29. Unpreventable

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The right words from the Doc should have been...that you couldn't stop it in the first place.

Black hat being generous is only a signal for me to be careful...very, very careful. Dr. Flug received those moments a few times, only to be crushed the next. No one was save with this boss.

His wife was no exception.

The next day I got a brand new outfit. A blood red blazer, white blouse and a long black skirt. At least I was allowed to wear my comfortable pair of shoes, as this was absolutely necessary for today. Lady Tornado and Black hat had planned to get the wedding started, while I was the one carrying all the things they bought. And with both loaded with cash, it was no surprise that I was drowning in shopping bags. I looked like a Christmas tree.

One thing however, bugged me all day on Black hat.

Lady Tornado held his arm the whole time and not ones...did he smile. She had one on the whole time, that it was beyond creepy...more of a disturbing one. It didn't change at the wedding planner. Being a loyal member of the black hat organization, he was determined to make this wedding perfect. Before that we had a little misunderstanding with my appearance, as he thought I was some thief... in disguise.

"That's just our bag girl. She can stand over there."

Lady Tornado pointed into the darkest corner of the room. That way, I wouldn't be a distraction to anyone. As she needed a clear head to try on some dresses. Black hat looks beyond happy, even a funeral would be more exciting than this. He held his glass of wine for an hour, just stirring it in boredom, while his wife came out of her closet, smiling with joy.

"How about this one?"

"...No..." Was his only answer for the fifth time. Without any arguments she changed again. Event he wedding planner got nervous that he might lose this opportunity because of no dress. His wife had to get passed me several times, giving me a glare every time. I could hardly stand straight with all the weight on me. Because of her orders not to place the bags down, my knees are about to give up. And in the most inconvenient moment, as the planner gave her a glass of his finest wines. While cursing under my breath how stupid this was, my legs have shortened. Falling sideways I hit Lady Tornado and the planner, including the drink and bottle. One stain might be able to get out, but not a puddle.

I was done for.



We all looked in disbelieve, as black hat was laughing like crazy, smashing his glass on the ground. His wife was devastated, the planner scared and I...just wanted to disappear into the ground.

"Now that was very entertaining!" He said with the most jolly voice I have ever heard. Once his laughter died down, he gestured in my direction to come over. Also dirty from the fall and wine, his smile never faded, "Medicore yet entertaining dear"

In the back we heard Lady Tornado ripping the planner into pieces, as I was currently not available.

My boss stood up and went towards the wedding dresses. I watches as his hands went over the fabric, eyeing at the white dresses. Looking elsewhere, he found a small stand with different colours. Black and red seem to intrigue him, making his lips form to a slight smirk, "Wear this".
His eye narrowed the higher my hands got up to refuse.

"I wouldn't dare...dearest"
Signal two...do as you are told!

With the planner being tortured by his future wife, I had no one to help me get the back tied up. Scared with some hesitation my head looked out the closet, looking for the evil itself.


In the meantime, he held a newspaper in his hands, not looking up, "done?"

"I...uhm...can't get dressed."

One peek over the papers and he noticed my back was exposed. Without a word, he got up and pushed me back into the closet. For the first time, he acted all caring, concentrating on tieing my back nicely. He even gave me space to breath. Once done, he pulled my body towards him, as his head leaned over my shoulder. We both stared at the mirror.


His grip thightened.

"...will do."

With that, he losened the back and left. I didn't. Even had the chance to see myself properly from all sides. On the other side, it wasn't my wedding to begin with, so why should I even care?

His wife isn't happy either with the decision, grabbing me by my throat, "You ungrateful, worthless, piece of trash! How dare you wear this hideous thing?!"

"I chose this..." black hats voice was firm and deadly, "...for you".

Since she wasn't available, he took me to get a dress for her. At least that is what he said to his wife. Thankfully, as it kept me out of trouble.

"Excuse me mam?"
The wedding planner had a few more things to discuss, although they were all against the ideas from Lady Tornado. Which ended with another session of violence and torture, followed by a destroyed store. He was out of a job.

Black hat didn't even care of his wife's outburst or the fact that she destroyed this man's life. Not even her presence seem to be necessary, as he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me out the door. Outside was a black car, with Flug as the driver.

When did he call the doc???

"Get the bags to the mansion."

Flug saluted, walking passed us. His look showed signs of worry, "Shall I take Y/N home?"

"No..." His grip thightened, "...she will be needed for the preparations." He didn't sound all too happy to waste his time today, but something in his voice was intriguing.

"You will behave don't you...good girl?" The tone on 'good' showed signs of disgust, like he didn't mean it at all.
The grip on my shoulder started to hurt, "I will...Sir."


Flug was told to come back in
three hours, getting the rest of the stuff. With great concern he watched us walk town the street while mumbling, "Y/N, please don't be good."

If anything black hat hates the most...is good-natured people.

This will be a tough one to crack.

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now