68. Distraction

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"Why don't you stop it?!" I said to black hat.

"Why should I? What is the big deal about some smoke? "

It felt like my husband lost every brain cell over time. What a stupid question is that, I thought.

"You can stop this ", was his reply.

"Me? ", I said in disbelief.

"Destroy the one causing the fire and I shall grant you your wish"

"Blackmailing your own wife?!"

He laughed out loud, "Nothing moves you faster than a good-old black mail." In his eyes it looked like a form of teasing between husband and wife, but this is way too serious to mess around.

Yet, I cannot stop him.

I shouted at Flug to take over and keep the heroes and villains away from the fire. The doc looked at me in disbelief but my eyes told him not to question me. Demencia just shrugged before attacking her victims by biting them. I need a way to find the one causing this fire and stop them.

"She is close"

"She?" I wasn't sure what black hat meant until someone was thrown in towards the mansion, making a hole into the roof. Running inside I realized it was Gold heart. Covered in blood and several deep cuts, he spoke to me in a whisper, "Run away."

I ignored his demand and looked at him concerned, "Who did this to you?"


"I did" said someone on top of the broken roof.

With wide eyes I watched her from the distance, "Abigail?! What...how...?"

"I changed sides sweetie, I thought you missed me? Not a hug to your dear old friend?" Based on her voice and behaviour, she wasn't the Abigail I know and far from the hero Gold heart remembered. He held my hand and whispered, "Careful, she is dangerous."

"It's Abi. She wasn't a good villain...or friend..."

"No she is very dangerous Y/N. Run away...now."

Abigail stepped forward till I had no chance to get away, "I am afraid you two will not leave this place alive. Once I am done with you I take down your husband."

Unlike me who was scared of her dead stare Black hat was laughing out loud like a maniac. I asked him below a whisper, "What is so funny about this?"

"What she thinks she could take me down..."

As much as I would love to refuse that, he was right. But the next one surprised me, "...that useless villain can't even kill you..."

"What do you mean by that?"

His amused voice returned, "If you play properly my love, you can destroy her. But once you let your good-side nature take over, you will lose." I looked at Gold heart. He needed medical attention as soon as possible. Black hat noticed this, "It depends how long you take to kill her." I didn't like the sound of killing anyone, suppressing the memories I had of such scenes.

Abigail leaned against the wall bored, "Ready?"

My eyes went from the smoke, to Gold heart and then to Abi. If I take too long everyone will die. My husband won't lay a finger for anyone until it is what he wants.

Standing before Gold heart a large shadow appeared behind me.

The hero was terrified to see that monster coming from my own shadow while Abigail just yawned. I wanted to attack her but my mind was distracting me with memories of the past...the times we used to be friends...

"Bad timing dear..." came Black hats voice, as Abigail attacked.

The shadows kept me from getting seriously injured but the hit against the chest didn't stop to break a rip.

"Focus dear..."

"My mind won't let me..." I replied as they returned.

Another memory, the days we all sat in front of the TV and enjoyed funny cartoons together. Another and my arm was dislocated. The pain didn't stop my mind from getting more memories, "Stop it..." I begged.

"What does Black hat see in you? You're pathetic!"

I chuckled lightly at that, "Funny, you sound just like him."

"I don't only sound like him..." She prepared herself to attack, "...I am just as evil as him."

"You wish" said Black hat.

This time I managed to move aside. Only one inch and she would have destroyed my leg, breaking all the bones into several pieces.

"My mind won't let me hurt her!" I cried, running out the mansion and towards the woods. Despite of the fire there was no other place to hide. A risky move but there was no other option to escape this psychopath that used to be my friend.

Abigail laughed hysterical at my escape.

Flug and Demencia noticed the smoke getting closer.

They used themselves as decoy to lead every villain and hero to the south side of the Island. The north side is almost covered in smoke. A few people didn't make it and choked on the smoke before collapsing to their death. Flug shuddered under this in hope that I was still alright.

I was...at least for now.

The pain got worse as my legs got tired of all the running. I heard Abi getting all playful, singing of where I am and that she is coming to get me. No idea how she became this insane but that won't help me at the moment. Hiding under a bush I tried so badly to think of the bad memories she caused, the betrayal, and the humiliation, anything to give my husband something to work with. But whenever something came up...he was the one causing this situation to get worse. It always ends with memories of him.

"You really can't control your mind my love."

"Just leave me alone!"

"She is close...you sure you want to be left alone?"

I was close to cry as I told him, that I can't keep a bad memory in my head. The minute it comes up, black hat comes to my mind. Suddenly, another thought appeared, "...wait...does it have to be memories about Abi?"


"So any bad thoughts or bad memories will do the trick?"

Black hat chuckled, "What do you want to hear?"

I thought of something, "Will this be enough to satisfy your sick demands?"

His laughed was clear, "...who knew you can still amuse me...but yes...this will do..."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now