Chapter 20: An Old Friend

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Chapter 20: An Old Friend

*POV: Snow*

I sit in my bedroom, curled up in the corner, still replaying the days from before events. The guilt is eating me alive and the scenes just won’t leave me alone. I don’t know how to deal with what I’m feeling. I’m not good at handling feelings at all.


My phone goes off again and I pick it up only to see my lock screen showing: Harry(41), signifying that I just got my 41st message from him that I haven’t read. I don’t think I can read it because it’ll just make me feel guiltier for that night. I can’t have that, at all. I shudder as I remember everything perfectly again.


I begun tapping my leg impatiently as I await for Harry to return from his phone call. I knew it was Taylor from the way his emotions seemed mixed and left the room. I just don’t understand what’s taking so long. I don’t know anyone here and I need some familiarity or I don’t think I can be here much longer. I’ve never been a fan of change. Niall keeps glancing at me, as if to make sure I’m okay, but that’s only putting me more on edge.

“Do you know where Harry is? I need to talk to him about something,” I lie, more just craving his comfort.

“Oh he left a few minutes ago. He was in such a hurry and seemed upset. I thought he told you that he was leaving,” Liam explains and my eyes widen. I remember him acting this way all too much after “conversations” with his girlfriends. I just nod, telling them to apologize to Zayn for me. I then make my way out of the hospital as quickly as I can, hurrying towards where he parked his car. I’m surprised when I see that it’s still there, keys in the ignition. Is he dumb? Where is he? I get in anyway, turning the keys a few times trying to get it to start. I remember having to do this before with my old car so I know a few tricks and get it to start. I smile in relief and try to recall how to get back to Harry’s place. I sort through my memories until I remember his address. I quickly type it into google maps and follow the directions that it gives me. I have a hard time remembering what side of the road I need to stay on, but I manage with a few honks from drivers. Soon enough I’m at the familiar home of Harry’s.

I hope out, locking it ‘cos of the cautious person I am. I then make my way inside and look around to see that all of the lights are off. I make my way up the stairs, hearing words being sung by none other than my best friend. They sound so broken and heartfelt that I’m worried. God damnit. Why’d Taylor have to mess him up like this again? I enter his bedroom to see him laying down on his bed, doing nothing, but singing. I can smell the alcohol and I’m a bit disappointed that he’s handling it this way.

“Harry?” I question and his head snaps towards me, his singing stopping.

“Snow?” he asks confused as I step forward and take a seat at the edge of his bed. He doesn’t do anything, just stares at me.

“What happened?” I ask him, but he doesn’t even seem to register my words as he just stares at me, making me a bit uncomfortable. We stay that way for awhile, even after I grab his hand, squeezing it for comfort.

“Can I try something Snow? I just want to see if she was right,” he whispers after a long moment of silence. Confused, I nod. What could Taylor be right about? What’d she put inside of his head. He moves closer to me and I gulp, his actions almost repeating mine. He moves his hand up to cup the side of my face and move my head so it’s caressing my cheek. He then moves forward, pressing his lips against mine, taking me by surprise. I even surprise myself a bit when I part my lips a little, allowing him entrance. My stomach has a whole gymnasium erupt in it and I find myself wanting to more into the kiss, but I know it’s wrong. It’s so wrong. I pull away and we just look at each other, not really knowing what to say. He may or may not be in a relationship, but I am and I just betrayed my significant other like Ash did to me.

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