4. El Charro Negro

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For crying out loud!

I have spent three hours in bed and couldn't get any sleep. The winds keep whistling like crazy, I fear if I get out of bed showing myself only in a shirt and panties it might increase the volume. Too bad of the howler, I got a bathrobe nearby. On nights like these I do my usual routine. Grabbing my keys, I walked out and headed to the nearest 24/7 shop a few blocks aways. It might look odd to walk outside with a robe and flip-flops in the middle of the night but as no one dares to go outside at night and the owner is used to this by now, who cares?

With a silent salute to greet the owner I headed towards the fridge, getting a pack of milk and some crisps. At the counter a few little chocolate bars smiled at me, pleading to come home with me. Children and their puppy eyes are nothing compared to the power these bars had over me. With a raised brow, the owner appeared, "Long night again?"

"As usual"

"Seems to be longer than usual" referring to the ten bars on the counter.

"These are for other nights" not mentioning the problems at home that could cause some comfort eating. Packing them into my robe my eyes went over to the newspaper, "he sure knows how to make the headlines". Before the owner could ask, my finger guides him to the photo...a long slender figure with a black hat, a little blurry but still recognizable.

"Ah yes, it has been all over the news recently. The heroes fear for the women's life's hoping that they won't fall for his trap"


A little uneasy, the owner looked in every direction before answering, "They say he will eliminate all candidates until one remains."

"Who said that?"

"Gold heart" sounds pretty proud of the info, while I shrugged. This guy says a lot of things, but it doesn't have to be true. However, this black hat is a mystery to society, so I am not surprised that they believe a hero like him. No one seems to dare to find out the truth.

"Well anyway, I take my night walk and we see each other later on today."

"Oh, don't go tonight!"

His change in tone was disturbing, "Why?"

"Another look around didn't make it better, "I am the only customer here! Why staring around?"

"He might be listening"


"El charro negro"

"Oh, come on! You don't seriously believe in legends like that?"

The owner was shivering nodding rapidly, "Ladies like you shouldn't be out there alone"

"Once I turn to bitch-mode he rather not approaches me" I laughed heading towards the door. Suddenly a loud and terrible whining was heard...coming from inside the shop. Feeling a little uneasy I pressed my back against the wall, "Holy hell, don't tell me that La Llorona is out there as well?!"

He shook his head, "No...just my wife..." he kept banging at the wall beside him telling her to shut up. Seeing my raised brow, he just shrugged, "Since our son left to work in Canada, she desperately wants a dog, but I hate dogs."

"Maybe a cat?"

"Hate cats"

"Other animals?"

"Hate animals"

"Considered to adopt a child?"

"Good heavens no!"

There was no way she can win there, feeling a little sorry for her. But if she keeps on crying out like that his customers might stay away out of fear. The owner pleaded once more not to go out there, but I stood there and opened the door to leave, "I don't believe in fairy-tale Sir."

"But in La Llorona"

He had a point. Without arguing if I believe it or not, I left without another word. It got a little cold in the meantime. Pulling my robe, a little tighter I decided to make my walk shorter than usual heading straight to my home.

Unaware that something was following me ever since I left the shop. Out of curiosity I went through alleys that weren't part of my route, but it kept on my trail. Not to look vulnerable and scared my next choice was to prepare myself to confront this stranger. Turning one corner I turned around...

"AH! For God's sake do you have to stalk me like a psycho?!"

Goldheart watched out at night for citizens that might become victims of villains, not expecting to see me out here, "I wasn't sure if it was you and I didn't want to scare you."

"No such luck" annoyed I told him that everything is fine. He wanted to escort me home, but I refused, "I live right there as you well know, so goodbye and farewell!"



"It is towards morning as it is already 3pm"

"I haven't got time for this useless conversation, good by shiny pa....I mean Gold heart"

Finally, alone at last.

From the distance my home looks far away, with the moon halfway behind it. Finally, I yawned, and a feeling of tiredness showered over my body, I might get some quiet sleep after all. But the silence didn't last long. The sound of galloping was heard, and it came closer. Assuming it was one of the guys in town riding their horse I turned around...only to scared wide awake.

The horse was nothing I ever seen before, and the man was no different.

He nodded with a wide smile in my direction, as my eyes widened in horror, "hello dearest..."

"You're on fire!"

His expression was clear he didn't expect that, especially as I panicked and looked around, "Water, where's water!"

"Relax darling I'm..."


I didn't find any water, but a blanket might do the trick. The horse stood there stunned as the rider didn't even move an inch. With the blanket over him I couldn't tell if it worked. Since they remained still, I backed off, "Oh well, it was worth a shot. Bye!!!"

Grabbing my robe tight I ran like the devil was after my soul. Back in the four walls I locked the door and hid in my bedroom, closing it as well. Wide awake now I rocked back and forth as my mind was having massive breakdown of thoughts racing one after another. One side I thought it was the legend that the owner told me while the other assured me to be just a stranger pulling pranks on people, pretending to be the legend.

Now I can not sleep at all...and my shift starts in five hours. 

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