Chapter 24: Moving On

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Chapter 24: Moving On

*POV: Snow*

Harry wraps his arm around me tighter, attempting to comfort me although I can’t enjoy it as much as I would like. I have too many thoughts swarming around my mind, a dangerous pastime I know.

I can’t help it though. All of the events from this afternoon replay in my head like a bad high quality movie, staring me as the role. Every caress Zach gave me, every kiss, every thrust, everything just keeps replaying. It doesn’t get better each time though, it just gets worse, reminding me that it was all real. This isn’t some movie or sick fantasy in my head. It’s reality and I have no idea what to do about it.

I know that calling the cops is the right thing to do, but I don’t want to face them. I’ve never been a fan of police officers and I don’t want to see their bored expressions if I tell them about the situation. They’d probably just shrug it off and file it, tossing it away. They’d probably never look at it again and what help would that be? None. I just see no point in causing even more unnecessary drama.

Plus, I’m afraid about what Zach would do if he found out that I told.

He’s never been one to deal with anger real well. That’s why he has always been on the wrestling team. That’s how he’d get his anger used up since he bottled it so much. It was scary to see him wrestle with Charlie when wrestling season was over. It would start out playful, but he’d turn more aggressive. Something that I’m all too familiar with now.

Crying a bit again, I snuggle into Harry’s chest, him comforting me as best as he could. I can’t believe that after me finally choosing who I wanted, the first day of us being free together, this happens. I go to break up with my boyfriend, get raped, swerve into a pole, and now am a sobbing mess. This probably isn’t how Harry planned our day at all. I feel even more bad now.

“Let’s watch a movie, yeah?” Harry asks me. I nod, hiding my puffy face in him even more. I don’t want anyone to see me this way. Soon enough, I feel a dip in the bed, letting me know that Louis and Niall have taken a seat at the end.

“What should we watch?” Niall asks, leaning back on the bed.

“I have the perfect idea,” Harry smirks. Not even looking up at him, I wait for him to pick a show with the Netflix. I feel his arm muscles flex underneath my head with every button he presses. It’s calming in a weird sense. I’d much rather focus on his arm flexing than earlier events.

“Snow babe. It’s your favorite movie,” Harry whispers, his lips pressed against my head. I feel his warm breath running across my scalp and it’s nice. I remove my head from my comfort zone to look at the screen. I can admit that I’m a bit surprised to see The Avengers loading. It’s a perfect movie for me, one with nearly no romance. I don’t want romance at this moment. I want comfort and distraction, not a reminder of what used to be.

Half way in to the movie, I’m dozing off. It’s definitely something that I’m ashamed of, but I’ve had a bad day. I deserve a little break, no matter how fearful I am of the dreams that might follow. I know that it’s just a dream, but that doesn’t make it feel any less fearful. At least I know that Harry will be here when I wake up. I slowly start to drift into unconsciousness, my heavy eyelids not wanting to stay open anymore.


“Snow? You need to wake up,” a soft voice whispers. I slowly open my eyes, the sounds from the credits filling my ears. I squeeze Harry tighter with a groan, before releasing myself and yawning.

“Niall and Louis are leaving. They have an early flight,” Harry tells me and I nod, slowly crawling out of the bed.

“Sorry guys. I must’ve fallen asleep sometime during the film,” I say quickly, stretching out my limbs.

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