Chapter 27: Disruptions

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Chapter 27: Disruptions

*POV: Harry*

So, Liam didn’t exactly lie. He withheld the truth. We did go to a pub, but after the pub we went back to Louis’ hotel room where they had strippers waiting for us. They made me sit on a chair and everything as she gave me my own personal lap dance, something that I couldn’t enjoy that much. I can’t deny that I’ve had an amazing time though.

“Thanks mates for the best birthday,” I say as we clink our glasses together yet another time. We all yell cheers before gulping down our shots. We are all laughing and having fun, so much fun, especially Niall. He’s been flirting with this stripper the whole time. She hasn’t danced for him, but I think that she will soon. All the lads relationships are going swell and I’m finally happy knowing that Snow is ready for me again.

Alcohol is spilled onto the floor, making me laugh at some people’s stupidity. I know that it’s partially my fault, but I can’t help it. I’m bloody drunk and I’m having a good time.

“Who’s knocking on the door?” Zayn slurs from next to me. I close my eyes, trying to focus on the noise, but I don’t hear anything.

“I don’t know. Go check it out,” I nudge him.

“No mate. You do it,” he nudges.

“Why should I do it? Are you afraid?” I slur.

“No, but what if it’s something weird like a ghost or some shit?” Zayn asks me. What if it is? Oh no.

“Let’s check it out,” I tell him.

“Why?” Zayn questions, fear rising in his eyes.

“C’mon. It’ll be an adventure like the ones that Shaggy and Scooby go on,” I tell him, mentioning my favorite cartoon as a young lad. It seems to win him over as we make our way to the door. Slowly, we open it to reveal a very pale woman known as my sister.

“It is a ghost Harry!” Zayn yells and runs to the other side of the room. I’m laughing as I practically fall on to the floor. Gemma rolls her eyes at me, helping me stand still. She walks me over to a couch, forcing me to sit down. Disappointed and confused, I oblige. Plus my head is spinning. She hands me cup of water and I frown, but I accept it.

“We have a situation Harry,” she says and that’s when I understand that she’s trying to sober me up. I don’t want to be sober.

“What? They’re can’t be a situation on my birthday. Loosen up Gems. Have a drink,” I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes.

“It’s about Snow,” she tells me. I know she’s fine so why should I worry? Zach hasn’t been around in a month and she’s fine. She’s happy.

“What about her?” I ask with a smirk. I love that girl so much it makes me stupid.

“Well she left school early today in tears because she lost a friend and a certain someone is back,” she tells me. I stare at her blankly, not comprehending what she’s telling me. She rolls her eyes.

“Zach came back today and Madelyne refuses to talk to her,” she explains in greater detail for me. Zach’s back? Madelyne doesn’t want to talk to her? What the fuck is happening? All I know is that my blood is boiling.

“What? Why?” I stand up, anger consuming me. All I can see is black and red. I think I stood up too fast. Gemma makes me sit down again.

“You need to sober up a bit and call her,” she tells me. Nodding, a drink a lot more water, refusing any drinks that I’m offered. I need to sober up for Snow, even if it is only a little bit. She needs me and I’m out drinking. How selfish could I be?

“Whoa mate. What’s going on? Why so serious?” Liam jokes at me and I frown.

“Snow’s in trouble,” I tell him.

“Well, I’ll go get the batmobile so we can go rescue her my dear friend,” he says and dramatically flips around, walking away. Laughing at him hurts my head, but I still do it.

“What was that all about?” Zayn asks, taking a sip from his next drink.

“Snow’s in trouble so he’s going to go get the batmobile,” I chuckle. He does the same thing.

“Of course he is. How is he going to get a batmobile in here? Wait, Snow’s in trouble?” he asks me. I nod.

“You should call her after Harry. It is my understanding that you two have grown quite close,” Gemma tells him. He nods confused as he sets down his drink, closing his eyes. I take a sip of my water and hand him it afterwards. He thanks me, taking a sip. I close my eyes and get out my phone. It’s time. I dial her number, listening to it ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Hello?” I hear a raspy voice say on the other line. Damn. She’s been crying.

“Snow?” I question.

“Harry?” she asks a bit confused.

“You’re voice is a bit raspy. Are you okay?” I ask her.

“I just took a nap. Sorry,” she tells me.

“Did I wake you?” I ask immediately feeling bad.

“No. I’ve been asleep for awhile. I’ve had a long day,” she tells me.

“So I’ve been told,” I respond to her. God am I slurring?

“Gemma told you?” she asks me. I nod before remembering that she can’t see me so I chuckle.

“Yeah. Wanna talk about it?” I ask her.

“Not really. Besides, you’re drunk. What time is out there?” she asks me. Frowning, I take the phone down from my ear. I gasp at the time and put it back up.

“It’s probably like one in the morning,” I tell her. I notice her gasp from the other end.

“Get your nonexistent ass to bed now. I’ll talk to you when you wake up, yeah? Sleep well hun. Goodnight,” she says, trying to hang up the phone.

“Snow?” I question right as she almost disconnects.

“Yeah?” she questions.

“I love you. Don’t ever forget that.”

“I love you too baby,” she responds before hanging up. I smile a bit as I put my phone away.

“Okay. We’re leaving now,” Gemma says.

“Leaving where?” I ask.

“We’re flying out to see Snow. I’ve got us tickets and packed up all of your shit. Our flight leaves soon,” she tells me. I’m a bit surprised that she’s thought this through that much, but I’m glad that she has. I’m thankful actually.

“Okay. I need to make a phone call first though,” I tell her. She furrows her eyebrows, confused at who I may need to call. I take out my phone again, scrolling through all of my contacts until my fingers land on the one that I need. I press the call button.

“Hello?” a voice answers immediately.

“Are you doing anything?” I ask.

“No. Madelyne’s at work so nothing really,” he says.

“I need you to do me a favor James.”

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