when she can make Black hat happy with it. No, I have to prevent that.

At this moment Abi entered the office, "Hey Y/N I got you tea. How do you feel?"

"Seeing you...awful"

She lowered her head slowly pushing the tray on to the table, "...I am sorry..."

"I know, I heard that, I felt that...got the shirt. Is that all?"

Her head moved slightly sideways, "Just be careful with this guy"

"Careful...careful!..." I threw her the contract towards her feet, the one she signed, "...if I wouldnt be careful you wouldnt be standing here right now!" With that I gestured her to leave. Abi bowed quickly and left in silence. Back in the chair, I felt even more frustrated.


"What now Ab...oh Flug. Sorry I thought you were soemone else."

He nodded in approval, "So I heard. I am here to discuss with you the last arrangements for the wedding." My eye twitched. My level of frustration was reaching its limit. I fear there was no way around that issue telling him to sit while offering some tea. Just in case I let him drink first. Meanwhile Abigail cleaned up the kitchen as ordered and taking her time with it. She looked out the window several times. Demencia sat nearby and ate her cereal straight from the package, dropping a few loops on her way to her mouth. Abigail ignored her constant chatter about Black hat or that she deliberately spilled the milk on the floor to gain attention. The only one that does was 505, begging to get some left over cereals.

I wish my situation would have been this boring at the moment. The whole situation for the wedding was a lecture of agony, the honeymoon was the part where it turned to a horror movie. At the end I will be anounced to be my husbands partner in crime, owning half of the organization and working alonside him. Great, now it is a psycho thriller movie.

 "Would that be all Flug?"

"No, there are a few more things" he said, holding a bunch of paper in his hands. From what I guessed the thicknes could easly compete with a famous novel. I slide down the chair till I lied in it, this was just too much for one day. Luckly I set my alarm clock to be in bed on time as I fell asleep during the lecture. He left me there to snooze as Demencia entered. As usual she was being...wierd. Sniffing the chair and stealing a painting from her master. Through that I didnt hear her at all...or the alarm clock. Demencia used her speed to press the off button just in case I order her to return the painting. Yeah like she would anyway.

And to be fair, I was glad for one thin Abigail did for me...

..which is waking me three minutes before breaking the rule.

Running wasnt the right word for my action, I was floating through the air. At the bedroomdoor I made a jump you only see during a baseballgame halfway inside. Black hat shut his pocket watch and mumbled something to himself. I dusted myself off and got changed in the bath.

This was close...too close...

In bed Black hat had his usual routine to read in silence. And as usual he doesnt know how to close a book slowly, "How far did you get with the contracts?"

"I am on it"

"That is not what I asked"

He was angry but not sure about what. Untill he just told me flat, "Who was taken off?"

I went pale as there was absolutely not a single customer that I wish to get killed. According to Black hat it was my duty to sort out the reliable ones and eliminate the screw ups...which was a massive amount to his remarks. He didnt ask me, he demanded of me to do this. By that time I was pale as a sheet. Unlike Black hat who went from a "Do your job probably tomorrow" to a smiling happy "Good night darling."

Thank you dear...for nothing...

Who can sleep at this point?!

Abigail seem to have the same problem. She left her room and headed towards the main door. Under her arm was a small bag and she wore a compfy outfit. One more look towards the corridor as the door closed. Outside stood a man waiting for her. Abigail stepped forward shivering, "You said you can help me and Y/N?"

He nodded, "First we have to get you out of here"

"But my children, I cannot leave them behind"

The man assured her to do this, as it is the only option to escape. No one knows where they are and no one dares to find out, not even the heroes. Abi broke down in tears as the man held her shoulders firm, "I will find a way to get Y/N to help us. Trust me. She will support you."

"She hates me. It is all my fault!"

Her hopes was all lost but the man insisted that she shouldnt give up so soon. After all, no one else can walk aroudn freely through the mansion as Black hats wife and close servants. With that he took her off the Island and brought her to a building far away. There Abigail had to give up everythign she owns, the bag her clothes and recieves a new identity and pass.

She was no longer a villain or servant. Her new name is Lea Lenson a woman that joined the safety system. This was made by heroes to save villains that are in the grasp of Black hat, some can live a normal live while others can take the path of becomign spies.

Abigail did want to chose on the first day...first...she needed time to think.

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