Chapter 44: Police

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Chapter 44: Police

*POV: Snow*

The flight back to Utah was nerve wracking, me questioning why I was needed back so abruptly. The phone call I shared with my mother was one that was urgent, her screaming at me and wanting to know what the hell I’d gotten myself in to now. She wanted to know why I left the country and why I haven’t given her a call. She also wanted to know why police were pounding on her door at five in the morning.

Honestly, I have no clue.

I’m not a bad person.

From next to me, Alee notices that I’m biting my lip, obviously stressing out. She grabs my hand, squeezing it in an attempt to comfort me and make me feel better. I do have to admit that it’s working although nothing would be better than having Harry next to me. I didn’t want Modest! to do something bad to him because his girlfriend is in trouble. I convinced him to stay, telling him that I can handle this on my own. I just seem to be too troublesome for Harry to keep around, but I’m glad that he does.

Soon enough, our car is parked outside the police station. We leave our bags inside the Jeep, noticing how late it is. It’s probably midnight, but they wanted me ASAP. Besides, I’m not too tired considering that we weren’t even there twelve hours so my body is adjusted to the time zone difference.

Alee walks with me, still holding my hand for support. I go and give her a hug whispering in her ear, “Thank you, for everything. You’re a really great friend. I know I’m not the easiest.”

“And I am?” is her simple reply, putting a smile on my face. It may have been an uneasy one, but a smile nonetheless. We open the doors, seeing the nightshift trying not to fall asleep. They’re obviously surprised that some women as young as us, one of them very pregnant, are walking in to their station this late.

“Hello ladies. How may we assist you?” a female officer says from behind her desk. I notice that her nametag reads Nina. What a pretty name.

“I was told that you guys wanted to see me. My names Snow Jackson,” I tell them, releasing Alee’s hand. All I want right now is Harry. I don’t like police.

“Snow Jackson? Well we’ve been waiting for you for awhile. It seems that you were out of town, visiting your boyfriend?” she asks, standing up and suddenly serious.

“Yeah, but I’m back now, sadly,” I add. She nods.

“Well Miss Jackson, we need to take you in for questioning,” Nina says.

“Excuse me ma’am. Would it be alright if I went in with her for moral support? I don’t think you should be pounding a pregnant woman with questions about something she doesn’t even know,” Alee says a bit angry yet polite. I smile at her try.

“I’m sorry. What we are about to talk about is confidential,” the officer says and leads me away to a room, leaving Alee alone and upset. I wave goodbye as she returns the gesture before I enter.

“Miss Jackson, I’m just going to inform you that you are not under arrest. You’ve done nothing wrong, but we’ve gotten a serious tip that something bad has happened to you and we need an official statement about it,” she says upon closing the door. I take a seat, accepting a water cup she hands me. God, I’m sure tired now.

“What’s this bad thing that’s been reported?” I respond a tad bit nervous. I know what it is, but I don’t want to admit it.

“We heard that a fellow student from your high school had sexual interactions with you against your will around five or so months ago. We also heard that he may be the father of your pregnancy. If anything is wrong so far, please correct me. Also, if you’d like an attorney present, one can be appointed to you at any time,” she tells me and I nod, holding back a few tears. I know that she knows it’s true from my reaction. I don’t have any reason to hide it anymore.

“What do you want me to say as an official statement?” I ask her, not believing that this day has truly come. I never thought it would.

“Well, we are going to video tape our conversation so it can be put on record. If whatever you’re saying is real or fake, if it’s enough evidence it can be used in court on trial for your rapist. All we want to hear from you is the truth and we want to put the bastard who’s caused you so much pain and regret behind bars. Just tell us what happened when you’re ready,” she explains to me and I nod, knowing that I have to be positive about what I say. Do I really want to tell them anything though? Do I really want to go to court about this?

“Why do you care?” I ask suddenly, a bit angry and upset. It was months ago, it shouldn’t matter now.

“Because Miss, Rape is a serious thing and we want to take all precaution against it. We do get a lot of phonies, but we still have to check in to the problem. If it happens to one girl, who knows how many times he’s done it before? Who knows how many times he’ll do it again? It’s better to be safe than sorry. Besides, you’re not the only one to wait months before telling somebody. You must be traumatized and if you’d like too, we can provide a therapist,” she further explains and I nod, feeling a bit of relief. They’re actually working with me on this…?

“I don’t need one. I’m handling things just fine. It’s just uh, where do you want me to begin?” I ask her.

“Just start with who the boy is and how you knew him,” she tells me.

Surprisingly, I do.


After a long sob session and reliving things I’ve hidden away, she allows me to go home, telling me that I must be tired. That’s an understatement. When I reach Alee, she’s asleep on the bench. I can’t blame her, but I need to get home. I need to clear my thoughts. Who the fuck told?

“Alee, get up,” I nearly growl as I shove her. She groans, sitting up. She rubs her eyes that widen when she notices the hot tears running down my face. I can’t comprehend any of the feelings that are overcoming me except for one.


“Whoa calm down. What the fuck happened?” she asks as I storm outside. I climb inside the Jeep, waiting for her to get in the driver’s side. There’s no way that I am driving in the condition that I am.

“Did you rat me out?” I ask her.

“Rat you out? For what? What the fuck are you talking about?” she asks me, obviously confused and concerned.

“About Zach. Did you tell them because they know everything,” I nearly yell as she begins to drive away.

“No. Why the hell would I do that? I promised I wouldn’t tell,” she tells me. I just sob even more uncontrollably, not comprehending what happened and who could have told.

“Who told then?” I cry, shaking my head back and forth many times. I mean, Harry wouldn’t tell, would he?

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