7. Very suspicious

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"Wow, it looks even bigger up close!"

Uninterested I looked up from the newspaper. I was not in the mood to see what this island has to offer, as the sight was already scary. A tower with a massive eye looked down on us as we reached the coast. Th journey over the ocean was already not a peaceful one once it reached the island. Massive waves were high enough to get everyone drenched. Now I knew why they hand out raincoats during the ride.

The minute we set foot on this mysterious place, I felt awful. Like all my energy was sucked out in an instant. Even anxiety seems to be crawling to my head, screaming to turn around and leave immediately. Abigail didn't show any sign of fear and discomfort, she was more of a tourist excited to see something new. She remembered the last time she met Black Hat in person. According to her he was a gentleman, being very polite and understanding.

Still, these words don't seem to match with this guy in my book.

From the distance we could see the doctor and a black car waiting for us. He held up a sign with Abigail and guest written on it.

"Welcome Ladies!"

"His Doc, you pick us up? How thoughtful"

Unlike Abi I find it suspicious...

The Doc nodded nervous, "Lord Black hat wanted to make sure you arrive safe and sound at his manor."

...very suspicious.

"Hey Doctor, can I speak with you for a minute?" Unsure I pulled him away from Abi, "Is it ok if I don't come?" Assuming that this won't be a problem, Flug was trying to hide his expression of panic, "I am sure my boss would be disappointed if you don't come."

"I am not the one asking to speak with him"

"True, but I already informed him of your arrival"

"The fair will leave in ten minutes, just tell him I got cold feet...or something" turning on my heel, he pulled me right back in his direction. His paper bag was sweating, "Please stay. We prepared some service for our guests I am sure you don't want to miss out on"

"What service?"

"It's a secret, come and find out"

My eyes scanned his paper bag of a head, seeing him soaked in sweat.

"...nah, it is not worth it. See ya."

"No please! I beg of you!" in an instant, he crawled on to my waist and begged for me to come. Now it was clear that he was utterly petrified. Still, why making such a fuss over an unnecessary guest like me? For the poor doc I accept, slowly glancing at the fair...getting smaller in the distance. There is no turning back now.

Abigail already made herself comfortable in the car, feeling optimistic about this, "Hey Y/N, didn't I tell you he is friendly?"

"He didn't do anything"

"The car...hello? He wants to see us" clearly, she was excited.

"I doubt that very much...I don't like it here"

"Don't be a drama queen. Everything will be alright." Through the windows we drove through a dessert, nothing was there for miles. My eyes were fixed on the doctor that was still sweating like mad. While he drove, I hear his breathing increase rapidly. Concerned I took off my seatbelt and went over to him, "Doc are you ok?"

He nodded quickly, not saying anything. Touching his paper bag, I felt his body heat increase, "You're not having a fever, are you?"

"No, no, I am perfectly healthy"

"Or are you terrified of your boss?"

He got tense. "So, you are scared"

"He is a villain as you well know. I don't want to die for failing to obey his orders."

"What was his order?"

"To get you both to the mansion..."

"I am sure he wouldn't mid if I had refu.."

"...without any exceptions. When he says both, it means both."

"What would happen if I just ran away?"

His body got extremely stiff while it slowly began to shake. I am sure he had an image in mind but to ease his fear, I rather not ask him what it was. Patting his shoulder lightly we watched the amount of dessert disappear and find a road ahead. The mansion he referred to looks like a huge top hat...with a crashed plane inside. Looking at the houses around it, it seems no one dares to live so close to his place...they were al abandoned. Apart from the mansion itself, the grass was no where to be found. Surrounded by fence, I stared at the dead grass concerned, "he sure is no Gardner. Does he even have one?"


"So where is he? Is he dead or something?"

Flug shivered, "Not yet"

His gesture told me not to ask any further, stopping in front of the entrance. Abigail was out in an instant, smiling wide the scene. I hesitated, waiting for Flug to open the door, "madam, please?" Giving his hand I got out slowly. The closer we got to the mansion, the more I wanted to step back. As the fence screamed out in horror, my body froze.


He turned around, nothing how scared I look. His arm rubbed my back for comfort, slowly pushing me forward, "Don't worry. You will be fine."

Not even an inch before the entrance my feet crawled into the concrete, "I can't!"

"Miss N/Y"

"Abigail, doc, I can't go inside"

"Please Y/N, you promised to help me out here"

If I knew how much this place frightened me, I would have chosen otherwise, "Please just leave me here...please..."

Flug knew how I felt but Abi doesn't. She tired to pull me inside only to make me resist even more. Unaware that the owner was already there, looking down on us through the large window. He was amused by my resistance, chuckling at my attempt to stay outside.

I had to hear some mean comments from Abi before she left me alone. Flug stared at me with concern, as I cowered before the fence, crying. This place was evil, and I felt it crawling through me. From behind my shadow got larger by the minute showing two pair of hands, reaching out towards my body. 

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now