Chapter 2:Unwanted Topics

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Chapter 2: Unwanted Topics

*POV: Snow*

~2 days later~

"MOUSE!" I scream at the top of my lungs and point towards the small creature on the floor. Madelyne and Summer look towards it and barely see it as it runs away, causing them to scream too. Madelyne books it out of the kitchen, into the living room while Summer, her little sister, jumps onto the counter with me. I swear that I am hyperventilating.

"Did you see it? It was super tiny and this close from my toe!" I screech while making the gesture with my fingers of how close it was to me. It was freakishly close. I am so disgusted right now, it isn't even funny. A woman's hatred and fear for rodents may surprise most because they don't understand to just what extent it is.

"It was so gross! You're aunt really needs to get that checked out," Summer says as she slides her fingers through her ginger hair.

"You know we have tried Summer. You know that she won't ever listen because she has pride. Plus, she'll just blame it on us, as normal saying 'you guys don't ever clean up after yourselves and that is why they are here.'" I finish with the imitation of my Aunt.

Summer grunts frustrated, "God does she need to grow up. She has rodents living in her home! And she can't blame everything on us. It isn't right."

"I know but what can we do?" I ask her. She shakes her head and is about to answer when we are drawn back to reality by the beeping of the microwave. My pizza pocket!

"I am not touching that floor again." I admit, afraid that a mouse is going to get me. I know it's an irrational fear because mice don't really do anything, but they're still nasty and I don't want to risk anything.

"Me either. Come on Snow, grab our food. You have longer arms and it is just right across from you," Summer pressures me. My stomach decides to growl right in that moment making me realize how hungry I am. I gulp.

I know that Summer is right.

I can't reach the microwave though so I make a risky move. I step off of the counter quickly and grab the hot pockets. I toss the plate onto the counter and jump so fast back onto the counter that it is unbelievable. Summer laughs at my sharp movements, making me a bit upset 'cause she forced me to do that. I stare sharply back at her. I can barely reach over and slam the microwave shut.

We begin to eat our food in silence. It is quite nice until she brings up a subject that I don't want to talk about. All it takes is two words and my good mood disappears.

"How's Harry?"

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, making me lose my appetite. I set my plate aside and hastily avoid her eyes, wanting an honest answer. I know she's mad at my behavior towards him, but can you blame me?

I thought that he liked me and he led me to believe that too. Naturally, I liked him back too, but then he just has to go and throw it in my face that he has a girlfriend, a popstar like him. I could never compete with that. So, I had to move on even though it still hurts because I really thought that we could've had a chance, but I was so wrong.

I do miss him though.

I shouldn't be freaking out over this so bad. I mean, he's moved on and I have too. Zach and I are dating again for real and not just for show like it was at first. He was really kind and didn't lead me on like Harry. He's really proved that he's changed and it was all for me. I love him for that.

"Nevermind then," Summer says getting annoyed.

"He's fine from what the tabloids have said," I try my best to casually respond, forcing a bite of my food down my throat.

"Stop this crap Snow. Man up and talk to him because he didn't do anything wrong," she snaps at me, taking me by surprise. We have never really talked about this subject, but I always thought that when we did she would take my side, not his.

"It's hard though," I mutter under my breath.

"Really? It's hard for you? I don't know how you didn't notice that he liked you all of that time, even when you were dating Ash. Yet, he still somehow found the courage and decency to speak to you even though it killed him inside," she responds getting frustrated.

"What makes you say that?"

"Maybe 'cause I was his friend too and it was more than obvious. I'm sorry that he moved on from you, okay? You couldn't lead him on forever and besides, you've moved on too so grow up," she explains and I know she's right, but I won't ever admit that. Instead I just bite my lip, thinking about all of this information she just told me.

Harry liked me? That can't be right. At all. We were always best friends and he always had his own flings with girls so I kind of thought we were just friends the whole time. I never though their was a possibility he could like me when we were both taken. That thought only occured to me even when we were both single.

I'm a horrible person.

"He probably hates me now so it doesn't matter," I defend myself.

"Stop it. He doesn't hate you and it's still not too late to fix things," she reprimands me, my shoulders falling because I know she's right. I avoid her eye contact.

"Whatever. You're so stubborn and you're going to regret it in life. Let's go back to the others now, yeah? They're probably worried sensless right now and I don't want to get more angry at your immaturity," she continues upon not getting a response. I nod, collecting myself enough to agree with her. I don't know why Harry is such a hard subject for me, but he is.

"Yeah. Let's go," I say putting my feet on the ground, but I feel a chill run up my spine and I remember the mouse from earlier. I immediately get back up. I hate my stupid childish fears. Summer rolls her eyes at me, too mad to even care about the mouse. She grabs my hand and pulls me off the counter causing me to bolt out of there with her laughing at me.

"What's going on?" Zach asks me, making an umph sound as I jump onto his lap. He laughs a bit afterwards though, securing his arms around my waist.

"She's still freaked out over the mouse incident in the kitchen. I don't know how she's still freaked out," Madelyne explains to everyone and they all laugh at me.

"But do you not understand just how disgusting mice are?" I defend myself.

"They're cute," Zach says and I shudder, pulling back from him causing his friends, Carter and Charlie, to laugh along as well.

"How am I dating you?" I gasp.

"It's only because you love me," he smiles, pinching my bum causing me to jump a little bit. I roll my eyes and move closer to him again.

"Strangely enough, I do," I admit and they all groan in disgust. That's when my phone ringing playing "Wipe Your Eyes" by Maroon 5. I glance at the caller I.D. to see that it's my mum calling me. Um, alright?

"I'll be right back," I say as I leave the room. Charlie looks at me a bit concerned, but I just shake it off.

"Hello?" I ask answering the phone as I sit on the bed in my aunt's room. Her little son, Josh, comes running in asking me to help him with some game.

"Hey. How's everything going?" she asks me and I sigh in relief knowing that this is just a normal check-up call.

"Everything's fine. Zach and the other boys are just about to go home so I can put Josh and the boys to sleep," referring to the later boys being my brothers. It's a bit late here, probably nine.

"Okay just checking. I'm about to head down to the bar," she tells me and I nod my head, glancing down at the mop of curls on Josh's head.

"Alright. I hope you have fun mum," I reply.

"I will. Be safe. Oh and you'll never guess who I saw today," she says and that's when I knew she just didn't call me to check up.

"Who?" I ask to be kind.

"Harry. The nice boy was looking for you."


A/N: Feedback?

Alex xx

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