40. A contract or two?

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I don't know how long I sat in that chair. Black hat leaned back as well while keeping silent as well. Unknown what he was thinking, my mind was brainstorming for an idea. What could I offer him? Why didn't I think of that sooner? I am not the brightest one right? ....did I leave the lights on? Ahhhh focus Y/N!

"10" he said all of a sudden.

I jumped at his voice.

"It's been 10 minutes" the sound of his voice was calm and collected.

"I see" was my reply, shaky and full of self doubt.

Black hat moved his chair back to stand up, "Perhaps I shall tell you what I want."
His body was getting closer, "I would like to own your..."

"...not my body!"


"Organs?" That is a surprise, why those? "Are you trying to get a few bucks for them?"

His laughter was loud, shaking the mansion along with it, "No dearest, it is to keep you from leaving." Thinking it through, he is loaded with cash and the small amount he gets from my insides isn't worth the effort.

"There's an easier solution..." He added, holding my hand before kissing it, "...marry me."

Raising a brow I stepped back, but the hand remains in his, "I don't think that will work...". My voice started to crack, giving him the upper hand. I really didn't think this through.
"W-w-what about y-y-your wife?"

Hoping to get some good news, his smile grew "She is no longer with us..." His grip tightened, "...as she was not the right one." I knew what happened but that smile was creepy, like he knows may more than I do.

Thankfully for my nervous body my hands got all sweaty. With enough force my hands was free from his grasp. Backing off however, was only temporary as he followed me soon after. The chase went towards his bookshelve.

"Sir I...I can't do this. Can I come back another time?" Now I sounded extremely desperate making it worse, "please".

That moment his move as so fast, my eyes couldn't tell were he went, until a hand slammed beside my head and against the shelve. Now, black hat was right in front of me...deadly close, "I do enjoyed the chase, but this is getting boring. I only say this one more time..."

Knowing his question, I cried, "I don't want to give you anything".

Black hat frowned at my cries, before laughing, "I take that as a yes" and left me at the bookshelve.

"What?!" I didn't say that!

He went back to the desk and got his ink and paper from the draw. Eagerly his hand flew over the page till it transformed into a contract. Fearing the worst case scenario, he suddenly pushed another blank paper in my direction. Confused, his hand held out his pen "I prefer to make it worth your while..."

I bit my lip, what was he up to?

"...write down what you demand of me, as your husband."

Scared I said quietly "But I didn't say yes"

"Write dearest. Otherwise we can proceed with one contract." He made it very clear to me that I cannot back out and this piece of paper was my only chance to get some power over that man."

"Can I write anything?"

He grinned, "Anything you want".

"Can I read yours first?"

Without any hesitation he pushed it over the desk in my direction. He wrote a lot but the one I wasn't happy with was to be his property. I am not a toy. The other was that I have to be in the mansion till ten and in bed at eleven and only allowed to leave the property at six, plus I shall help Flug and Demencia on their missions if demanded from Black hat. Otherwise I shall accompany him on his business trips. What is the point of that? What am I? A child?

Looking back to mine I thought of anything I might demand of him. One was definitely on my mind. I will be my own, I will not be his...ever!. As his wife O cannot change but at least my body and soul belongs to me. No touching without my consent...done. No stalking of any kind...good. A room of myself where he isn't allowed to enter without permission...very good. I don't have to ask him for everything I do. Which reminds me, Abigail should be my personal maid. I don't like her but before she becomes a black hat's personal spy I will keep her close. Asking him to be more kind towards me and his staff was worth a try.

Black hat looked over it and you could tell he didn't like it, at all.

"The last one..." He growled, "...will never happen."

I knew it.

"As for the rest" still with his grim look he nodded, "I allow it."

Seriously, even the first demand?!

Back hat signed it without hesitation, before asking me to do the same. It was too simple. I got a feeling that something isn't right. I signed my own contract but when it came to his...he started to grin wide again.

He already signed it. Looking over what he wrote once more, I see nothing out of the ordinary. I took the pen and fulfilled the contract with my signature.

Still the feeling of something was going to happen didn't leave my gut. Black hat asked my hand for permission which I gave him slowly. He kissed it and smiled very genuine, "Welcome back my darling bride."

He didn't ask for that kiss but my mind was still screaming to be careful. My demand to have my own room was the first he fulfilled. He gestured me to follow. The room was gigantic. An armchair, books everywhere and a fireplace.

"I hope you like your own personal space." I heard his tone change under personal. He really didn't like this demand but still went through with this. Abi will be here shortly to get my orders.
Black hat got close before holding out a large book, "Consider this as your wedding gift". In shock I remembered that book monster taking my bedroom apart. But this time, it acted like a tamed dog.

"I showed him some manors. If he disobeys..." The book whimmers at his glare, "...send it to me. I'll take my leave"
He left me there to get comfortable.

At the door he turned around and bowed at me and said very amused, "I am looking fortward for the new game of chase-the-bride. I hope you play fair."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now