28. Change of nature required?

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Another horrible morning comes up.
I didn't want to get out of bed, in fear of what will happen today.

Flug had another sleepless night, all because of my mistakes yesterday. I had to make it up to him. Therefore, I made him some coffee, just the way he likes it. Before that I received another hit in the back by 505, which really bothered me. Even the doc gave me one as well, again saying that it was an insect.

Scratch that, I was through being nice.

Skipping breakfast and ready to met up my master and his wife, slowly opening their door. I had to wake the woman, while Black hat was wide awake reading a book in bed. His grin was less scary while nodding in my direction.

"Good morning dear"

I bowed deeply, "Good morning Sir".

"How dare you speak to my husband?!" was all I got from his wife.

She held her hand up to blow me away, as I snapped back, "get up!" Unlike Black hat, who smiled at my outburst, while his wife was furious.

"You have a lot of nerve to..."

"Do as you're told" interrupted her husband, closing his book, "she doesn't have all day listening to your insults." Before he left his eye gave me a wink, "...thats my job."

A shudder went down my spine, hearing him laugh through the corridor.

Lady Tornado didn't like the new terms grabbing my throat, "Listen here you worthless maid. I don't know what plans you try to archieve, but you better be not in my way." Her hand went back up, but immediately swatted away by mine, " just get dressed already".

You wonder where I got my energy from? It is no secret, I am just tired, frustrated, scared and petrified. I have nothing to lose, being nice only caused more damage than the next day. And this time...the bedroom walls...remained untouched.

Flug will be pleased about that.

Even at lunch and dinner, my foul mood seem to be working well. Combined with sarcasm, it became pure bliss for the master. For once he actually took some time to join his wife during the meals, eventhough he only drank wine.

At his office it stayed the same.

Taking care of the dust, cleaning and sorting out papers, his smile never faded. I wondered if his face would crack if he tried to frown all of a sudden.

"What are you thinking dear?"

Oh shoot, he noticed.

"Just what my next chores are, Sir"

This day, time flew by, not realizing that it was around 10pm. I feared of taking his clothes off, as I froze on the spot.


"Yes?" He sounds amused, although I was scared of his reaction.

"Um...I...I forgot...to dress you...this morning."

His smile finally left, turning to a slight smirk, "Slow as usual. Mediocre performance on days end... Is it even worth keeping you?"

I shook violently, knowing that he has the power to do just that.

Without further ado, he grabbed his newspaper and just ordered me to continue my chores. One was to get him his drink, and this time the right one. Flug was king enough to order the stuff needed.

The minute I placed it on his table, black hat had given me a right hit into my back, making my body fall on his desk. He got the glass before it would cause any stains. His chuckle was menacing and deep.

"Worthless to the very core"

Placing his drink down, his hands were place beside my head,leaning down on me. His lips close enough to my ear, whispering, "If you wish to survive in this manor, you must stop being a good girl".

"Lord black hat, have you discussed the wedding ceremony...yet?"

Okay I get it, it looks inappropriate being bend over the desk and the master over me. There is no excuse to get out of this situation. Lady Tornado just nodded slightly, closing the door.

At this point he got back up, ripping something off my back, "If you wish to be tortured dear..." It was a piece of paper saying 'hit me !' ," ...just ask me in person."

"No Sir, I do not want to be tortured."

My voice was weak, hardly below a whisper. Black hat stood straight, looking down on me, " What do you want?"

"To be a good maid"

Stepping forward, I reached for his coat. Only for him to stop me, "No need for tonight." It was akward not to be so close today, as the desk part was embarrassing enough.

As for the next day, he informed me to get into more suitable clothes tomorrow. I had to keep the couple company for their wedding preparations. For once he acted all normal and genuine...which didn't last long.

His creepy smile was back. Given me another report of my performances from today and the day before. The damages were to a minimum and even the wages was 200 times higher than the last time.

He wished me even a good night and splendid nightmares. Whatever he meant by that. His kind behaviour was disturbing, he was up to something... I am sure.

Before I went to my bedroom, I had some quality time with the doc, announcing my performance to be excellent. He only nodded slowly, trying to stay awake.

In the meantime, some one broke into my bedroom. The culprit went towards my bed and placed documents of clients under the mattress.

"Let's see how you like it when he shows his true form"

Unaware of the witness present. She heard something move, feeling uneasy.

"Who's there?!"

Her reply came flying towards her, scratching her face. She couldn't tell what it was, but had no choice but to escape. Not even her powers could tame that monster.

She fled into her bed chamber, only to be greeted by her husband, who was once again very amused, "Rough day today dear?"

Lady Tornado didn't reply to that.

Unlike Flug, who was far from impressed, "You really have no idea what you're getting into."

"Then tell me Flug!"

"You find out soon enough, you can't prevent it anymore...it's too late."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now