55. Off limits in bed

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Abigail screamed out her lungs as another dummy got decapitated. Her hard training finally paid off making her one of the best spies the organization has to offer. Goldheart doesn't like the procedure they had put her under, with regular medications and injections. But she was willing to pay the price even if it means her own life. He supported her at first but according to the Founder Abi was weak and needed he extra procedure. No one could predict what it would do to her as it was never tested on humans.

Goldheart remembered that one night she almost killed herself from pushing her body too far. In hospital he paid her a visit. Abigail barely opened her eyes as her body was not recovering well. He sat on her bed concerned, "I know you want to save your children, but you cannot go on like this. You're killing yourself."

"I...I don't need...your .... sympathy...."

His eyes darkened, "True, you don't. But I know why you are doing this."

The whole organization knows it. Her file was used to see what they had to deal with. Abigails aka Lea's mission was to retrieve Lady Tornado from her mansion. According to the organization it was supposed to be a mission zero, a low effort for entry level spies. She almost lost her life on that mission if it wasn't for Goldheart to get her out of there. Mentioning my name was probably the worst thing you can ever do in Lady Tornados presence. She was not caught though and is still on the run.

Abi had no more energy or sadness for tears, but her words show signs of being broken, "My children, Y/N, my colleagues...it is all my fault.... I must live with the shame..."

Goldheart knew any kind words and she will try to spit him in the face. In his eyes she was already as rotten as Black hat himself. The only difference is that she will use her evil ways with her sense of guilt to make everything right, even if she dies on the way trying. Kindness towards her makes Abi angry, being generous during a fight turned her to a beast ready to break every bone in her enemies' bodies. One spy already had to learn this the hard way. For the founder was this a day of success, for Goldheart a slap in the face.

"What happened to you Abigail."

"Shhh..." her eyes turned dark, "...don't you dare call me by that name." the straps on the bed snapped as she leaned towards Goldheart. Inches apart from her face she spat, "That woman...is dead." Goldheart never forgot the emptiness in her eyes. He wasn't sure if Black heart made her that way or the organization. All he knew was that she was no longer a human being...a mother...a friend...just a weapon of destruction...a monster.


That is what I wanted to be right now.

Black hat left a long black cocktail dress on the bed, while a silky blood red fabric lied beside it to embrace my shoulders. On the bedside table was a box with red drop earrings and a black necklace, also with a blood red drop in the middle. I was not in the mood to entertain my husband by being a good-looking wife he can ravish with his eyes.

My thought of attacking him and impale him with a fork crossed my mind, another told me to stop. He probably gets turned on by this. I sighted loud pressing myself into the dress. I swear he deliberately bought it smaller to make me suffer to get in. My mind was more on his side lecturing me to stop eating in the middle of the night. Memory of me eating in bed came to mind. Traitor!

It was one night where I could watch a series. Black hat never said anything of watching TV, so I did this in my break time. It was good that I watched it in bed with a packet of chips. I wasn't sure what bothered him the most...my giggles...or the munching...or gigglemunching...In the morning my phone was smashed, and the package was on the other side of the room with chips covering the floor. Since that night it became a no-go in bed.

Slouching and in a grumpy mood I dragged myself to that stupid dinner with Black hat. I just got back from being kidnapped. I am tired and just want to sleep. He won't let me until I do what he wants and besides that point, he heard my stomach grumble. I swear my mind and stomach are all on his side. Traitors!

The main hall was completely empty.

Only a table and two chairs remained at the center, while the candlelight welcomed me to come closer. If only Black hat wouldn't be standing there it would have been nice. He held my chair for me to sit on, pushing it lightly towards the table. His seat was right beside mine, coming a little closer.

"A diamond in the rough." He purred below a whisper.

I just raised a brow, "And you look like always...do you have nothing else to wear?"

"Does this bother you dear?"

I looked at him bored, "Nah. It's cool."

Not really what he wanted to hear as his chair moved further from mine. Finally, I could breathe. Flug served us Dinner while 505 was supposed to entertain us. The food was alright unlike the doc who disappeared as quick as he served. The poor teddy bear was ripped apart from his inside out...by black hat. He held his hand up as it glowed red. The minute he made it into a fist the teddy bear's inside was spread across the hall making my husband laughs with joy. I felt sorry for 505.

"You are really hard to break...that is what I love about you."

I wasn't sure if that is a compliment or another annoyed comment of his. But he didn't leave it by just one, "Speaking of break...we have to talk about your...habits...in bed."

Oh, dear here we go, I thought.

"I don't care what you eat but I won't tolerate any food in bed anymore." Not even breakfast in bed was allowed.

"Okay fine" I said in a bored manner going back to my food.

"And using the bed as a trampoline is also off the hook."

"I like to stay in shape and trampoline is fun." Black hats mouth turned to a grim one, "I want to get closer to my wife and she turns this moment into a fitness session."

I shrugged, "I told you to come and join me."

He growled loud, "And the other night this ridiculous tech thing."

"What about it? You got a contract with a villain who invented the new streaming platform 'hatflix' just for you. There you can watch all movies and series illegal from other platforms but only as a member of the black hat organization."

His frown deepened.

"You didn't know that right?"

"My wife should be entertaining me than watching hours at some small box."

I sighted, "Smartphone, keep up honey. Besides I entertain you before and it still wasn't good enough."

"Playing a theater in bed while shaking the bed sheet was not entertaining" he had to remind me that pouring pitch on him was not seductive. He said I should try to change my role and I did by playing mother Holle. I was the hardworking girl and he the spoiled brat. I think he meant something else...

Anyhow I received a list of no-go's for bedtime and I shall keep them to make sure his wife is presentable for the event next week. He didn't tell me anything about it, but he made one thing clear. For this he got close to my face, his hands held my chair to prevent me from escaping, "Until then we will have a nice time in bed..." his lips touched mine lightly, "...no more distractions, as a married couple this shouldn't be a problem." I shuddered as his lips went towards my ear whispering, "...I see you later my dear."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now