Prologue: Broken Again

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Prologue: Broken Again

POV: Snow

I cannot believe I trusted Ash.

I thought that we had forever. I thought that we were perfect. I still remember all of his promises to me, now broken. He used to tell me of a future that we would have together, now nonexistent.

Obviously, we were close, inseperable really. I told him more than I have ever told my best friend, Madelyne. He meant that much to me and I had so much trust in him, trust that he betrayed when he started sleeping around with Lucy, his next door neighbor.

He always told me that he would change and all of that fake bullshit that would get him out of trouble, but he never did. It was just more lies that piled up and broke me down more until I had nothing left.

So, obviously the fighting started and it was too much stress and pain to be with him. All I did was lay in my bedroom and cry, occasionally eating a bowl of ice-cream provided by my father. I would get better and finally feel like I was over him until something stupid would happen and I'd relapse, breaking down again and I had never felt so lost in my entire life.

I wouldn't of been able to get through everything if Harry didn't help me.

Harry has been my best friend since I was little, just like in most fanfictions of him I have read. This is the real deal though, even if our story was a bit difficult. I mean, I lived in American and he lived in the U.K. That's not exactly an easy thing to do, keeping a friendship like ours.

The only way it worked out though was that our grandmothers were friends.

They were the best of friends actually, both growing up in Northern Yorkshire. My grandmother visited here and fell in love, typically. Harry's grandmother moved to Holmes Chapel, also chasing after a man, Harry's grandpa. Our grandmothers didn't lose touch and every summer, Harry's family would fly out to visit my family and that tradition still goes on. It's a nice one. 

I still kind of wish that I could fly out to England one day and visit them instead, but my family is now actually very poor, so that definitely won't happen.

Back onto the subject of Ash now, he never liked Harry. At all. He didn't like many of my male friends either which is absurd because the moment I didn't like one of his female friends, he'd flip of bitch. You could tell how much I loved this boy to put up with everythiny, especially making me distance myself from everyone, making him my number one. I became dependent on him sadly.

Luckily, Harry forgave me quickly for the distance because it was partially his fault too. He didn't hesitate to answer my call when I told him everything about Ash, including the dramatic break-up where he told me that he'd rather have Lucy instead of me. Not a very nice thing to say, huh?

Harry flew out to see me, staying as long as he could, but with his career it wasn't that long. He was always busy, but still always making time for me, which was nice. I felt wanted again and by my best friend. I finally got my life back on track too, apologizing to all of my friends for my behavior when I was with Ash and they were glad to have me back. I was complete again and it was all because of Harry's help.

That's when I realized that I sort of liked him in a more than friend way, a lot.

It isn't that wrong now, is it? Liking your best friend can't be too bad, right? I mean, look at Hermoine and Ron. They're perfect for each other and have been going on strong, all because they found a mutual friendship with Harry. Just another typical case of best friends falling in love.

Besides, Ash and I have been broken up for a long time now, maybe seven months which is about as long as we dated. It still hurts, the idea of him, but with Harry everything is better and all of that doesn't matter.

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