41. Sneaky bet

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That book gave me no rest till bedtime. I had to hit it several times from destroying my new book collection. At the same time I had pity on the poor thing, considering how long it has been in black hats possession, it sure is terrified of him. Which is relatable.

My fear started at night time. Arriving early he already sat in bed reading a book. Except for his coat, the rest was still on him. I preferred to change in my private room, in case he tries something funny.

He greeted me before looking back to the pages. Nothing out of the ordinary. Once I got in, he didn't even flinch or make a single move. Safe.

Pulling the sheet up and getting cozy his attention to the book remained. Okay then, "good night".


Closing the book can be done quietly! He almost gave me a heart attack.

"Not so fast...let's start with the arrangements."

"We only became a couple a few hours ago"

He grinned wide "So? It is never to late to plan the wedding."

I raised a brow "Does too early count?"

"Not for us. I already arranged everything for the day." He held several pieces of paper in his hand. The details were incredible, not a single thing was missed out.

"Wait a minute..." Something was not making sense, "...how do you know what I like?"

He had to suppress his laughter "Our little trip?"

"Trip...what trip?"

He meant the shopping tour we had with Lady Tornado. True, that way he knew my interests and everything else. How could he remember all that?

"Something missing?" He added placing the book on his nightstand.

"What about you? Your interest is not included." All pages were planned for me. He just said that he doesn't care as long as we get married. Nodding unsure, I proceeded by flipping the pages. Even the prices were included. I swallowed at the total amount.

"Why so much?"

I flinched at his touch, as he touched my hand and kissed it, "Nothing is expensive for my darling wife."

"Does this include a new husband?...ow"

He pressed my hand tight while his smile remained, "Don't push your luck."

"I didn't allow you to touch me!"

I moved further to the corner now feeling really uncomfortable. He leaned back and pulled his hat to the front, "You better get used to be kissed" gesturing to my hand.

I rubbed the spot looking annoyed.

"Besides it won't last forever"

"What is that supposed to mean? We signed the contracts that this is not allowed."

He looked at me with his one eye, "your hand is the only thing that is not included...it seems you haven't read the contract too well dearest."

"Oh" I really can't recall that there was a single line on the contract.

"I look forward to see you fail..." He leaned in closer making me back further away, almost falling off the bed, "...then I can touch you whenever I want."

Confusing was clearly spread all over my face, "I don't interstand".

Moving back his smile grew inhuman wide showing his teeth, "If you don't follow my hours demanded...I will have you."

"There was no line for that!"

"Oh there is. One second too late and your contract will be invalid"

"You're making this up"

He held out his hand to shake, "Want to bet?"

At this point I wanted to see the contract. Black hat did move a little, still waiting for my hand, "I bet that you cannot keep up my rules and therefore lose your privileges of your own contract."

Impatient I took it, "Yeah fine whatever, show me the contract." One blink and it was in his grasp while remaining in bed. Confused I looked under the bed. No one is that quick, I could have sworn that he storedthem in his desk draw...so how is this possible?

He waved the contract at me before I took it, taking my time to read it carefully, "There is no line on that! You lied."

"Indeed, I have. But now it is."

He held his hand up, "You shook on it."

"You rat bag!"

Black hat laughed out loud before turning to the side, "That's the attitude I was waiting to see. Sweet dreams dearest."

Furious the contract was hitting the next wall, followed by the paper, "I hope your dreams choke you."

A small hum was heard before he said, "This will be an interesting marriage."

That son of a devil tricked me to on a deal...which is mainly a win win for him. I fear he might do it more often, so I have to be careful on bets and promises.

Meanwhile, I was unaware that this bet magically appeared on the contract including that it was sealed by hand. Is this even legal?

As for the arrangements, the doc received a copy and had to plan it all through. He will need a few nights without sleep to manage everything. His mind couldn't understand how stupid I wa to come back and try to trick his master. He knew fully well that this is beyond impossible. Abigail brought him coffe and cookies to survive the nights. She feels terrible of her acting, still damage is done and she can't do anything to help. Flug however, demands that she takes good care of her well- being as his Lord's wife. Yep, the doc even knows Black hat's contract...and mine.

"I thought she had more braincells than that."

Abigail looked away, "This is Y/N we are talking about. She will manage to live with the master." Although there was a hint of insecurity in her voice.

"No one can outsmart Lord Black hat or even tame him."

"Speaking of tame, is that a book shredding your papers?" Flug was close to getting a heart attack, pulling on the last pieces of paper it held in its mouth, "Noooooo!!!!!!!"

I may have forgotten to close my room...ops...

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now